Ryan Petrich và Chpwn đã phát hành tiện ích ProSwitcher dễ dàng chuyển đổi qua lại các phần mềm chạy nền trên iPhone.
ProSwitcher 1.0 có thể cài đặt thông qua Cydia, source BigBoss Repository. ProSwitcher mang phong cách giao diện Palm Pre, tiện ích chuyển đổi qua lại giữa các phần mềm được tích hợp với SpringBoard đơn giản và nhẹ nhàng, không sử dụng Ram nhiều.
Để các phần mềm có thể chạy nền (background), bạn cần cài thêm phần mềm Backgrounder có thể tìm thầy dể dàng từ Cydia.
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Visually fun, but I went immediately back to Kirikae. I'd rather be able to see every running app in once glance and move an app to the foreground with a single tap rather than having to swipe/page through the background apps one screen at a time. I can't find the utility in seeing static snapshots that do no more than merely identify the app when the same screen real estate can show you an entire list.
I'd love to hear how others are finding ProSwitcher more useful than Kirikae, though.
Tried it...
Loved it....
Uninstalled it...
Started draining my battery in only a few hours without any use.. fix this drain if you can, this is a great plug in and something I'd pay for if it doesn't nuke my power
It's just a matter of preference. Kirikae just provides you with a list where Proswitcher gives you tiles to look at. They both operate the same where you can switch between backgrounded apps and you can also close the backgrounded apps from this program. Kirikae has always been really stable and smooth. I tried Multifl0w when it first came out and didn't like it because it wasn't very stable. Things could have changed now, but I didn't like the feel of it. I've tried proswitcher and really love it, so much so that I uninstalled Kirikae today. The only thing I miss from Kirikae is the FAV tab. I had about 6 apps listed that I could quickly launch without having to return to the home screen, but I liked the look and feel of Proswitcher that I felt I could just use spotlight to quickly launch those apps if I needed to.