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如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

Posted January 30, 2009 at 12:20pm by iClarified
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这个教程的内容是教你越狱和解锁你的2G iPhone. 现在支持最新的 2.2.1固件.

查看这个教程的 3G 版本请点击: 这里. 查看这个教程的Windows版本请点击Windows

你需要安装 iTunes 8.0.2 以继续...


好了,我们在桌面上先新建一个文件夹. 你需要在里面放入一些必备的文件. 两个bootloader文件 3.9BL, 4.6BL, Pwnage 2.2.5, 点击 这里 或者 这里来下载

你还需要一个 2.2.1 iPhone 固件.
2.2.1 (2G): iPhone1,1_2.2.1_5H1_Restore.ipsw

推荐使用Firefox来下载 IPSW文件!

如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

Step Two
双击配置 PwnageTool 文件.
如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

将PwnageTool图标拖入 Pwnage 文件夹然后运行.
如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

若有警告提示,点击 Ok 继续.
如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

确保点击上部菜单选择 Expert Mode进入专家模式.
如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

在显示的三个图标里对应选择你的iPhone或iPod. 如果选择无误,会显示一个大对号. 然后点击右下角的蓝色箭头继续.
如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

在"Browse for IPSW"页面添加IPSW文件,有些系统会自动查找固件,如果自动查找失败则点击Browse for IPSW文件手动添加。点击 Browse for IPSW... 后继续。.
如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

单击选择 IPSW 文件, 正确后仍然会显示对号. 然后点击右下角的蓝色箭头继续.
如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

***如果Enable Baseband update选项不是灰色的,表示可以选择升级!***
***2.2及以上固件至少要将要将系统分区(Root partition size)扩大一些,建议设为590MB!***
如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

Bootneuter设置中,勾选Neuter bootloader、Unlock baseband、Auto-Delete BootNeuter.app,没有必要一定要升级到4.6,然后点击右下角的蓝色箭头继续。
如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

Cydia设置中你可以预先安装第三方软件,Download packages,
如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

点击 Download packages标签后. 再点击 Refresh Refresh查看所有可下载的软件,双击软件即可下载。点击 Select Packages 标签可以查看已经选中的软件.
如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

The Custom Packages Settings menu displays listed package settings for your custom IPSW. For know leave these settings as is. Click the blue arrow button to continue.
如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

Custom Logos Settings 菜单可以让你替换启动的苹果图标. 点击 Browse 来选择你的启动和恢复图标.
如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

图片参数: RGB 或 灰度图像,小于 320x480. 若你想 iClarified 的可以在下面找到: Boot Logo, Recovery Logo
如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]


如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

这时会弹出提示窗口让你选择3.9BL文件,点Yes 并在Pwnage文件夹中定位3.9BL文件(BL-39.bin)。.
如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

点击你那个文件夹里的固件然后点 Open 完成选择.
如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

***: 上传完4.6 BL后,会问你是不是签约用户,如果点是,就不会继续进行解锁和激活,如果你的是加锁版,如果你希望顺利完成解锁,请点击No!

完成两个BL文件上传后,在弹出的save your custom .ipsw file窗口将IPSW文件存储在桌面上的Pwnage 文件夹中。
如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

如需要创建你的管理员帐户密码,点击 OK.
如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

如果进入DFU成功,Pwnage 会显示一条信息,iTunes会自动启动。
如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]


如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]

在弹出窗口中定位至桌面的Pwnage文件夹,选择刚刚自制好的IPSW文件(如iPhone1,1_2.2_5G77_Custom_Restore.ipsw) ,并点击Open。
如何 解锁/越狱 你的 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [更新至 2.2.1]



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Comments (635)
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j-dawg - March 6, 2012 at 11:18am
thanks! only issue was getting the link for the restored IPSW other than that just follow instructions and your Golden!
Tze Chyi
Tze Chyi - August 30, 2011 at 3:30pm
how to open my i phone after update to 4.3.5
xusha - July 13, 2011 at 5:27am
Rosalinda - September 21, 2012 at 12:52pm
Thank you so much for this artclie, it saved me time!
lucas ledford
lucas ledford - March 6, 2011 at 1:17am
I tried everything I could read, nothing worked until I read this, you are awesome!!! Just follow the guided steps and theres no way you can't unlock your phone. Thanks sooo much!!!
RE - February 1, 2011 at 2:06pm
Lorelai - January 15, 2010 at 10:01pm
This worked perfectly for me. I just followed the directions, didn't skip steps, and made sure I was selecting exactly what was pictured and now my 2g is syncing with iTunes as I type. I will definitely be recommending this to everyone.
Mark - May 31, 2010 at 5:00pm
Just released, unlock codes for all model iPhones at http://unlockiphone4free.blogspot.com/
coen - October 7, 2009 at 6:07am
I followed all the instructions and the Iphone still won't accept the sim card I trried and use. Where did I go wrong? How do I uninstall the program? Does anyone know any good iphone unlocking software? Thanks
Meredith - October 12, 2009 at 10:35am
If the above method does not work you can get your iPhone unlocked online by downloading some simple software. Try visiting http://unlockiphone4free.blogspot.com/ I got my iPhone unlocked quickly and easily using the unlock Apple iPhone software.
Jennifer M.
Jennifer M. - September 6, 2009 at 1:57am
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! this tutorial made everything easy as pie! I am really a dumbo when it comes to techy things like this, but I had nothing to lose when I effed up my iphone... I found this and am so relieved that everything is going to be okay! thanks so much again! great instructions!
Harold - September 3, 2009 at 10:02am
Hey I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for mentioning the trick with usb hub for users running OSX 10.5.6 I was pulling out what little hair I have trying to jailbreak my 2g. After hours of searching forums, threads, and guides I FINALLY came across this. Thanks again for the attention to detail.
Chloe Quiroga
Chloe Quiroga - August 29, 2009 at 5:09pm
if anyone knows what to do please email me at chloe.quiroga@hotmail.fr
Chloe Quiroga
Chloe Quiroga - August 29, 2009 at 5:07pm
This broke my iphone!! My iphone is just a black screen now. everything went fine until it was supposed to be restored in itunes-something went terribly wrong and now I have broken my iphone. I have no idea what to do
Raya - August 29, 2009 at 10:28am
its the first time im doing this but yet it doesnt ask me for the bootloaders
mohawk - July 29, 2009 at 6:16pm
I have iphone 2g with firmware 2.2.1 and planning to jailbreak the phone ,will it work with latest update of itunes v8.2.1.Can someone plz answer the question.
David - July 19, 2009 at 3:52pm
My phone won't shut off long enough for me to complete the final step of DFU. It just turns off for 4 seconds, but then restarts and reloads the image of a usb plug and an arrow pointing upwards towards the iTunes symbol. Any suggestions on how to turn it off completely long enough to fulfill the DFU step? Thanks. So far it's been very helpful.
steve - June 20, 2009 at 2:14pm
After installing 3.0 itunes is asking if I want to set up as a new iphone or restore with a backup from when I had 2.2 on this phone. WHich one should I select?
tj - June 18, 2009 at 9:04am
With the upgrade to the 3gs I assume that there will be many people trying to sell their 2g phones These people more than likly have itunes 8.2 like me. How do we go about doing this?
alice - June 18, 2009 at 7:15am
thanks so much it worked great!!! now i can use my phone in france!
Peter T
Peter T - June 15, 2009 at 5:42am
What a lifesaver !! It worked beautifully on both my wifes and my sons iPhones. Thank you so much !
Bob G
Bob G - June 4, 2009 at 10:44am
Followed this to the T - it's killed the phone, only "emergency phone calls".
Rohan Maheshwari
Rohan Maheshwari - May 27, 2009 at 5:38am
I upgraded my iphone software using this , ... and then my sim card stops to work , and it shows "NO SERVICE" .... why does this happen and what can i do :S... sme1 plz help
erfan - August 26, 2009 at 12:59am
i have the same problem, did you manage to fix it?
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