Realizar Jailbreak a tú iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G usando Greenpois0n (Mac)
Posted February 4, 2011 at 2:09pm by iClarified
Estas son las instrucciones de cómo hacer jailbreak a tú iPod Touch 3G y iPod Touch 4G usando Greenpois0n para Mac. Greenpois0n sólo soporta iOS 4.1.firmware. UseLimera1n if you want to jailbreak iOS 4.0, iOS 4.0.1, iOS 4.0.2.
Primer paso Abre tu navegador, elige y navega a: Pulsa el enlace Mac en la parte inferior de la imagen.
Segundo paso Cuando la ventana emergente aparezca, guarda la descarga en tú escritorio.
Tercer paso Haz doble click en el archivo descargado para extraerlo haz doble click greenpois0n para ejecutar la aplicación.
Cuarto paso Conecta tú iPod al mac, apágalo, realiza una pulsación larga en el botón Jailbreak.
Quinto paso Ahora serás guiado para poner tú iPod en modo DFU. Para obtener ayuda sobre esto pulsa aquí.
Se te pedirá que presiones y no sueltes el botón de encendido/apagado durante 3 segundos.
Continua presionando el botón de encendido/apagado; presiona y no sueltes también el botón home durante 10 segundos.
Suelta el botón de encendido/apagado; continua con el botón home pulsado durante 15 segundos.
Sexto paso Una vez tengas el iPod en modo DFU el jailbreak comenzará.
Séptimo paso Pulsa el botón Complete cuando la aplicación haya sido completada.
Verás en la pantalla de tú iPod mucho código pasar.
Octavo paso Trás esto el iPod se reiniciará y tendrá una nueva aplicación llamada Loader en tú Springboard. Presiona para ejecutarla.
Noveno paso Selecciona Cydia mediante una pulsación, luego realiza una pulsación larga en el botón Install entonces aparecerá la palicación Cydia.
Décimo paso Una vez se haya instalado correctamente Cydia se te preguntará si quieres eliminar el Loader de tú iPod. Pulsa el botón Remove luego el botón Home. Tú iPod se reiniciará automáticamente.
Undécimo paso Cuando tú iPod haya reiniciado podrás usar Cydia. Reliza todas las actualizaciones necesarias que te indique.
***Muchísimas gracias a todos el mundo que hace posible este jailbreak.
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when i was jailbreaking my itouch there are some errors.. i finished the download and it shows the logo of greenpoison.. but why is my icon loader on the springboard white, when ts suppsd to be green?
What kind of jailbreak is this root/mobile (I guess that's root/userland?) It seems there is a default user, sometimes that's root, sometimes that's mobile, which one is Greenpois0n use? How can I tell right off the bat? If I install lighttpd+php & run a whoami, is that a lighttpd user or the username I'm looking for?
if you have an 8 GB ipod it is 2G for sure.
also be advised that this is the final ver. (4.2.1) for this ipod no more updates.
i want to know as well will it support this model because redsn0w for some reason doesn't support this device
and this device is always forgotten.
please make some effort in making it support it.
this will be the last of it.
For what it's worth: 1. Read the documentation 2. Always make a backup 3. Relax; dont' do this or any other such things in a hurry 4. Your mileage may vary 5. Re-read and repeat.
Glad to see another option out there; I upgraded my iPT3G to 4.1 on Thursday PM right after the Limera1n jailbreak came came out; did my backups with TInyUmbrella, made sure my blobs were where they were supposed to be and then proceeded to install and run Limera1n. It took about 5 tries to get it right, but it did work. Patience is a definite virtue when it comes to jailbreaking...
Congratulations to the Greenpois0n crew; keep up the good work and here's hoping I don't need it, as the Limera1n worked just fine.
I have an iPT 3G and when I tried using this it failed at the verbose stage. It said that it couldn't find a file and so it actually told me "giving up" lol
When I tried to restart it, it got stuck at the apple logo too so I had to just restore it through iTunes. I lost everything but its better than it not working at all.
I did the JB with this on my iPT 3g and after I went to verbose mode, and completed until the installation of cydia - it hangs.. after couple of minutes my iPT went back to Apple logo and can NOT restart.. PLEASE HELP! I can't do anything now.. it's stucked at the Apple logo!