Samozřejmostí je vydání iOS 7 společně s novými iPhony. iOS 7 má zcela nový 'plochý' design a řadu nových funkcí včetně Ovládacího centra, Notifikačního centra, vylepšeného Multitaskingu, AirDrop, vylepšené Fotky, nové Safari, Siri a nově zavedené iTunes Radio, což by mělo být inernetové rádio založené na hudbě, kterou posloucháte v iTunes.
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A little bit faster, a little bit better camera. Nothing new & exciting?? Boring! Fingerprint scanner? What for? Do we really need that? The main thing that most people are waiting for is a bigger screen size and it's still not gonna happen?? I think if they do that, they're not gonna have anything to do for next year model! Can't wait until until Wed to see how Galaxy Note 3 gonna kill iphone 5s!
This is funny... just the words of someone who probably believed the ads of Google.
4 cores CPU: What for? does any mobile app really need that? Does any app can actually take advantage of that? The answer is no. Why? Because all of those phones which does not have that will not run that app. Quad-core CPU - as any tech-savvy knows- only represents the way that the OS is taking and why it requires it. iPhone have Dual Core CPU because that's what the OS needs.
2GB of RAM? Can people be so blind? why do you require 2 or more GB's of ram in your pc? because the OS and/or the software on it need it.
Why Square Trade scores the iPhone with a 5 and the Samsung Galaxy with a 7.5? (Higher number means that the device is more prone to damage).
An iPhone gets obsolete after more than 3 years. A Samsung in just 6 months.
I would like to know how many different, old and new, can run the same OS version? Because the hardware changes? What a pathetic answer. They cannot even make their users feel important by extending their investment, big or small.
Samsung is like a Hyundai = Too many extras but keeps being plastic
Samsung Galaxy = have almost the same headphones color than iPhone, almost the same two colors as iPhone, even the same kind of wall charger!!!
OH! and by the way... before someone can say: "poor iPhone fanatic", I still use my faithful Nokia N8 with Symbian because it works for me. Why take sides along Apple? Give to the Caesar what belongs to Caesar.
I've used both iphone & samsung phones and I like them both but I have to say that after the first iphone, the first samsung android phone look similar to the iphone :) LG also had their first android phone but at least I could tell the difference, but the icons from the samsung and the iphone...hmm.... ;) But I have to say that after that, samsung really made leap & bounce. Same with Siri, again, Apple is also the first one, but S Voice and Google voice is much faster! Now comes iOS 7, the swipe from the bottom feature is... hmm... similar to android. And the new double tap to close the app feature....hmm.... reminds me of web OS. After all, we all learn from each other and make our own versions better, right?
Windows 8/Samsung clone??? What the neck? Did you born last year?
Samsung headphones = copy of iPhone headphones
Samsung Galaxy monochromatic colors = copy of iPhone
Samsung wall charger/usb cable = copy of iPhone's
Samsung central main button = copy of iPhone's
I will not even bother talk about Windows 8... at least if you would say "Windows Mobile"... maybe then
iPhone cannot be a clone of something that came way after itself... simple LOGIC