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Expose erscheint für's iPhone [Diesmal wirklich!]

Expose erscheint für's iPhone [Diesmal wirklich!]

Posted October 14, 2009 at 7:00pm by iClarified
Nachdem wir ein Konzept - Video von "Expose" für das iPhone sehen konnten, ist Steven Troughton-Smith die Umsetzung dessen gelungen.

Troughton-Smith ist Macher des erstaunlichen Programms Stacks, welches ein Einfügen verschiedenster Icons in das iPhone Dock ermöglicht, genau wie bei Mac OS X.

Nachdem wir ein Konzept - Video von Ocean Observations sehen konnten, welches wir wenige Tage zuvor gepostet haben, hat er Expose für das iPhone kreiert.

In Anbbetracht dessen, dass es eigentlich Spaces heißen wird, hat Troughton-Smith ein Demo - Video seiner Arbeit gepostet. Sie können es sich weiter unten ansehen.

Es werden noch diverse Änderungen vorgenommen, einschließlich möglichen UI Tweaks. Wir berichten darüber, wenn es verfügbar ist.

Mehr lesen [Thanks Aaron]

Expose erscheint für's iPhone [Diesmal wirklich!]
[Mögliche UI Änderungen]
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Comments (7)
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Kyle Flanagan
Kyle Flanagan - October 14, 2009 at 11:45pm
Looks cool. I wouldn't mind paying for this app at Saurik's store.
Carol Parker
Carol Parker - October 14, 2009 at 8:16pm
I looked for Stacks in the iTunes store and couldn't find it. Is it a jailbroken app?
ninhurt - October 14, 2009 at 11:24pm
ahuh, yup
David - October 14, 2009 at 8:07pm
I love this idea. However, it's a bit inconsistent with iPhone UI concepts. I'd love to see this implemented using a quick pinch gesture to trigger the birds-eye view of all the Springboard panes. This would be intuitive and not consume valuable space in the dock. If this isn't possible, then perhaps a right-to-left swipe across the status bar, to remain compatible with SBSettings (by using the opposite direction swipe).
ninhurt - October 14, 2009 at 11:26pm
agreed... or if it could be included in the standard settings app with an added option to trigger when the home button is pressed... for me that would be the simplest way to bring up Expose
BlackWolf - October 15, 2009 at 3:31am
yeah, I thought the same. This would be a nice feature if it could be easily activated from anywhere. and btw, yeah it should be called spaces, because expose is something completly different (but would be cool as well!)
Jethro - October 14, 2009 at 7:53pm
Now that's a smart idea!
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