iPhone Dev-Team har släppt Mac-versionen av PwnageTool och QuickPwn som jailbreakar programvaran 2.2.1 iPhone firmware.
Vi kommer inom kort att uppdatera alla våra guider med nya instruktioner. Notera att en Windowsversion av QuickPwn är att vänta snart.
----- 1. GYLLENE REGEL: Om du har en 3G iPhone med programvaran 2.2 firmware och vill behålla möjligheten att använda yellowns0w (eller valet att använda det i framtiden) använd då INTE QuickPwn, och använd heller inte den officiella ipsw eller uppdateringen via iTunes utan att använda PwnageTool. 2. Yellowsn0w fungerar INTE med baseband-versionen (02.30.03) som finns i 2.2.1 uppdateringen - du måste skapa en custom ipsw som tillåter dig att uppdatera säkert utan att påverka baseband. 3. Vänligen läs Alla punkter här innan du laddar ner och använder detta verktyg. 4. Läs punkterna 1, 2 och 3 om och om igen. 5. Längst ner i den här artikeln finns en bittorrentfil av den senaste versionen av PwnageTool och QuickPwn. 6. Dessa program passar för den nya 2.2.1 programvaran. 7. Yellowsn0w-versionen har uppdaterats till 0.9.7. Yellowsn0w går att hitta i både Cydia och Installer - denna version är jämförbar med pwned 2.2.1 system (not baseband) - igen - kom ihåg 0.9.7 yellowsn0w FUNGERAR INTE MED 2.2.1 (02.30.03) direkt - du måste använda en pwned version av 2.2.1 vilken inte uppgraderar baseband. 8. Användare av OS X 10.5.6 kan inte använda DFU-läge korrekt, se i slutet av denna artikel hur man lättast fixar detta. -----
hello guys,
i have bought a new iphone 3G from US and want to work with iphone in India .can u plz give me the whole procedure or suggest me the right direction to make iphone work for airtel carrier or vodafone carrier .what will good for me .
What baseband is your iPhone running? Go to setting, general, about iPhone and check. They can currently downgrade your baseband if need be if your iPhone has the right bootloader. There are tools to check this on cydis and if you search this site as well it has the information you need.
Hey Guys, I have a JB'd 3g but i use a pc. My boss has a mac and i am trying to score some brownie points by helping her out. i have tried both pwnage tool and qjikpwn for Mac with her and i keep getting error 21 when we try to load the custom firmware in itunes.
Any help or suggestions.
Thanks in advance
hoag34@hotmail.com Iphone 3g in subject line.
Basically as per Dev Teams advice DO NOT USE QUICKPWN PERIOD. it updates the baseband to 2.30.3 and there isn't anything that can unlock it to use another carrier (T-mobile which is the only other carrier to be used for the iphone) as far as jailbreaking you can use quickpwn but you totally cannot use yellowsnow using if its succesful. Dont make the same mistake I did if you have already your running into a heap of trouble to downgrade the baseband, and according to dev team and most other people who have downgraded the baseband if you MESS up the downgrade you can totally mess up the iphone if things are done out of order.
In order to do it correctly u have to use the pwnagetool provided by dev team to make a custom build of the iphone software not the IPSW by apple because that Upgrades the baseband with 2.30.3 firmware which doesnt allow yellowsnow to run at all.
IN short DONT USE QUICKPWN use PWNAGETOOL by dev team quickpwn was a sorry imitation and obviously wasnt looked into very much we were just all too eager.
Are you saying that you have unlocked 3G 2.2.1 basebadn 02.30.03? If yes, please let me know how did you do that? Everyone else is saying that baseband 02.30.03 has not been unlocked yet.
Please help!
good pm! can anyone advice me what or how to unlock my iphone 3g if the baseband is already in 2.30.3? i'd appreciate it very much! pls email me ---> xdrive_rrr@yahoo.com
I have the same issue as you. Already firmware 02.30.03 Do u know what can be done to reverse or jailbrake again and be able to download yellowsnow for it to work
Im sorry buddy no unlock option right now all you guys have to do is be patience and wait for our Dev Team to bring the new updated version of yellowsn0w and its to danger reversing the baseband.
The name says it. If you are an expert, use Pwnage; if not use the "quick" way. The main difference are the extras you can do, like customizing boot logos and stuff.
Working fine for me. I have the newest Macbook, updated 2.2.1 thru iTunes. I had to run Quickpwn twice before successfully getting into DFU mode. Thanks Dev Team
There is already a Windows Version of Quickpwn 22-1 for the 2.2.1 firmware. I downloaded it last night and jailbroke my iPhone 3G. It worked like a charm! The website to download it is: http://www.quickpwn.com/
I also wanted to add that the quickpwn link I posted above will still change the baseband and you won't be able to unlock your iPhone. If you need an unlocked phone or want your phone unlocked wait to here more about creating the custom ipsw file that will update to the 2.2.1 firmware without changing the baseband.