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如何在 iPhone 或 iPod touch 上透過 ActiveSync 設定 Push Hotmail

如何在 iPhone 或 iPod touch 上透過 ActiveSync 設定 Push Hotmail

Posted August 30, 2010 at 6:29pm by iClarified
EnglishChinese (Traditional)Greek
這是如何在 iPhone 或 iPod touch 上透過 ActiveSync 設定 Push Hotmail 的步驟。在設定完成後,你會在新電郵寄入時即時獲得通知,不需再等待預定的檢查時間才獲得通知。

從桌面中點選 設定
如何在 iPhone 或 iPod touch 上透過 ActiveSync 設定 Push Hotmail

從設定版面中點選 電子郵件/聯絡資訊/行事曆
如何在 iPhone 或 iPod touch 上透過 ActiveSync 設定 Push Hotmail

點選 加入帳號…
如何在 iPhone 或 iPod touch 上透過 ActiveSync 設定 Push Hotmail

在帳號選單中選擇 Microsoft Exchange
如何在 iPhone 或 iPod touch 上透過 ActiveSync 設定 Push Hotmail

電子郵件使用者名稱 兩欄輸入完整的 Hotmail 地址,然後再輸入密碼。 在右上方點選 下一步如何在 iPhone 或 iPod touch 上透過 ActiveSync 設定 Push Hotmail 如何在 iPhone 或 iPod touch 上透過 ActiveSync 設定 Push Hotmail

在伺服器欄中輸入 m.hotmail.com 然後再點選下一步
如何在 iPhone 或 iPod touch 上透過 ActiveSync 設定 Push Hotmail 如何在 iPhone 或 iPod touch 上透過 ActiveSync 設定 Push Hotmail

在選單中選擇你想使用的服務項目並點選 儲存
如何在 iPhone 或 iPod touch 上透過 ActiveSync 設定 Push Hotmail
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Comments (14)
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wreyt - May 21, 2015 at 4:03pm
It doesnt work i have sitt here maybe an hour and i dont find anything. Heellppppppp!!!!!
DJKJ ZG - October 30, 2014 at 9:20pm
Doesn't work on my iPad 4 either. There must be something wrong. Please help. Thanks.
DJKJ ZG - October 30, 2014 at 9:11pm
Doesn't work on iPhone 6 plus
Dawnmariern - August 4, 2014 at 2:52am
Whoever you are you are a genius !!! Thank you for the only instructions that actually work!!
Jo - June 16, 2014 at 3:42pm
Excellent!! Worked perfectly!! How can some normal person have this knowledge? Should be made simpler -.-"
Iphone PR
Iphone PR - August 6, 2011 at 8:40pm
Works perfect!!!!
Iphone PR
Iphone PR - August 6, 2011 at 8:40pm
Works perfect!!!!!
Iphone PR
Iphone PR - August 6, 2011 at 4:31pm
Did everything on the tutorial and it doesnt work. Help?
Gerardo - March 17, 2011 at 5:58am
Perfect!!! many thanks, It works excelent! I'm using iPhone 4 iOS 4.2.1 Is It posible to set up the same mail account configuration within Mail app in the Mac Book Pro? Thanks a lot! Gerardo
Azaz - August 31, 2010 at 7:14am
well it only works if you have only one email account if you are adding any more exchage account(hotmail, google, etc) it will not allow you. POOR
Dan - August 31, 2010 at 4:05pm
Ahh, so do you know how I can make it work? I have 2 gmails, 1 mobileme and 1 hotmail account that i'm syncing lol. Got mobileme on push, hotmail on fetch and gmails on manual.
Dan - August 31, 2010 at 2:55am
The application badge won't change and the sync capabilities are poor when you have your mails automatically redirected to a folder. Is there any other (legit) way of getting things to work?
Joe Cole
Joe Cole - August 31, 2010 at 1:32am
iClarified, great theme. I love autumn leaves :)
Mark - August 31, 2010 at 12:51am
push on hotmail for iPhone
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