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iPhone Dev-Team updatet UltraSn0w Unlock

iPhone Dev-Team updatet UltraSn0w Unlock

Posted November 9, 2009 at 3:45pm by iClarified
Das iPhone Dev-Team hat ein Ultrasn0w Unlock Update veröffentlicht, welches das Carrier Problem beseitigt.

UltraSn0w .92 wurde von MuscleNerd gepostet und beinhaltet 10 zusätzliche Code Stränge um das Carrier Logo Problem zu beseitigen. Zu finden ist dieses Update ganz normal über die repo.666.ultrasn0w.com Cydia Quelle.

Eine Anleitung, wie man das iPhone per Ultrasn0w unlockt, bekommst du hier. Und nicht vergessen: Du musst die 04.26.08 Version des Baseband haben.

[Update]: Die Beseitigung des Carrier-Problems wurde für folgende Länder bestätigt: Deutschland, USA, Thailand, Österreich, Trinidad, China, Kuwait, Serbien, Polen, Frankreich, Nigeria, Ägypten, Pakistan, Irland, UK, Türkei, Schweden, Schweiz, Malaysia, Ungarn, die Niederlande, Bahamas, Jamaica, Indien, Israel, Belgien, Kanada und Portugal.

iPhone Dev-Team updatet UltraSn0w Unlock
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Comments (11)
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Betelgeuse - November 10, 2009 at 9:46pm
Works for Japan too.
Sam - November 10, 2009 at 6:13am
Geohot is great. Dev team is falling behind. Its 3.1.2 fw now. Where r u dev team. Wake up. Have donated to geohot for his good work.
Dikson - November 10, 2009 at 5:33am
It works for Spanish carrier too
Shirwan Khan
Shirwan Khan - November 9, 2009 at 6:45pm
Firstly, I would like to say that I am completely impartial to the Dev Team v Geohot saga. However, I have been checking the Dev Team members tweets over the last few days, and they really are quite bitter towards Mr Hotz over Blacksn0w. They have lost the initiative and there importance to the unlock saga has diminished considerably. I'm all for the latest software and firmware, and think this is healthy competition, btw, i'm tilting towards the Geohotz camp!
GeoHot vs DevTeam
GeoHot vs DevTeam - November 9, 2009 at 5:58pm
Found an interesting article about devteam vs geohot! You descide who is better for you! http://hq.nu/j
Chris - November 9, 2009 at 3:43pm
Romania Carrier fix also. Tnx
JOSE RIBAS - November 9, 2009 at 9:23pm
Who care about ultrasnow any more if we all ready update to 5.11 we got geohot , Dev team are not # 1 any more.
Jay - November 9, 2009 at 2:11pm
Seriously? Why even? Geohot is going to kill the Dev Team, after using BlackRa1n and Sn0w.... I will never use Pwnage again unless its the only choice.
Buz - November 9, 2009 at 3:37pm
It seems for me that the the Dev-Team now are not anymore up to date....second why Cydia is sold to Microsoft ? Which secrete agreement they have with Apple ?
DNA64 - November 9, 2009 at 3:54pm
@Buzz, Cydia was never sold to Microsoft, that was an April fools joke.
joe - November 11, 2009 at 11:51am
the dev team is starting to go the way of winpwn they are falling behind because all of the little kid shouting match they are having with geohot instead of working on the new firmware jailbreaks like they use too i guess the dev team are following cmw into jailbreak history and are nolong interseted in doing this anylong because they seem to be acting sloppy and slowing down on pwnage and quickpwn release as of late including the last few firmware releases.
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