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Como realizar el Jailbreak en su iPhone 3GS usando RedSn0w (Windows) [4.2.1]

Como realizar el Jailbreak en su iPhone 3GS usando RedSn0w (Windows) [4.2.1]

Posted November 28, 2010 at 11:44pm by iClarified
EnglishPortuguese (Brazil)Spanish
Estas son las instrucciones sobre como hacer el jailbreak a tu iPhone 3G en el firmware 4.2.1 con RedSn0w para Windows. La versión para Mac de este tutorial es aqui.

No actualice al iOS 4.2.1 si ud. quiere hacer el unlock, ya que aun no hay un unlock para el baseband del iOS 4.2.1's

Si usted tiene un iPhone 3G con el nuevo bootrom sólo será capaz de realizar un jailbreak tethered en este momento. Esto significa que usted necesita a Redsn0w cada vez que haga un arranque (boot) en el dispositivo.

Paso uno
Cree una carpeta en el escritorio llamada Pwnage

Descargue RedSn0w desde aqui y coloquelo en la carpeta Pwnage. Igualmente, descargue la ultima version del firmware 4.2.1 desde el link que figuran mas abajo y pongalo en la misma carpete.

4.2.1 (3GS): iPhone2,1_4.2.1_8C148a_Restore.ipsw

Extraiga el ejecutable redsn0w.exe desde el RedSn0w.zip y coloquelo en la misma carpeta.
Como realizar el Jailbreak en su iPhone 3GS usando RedSn0w (Windows) [4.2.1]

Paso dos
Conecte el Iphone a su computadora y ejecute iTunes.
Como realizar el Jailbreak en su iPhone 3GS usando RedSn0w (Windows) [4.2.1]

Selecciones su Iphone desde la lista de dispositivos que aparece a la izquierda. Ahora, presione la tecla Shift y haga click sobre el boton Restore. El Restore es preferible, ya que no se crea ningun espacio perdido en su Iphone
Como realizar el Jailbreak en su iPhone 3GS usando RedSn0w (Windows) [4.2.1]

Vaya hasta la carpeta Pwnage creada en el escritorio y seleccione el archivo firmware 4.2.1 ipsw. Haga click en el boton Seleccionar para continuar
Como realizar el Jailbreak en su iPhone 3GS usando RedSn0w (Windows) [4.2.1]

Paso tres
Una vez que el iTunes haya terminado de actualizar el firmware seleccionado, ejecute redsn0w de la descargado y extraido anteriormente.
Como realizar el Jailbreak en su iPhone 3GS usando RedSn0w (Windows) [4.2.1]

Paso cuatro
Una vez que RedSn0w abra, presione el boton Browse
Como realizar el Jailbreak en su iPhone 3GS usando RedSn0w (Windows) [4.2.1]

Paso cinco
Seleccione el archivo del firmware 4.2.1 ipsw que descargamos anteriormente y haga click en el boton Open.
Como realizar el Jailbreak en su iPhone 3GS usando RedSn0w (Windows) [4.2.1]

Se le preguntara si su dispositivo es un modelo nuevo. Si es asi, presione el boton Yes; de otra forma, haga click en No. En estos momentos, solo se puede hacer un jailbreak untethered en los modelos viejos.
Como realizar el Jailbreak en su iPhone 3GS usando RedSn0w (Windows) [4.2.1]

Paso seis
Una vez que el firmware haya sido verificadohaga click en el boton Next pra continuar.
Como realizar el Jailbreak en su iPhone 3GS usando RedSn0w (Windows) [4.2.1]

Paso siete
RedSn0w ahora preparara los datos para el jailbreak
Como realizar el Jailbreak en su iPhone 3GS usando RedSn0w (Windows) [4.2.1]

Paso ocho
Desde esta ventana, podra seleccionar las opciones del jailbreak que ud desee.
Como realizar el Jailbreak en su iPhone 3GS usando RedSn0w (Windows) [4.2.1]

Verbose boot muestra informacion detallada en el momento del arranque de su dispositivo, esta opcion es normalmente requerida por usuarios avanzados.

Asegurece de que Cydia este seleccionado. Para este tutorial, tambien seleccionaremos Custom boot logo y Custom recovery logo.

Cuando haga click para seleccionar cada una de estas dos ultimas opciones (custom boot logo y custom recovery logo) un ventana de dialogo de windows se abrira solicitandole que elija las imagenes correspondientes. Localize las imagenes que vaya a usar y presione el boton Open.
Como realizar el Jailbreak en su iPhone 3GS usando RedSn0w (Windows) [4.2.1]

* Recuerde que las reglas para los archivos de imagenes de boot son: RGB o formato Grayscale con Alpha channel y un tamaño maximo de 320x480. Si desea usar los de iClarified los puede encontrar aqui: Boot Logo, Recovery Logo

Haga click en el boton Next para continuar
Como realizar el Jailbreak en su iPhone 3GS usando RedSn0w (Windows) [4.2.1]

Paso nueve
Ahora conecte el Iphone a la computadora pero verifique que este apagado antes de continuar y presione el boton Next
Como realizar el Jailbreak en su iPhone 3GS usando RedSn0w (Windows) [4.2.1]

Paso diez
RedSn0w ahora lo guiara paso a paso para arrancar el iphone el el modop DFU here
Como realizar el Jailbreak en su iPhone 3GS usando RedSn0w (Windows) [4.2.1]

Presione ambos botones a la vez Home y Power durante 10 segunos.
Como realizar el Jailbreak en su iPhone 3GS usando RedSn0w (Windows) [4.2.1]

Libere el boton Power pero continue presionando el boton Home hasta que RedSn0w detecte el dispositivo.
Como realizar el Jailbreak en su iPhone 3GS usando RedSn0w (Windows) [4.2.1]

Paso once
Su Iphone ahora se reiniciara
Como realizar el Jailbreak en su iPhone 3GS usando RedSn0w (Windows) [4.2.1]

Paso doce
RedSn0w ahora comenzara a cargar el nuevo RAM Disk y el Kernel.
Como realizar el Jailbreak en su iPhone 3GS usando RedSn0w (Windows) [4.2.1]

Paso trece
Una vez completado se le avisara que RedSn0w ah terminado. Haga click en el boton Finish. Cuando su Iphone termine se reiniciara, esto lleva aproximadamente 5 minutes y quedara hecho el jailbreak con el icono de Cydia en el SpringBoard.
Como realizar el Jailbreak en su iPhone 3GS usando RedSn0w (Windows) [4.2.1]

Si tiene un nuevo modelo de Iphone 3GS y realiza un tethered jailbreak, podra usar Redsn0w para ayudarlo a arrancar su dispositivo con el jailbreak realizado. Simplemente seleccione Just boot tethered right now desde las opciones de Redsn0w y haga click en Next.
Como realizar el Jailbreak en su iPhone 3GS usando RedSn0w (Windows) [4.2.1]

*Como de costumbre, un gran agradecimiento para el iPhone Dev-Team, por su ardua labor y contribucion a la comunidad iPhone
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Comments (185)
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akirawi - February 26, 2011 at 5:46pm
The title of this tutorial is wrong! iClarified wake up! that's for Iphone 4 not 3GS and mac not windows!
Gurvin - February 16, 2011 at 11:07am
iclarified standard is dropping... 1. The firmware file download link is for iphone 4 not 3gs 2. The tutorial says "for windows" yet the screenshots and instructions are for mac 3. In the screenshot too the iphone 4 firmware is shown instead of iphone 3gs. Waste of time
jorge - February 5, 2011 at 12:11pm
i cant download this link as an ipsw iPhone2,1_4.2.1_8C148a_Restore.ipsw it only does it as a zip file and wont show up when i try to restore my iphone. can anyone help
Thomas - February 4, 2011 at 8:34am
I got finally got this working. This is what I ended up doing. I ended up restoring in the official manner via itunes since I don't care what my baseband is, i don't need to unlock. The official restore will update BB to 05.15.04 on iphone 3gs so don't do it if you need to unlock. I then had to us the official IPSW I downloaded from apple for the choose your IPSW step of this tutorial. Don't us the IPSW from the link above if you did the official apple restore. This is found at %Userprofile%\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates it might be in different location for some people. Once i did that it was worked great. I for some reason could not downgrade must be a blob problem. Cydia says i have all blobs from 4.0 and greater stored and i uploaded before i restored. Not sure what's happening. i have seen at least 2 different addresses for saurik's server maybe one is incorrect.
Thomas - February 3, 2011 at 5:31pm
Hello. I have been at this for quite some time and have had zero luck. I get into DFU and when I hit waiting for reboot everything just stops. nothing get rebooted nothing happens at all. All i can do is reboot the thing normally. got redsn0w running in xp sp3 mode and as admin. Any suggestions would be great. thanks
Lime is so sour
Lime is so sour - February 1, 2011 at 7:10pm
I had limera1n installed back in 4.0.2 and when i upgraded my iphone 3Gs with redsn0w i keep getting stuck on exploiting limra1n part of install. The install would just stay there. I tried restoring my iphone but didnt help. Help plz :(
prmzin - January 29, 2011 at 4:30am
topic says jailbreak and unlock for iphone 3gs on windows but the tutuorial says for 4 on mac
jimmy - January 24, 2011 at 10:12pm
i jailbroke and then when trying to reboot after cydia is installed and installing roqy app all i have is the apple logo screen! please help! what do i do?? phone will not reboot normally!
Alex - January 18, 2011 at 11:43am
I did it, and the Jailbreak and Unlock worked out perfect. --- BUT! --- I'm having problems with Push notifications, I RECEIVE NOTIFICATIONS THAT DON'T BELONG TO ME, on Twitter, Whatsapp, Facebook, etc... Anyone is having the same problem?
Phil - January 18, 2011 at 9:31am
folks, it says above "If you are on 05.14 or 05.15 or higher you will need to do this to unlock." well, I am with a GS on software v4.0 with modem fw 4.26.08. would I need to upgrade to the v6.x modem firmware, too, to unlock? also, how to keep my baseband (if possible) at v4.26,08? I mean, when I restore to default firmware 4.2x using rightclick restore in itunes then it would upgrade the baseband also, wouldn't it?
Stephen - January 31, 2011 at 2:16pm
I would upgrade and leave your baseband the same look for the tutorial to upgrade with out screwing up baseband. My baseband is still 4.03 from back in the day
CASTLE - January 17, 2011 at 5:30am
when i restore my 3gs iphone firmware. in the end it shows error.(the iphone could not be restored an unknown error occured (1015), pls help me . i would be very greatful to you.
jj - January 10, 2011 at 3:13am
the download link for the redsn0w program doesn't seem to work...is there somewhere else i can download the program?
marvin - January 8, 2011 at 11:53am
I am stuck at "waiting for reboot" screen. Any work around ideas? thx
shom - January 8, 2011 at 4:51am
I got everything ok, But everytime my phone turns power off or goes dead (no battery) it will not get on again, unless I launch RedSn0w, plug the iPhone in and select “just boot tethered” to kick boot my iPhone 3gs. This is very annoying as it means I have to carry a computer with me.
iphone3gs old bootrom
iphone3gs old bootrom - January 6, 2011 at 11:47am
i'm using an iphone 3gs that has the old bootrom. after jailbreaking with redsnow, i found that it shows the white cydia icon. very strange.
capitanloria - January 8, 2011 at 12:18pm
Why nobody read the complete tutorial... man, there is one more step u need to go throw.... read the last 2 or 3 instruccions...u need to do the complete process one last time and you are set!!! the diference is that u use the window for unlock only.... and...done!!!!
julieb - January 5, 2011 at 7:09pm
Hi there. I have a 3Gs, 3.1.3., fw 05.12.01, it is jailbroken and unlocked. I would like to update to atleast 4.1 but not sure how. I did download the ispw file. Would I just need to go to iTunes and shift click the restore and go to the ispw file??? Thank you for your help in advance. :)
Nina - January 5, 2011 at 11:07pm
Yes Julieb, you can do that without upgraded your baseband so you can keep your baseband and do the unlock, don't use redsnow
julieb - January 6, 2011 at 12:54pm
Hi Nina, thanks for the response. I am a bit anal and a n00b at this. So I just want to make sure I got this right. I can go to iTunes click restore to 4.1 then after that I will have to take the steps to unlock again? Correct. Sorry if I sound dumb but I just want to make sure I do this correct. I had my iPhone for about 5 months just sitting there because I had the new bootrom and could not unlock it yet. Then Came across a chatroom that kept me updated but the chatroom is no longer there or their hiding.. :) So just want to double check.. thank you so much. Julie
julieb - January 6, 2011 at 1:13pm
Nina, I did the click restore to the 4.2 and itunes said that there was an error. Then when I boot my phone up it says to plug into itunes... I think I am messed up here. Any help would be much appreciated.. sigh..
julieb - January 6, 2011 at 1:15pm
iTunes says the phone is in recovery mode??
Nina - January 6, 2011 at 2:26pm
Hi julieb you have to hold shift key and hit restore and use tinyumbrella to kick the device out off recovery mode and use limer1an to jailkbroken, after all that u will have cydia and u can unlock with ultrasnow in cydia
julieb - January 6, 2011 at 3:15pm
Thank you Nina... I have got my phone back after using Tinyumbrella. Maybe it is not meant for me to update my phone. I am on 3.1.3 and fw 5.12.01 Jailbroken/Unlocked I was just wanted to update the OS to atleast 4 because some of the apps on Cydia or Apple are not compatible with 3.1.3... I really don't want to stay where I am at. thank you so much again.
julieb - January 6, 2011 at 3:35pm
I did the steps again and it said done but it didnt change anything. Same OS and fw... not sure what I am doing wrong..
Sonapan - January 4, 2011 at 12:00pm
Link for download RedSn0w is unviable.
Lucia - January 1, 2011 at 4:39am
HELP! The link to redsnow on this tutorial doesnt work. Can someone help me with where else I can download it from as I have tried it multiple times and it says google cant find it as i use google chrome internet browser and that there is an error
ret - December 30, 2010 at 11:23pm
i cant dl redsnow 0.9.6b5 from tat link anyone can send? a new link?
Imran Khan
Imran Khan - December 31, 2010 at 5:10pm
im having the same problem and its driving me nuts!
harsha gujjar
harsha gujjar - December 17, 2010 at 4:19am
hi i am new to iphone and i did jailbreak 4.2.1 with all baseband and all but after unlocking when i rebot that it the phone just stand still with apple logo if i have to start it again i have boot from redsnow every time help to over come this prob
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