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Como Jailbreak su iPhone 4 Usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1]

Como Jailbreak su iPhone 4 Usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1]

Posted June 16, 2012 at 4:09am by iClarified
EnglishPortuguese (Brazil)Spanish
Estas son las Instrucciones de como jailbreak su iPhone 4 en iOS 5.1, Usando RedSn0w para Windows. Para la version en Mac por favor haga click AQUI

Al Actualizar su Iphone a iOS 5.1 a traves de iTunes, tambien causara la actualizacion del baseband, eliminando potencialmente sus posibilidades de desbloqueo. Por favor haga click AQUI para ver las instrucciones en como actualizar a iOS 5.1 usando un "custom ipsw" en caso que usted necesite desbloquear su Iphone.
Este jailbreak es "Tether" lo que significa que usted debera conectar su telefono a la computadora cada ves que se reinicie. Finalmente, sera prudente guardar sus SHSH Blobs, siguiendo ESTE enlace vera las instrucciones de como hacerlo.

Si usted quiere jailbreak a una version anterior de firmware, AQUI podra encontrar las instrucciones apropiadas.

Primer paso
Crear una carpeta en su escritorio y llamela Pwnage

Descarge la ultima version de RedSn0w de AQUI y coloquelo en la carpeta "Pwnage". Igualmente, descarge el firmware 5.1 AQUI y coloquelo en la misma carpeta. (Nota: Usted no necesitara descargar el firmware 5.1 si ya esta instalado en su iphone)

Haga doble click en el archivo para extraer su contenido.
Como Jailbreak su iPhone 4 Usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1]

Segundo Paso: (Usted puede saltar este paso si el iOS 5.1 ya esta instalado en su iPhone)
Conecte su a la computadora y inicie iTunes.
Como Jailbreak su iPhone 4 Usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1]

Seleccoine su iPhone de la lista a la izquierda. Entonce mientra oprimes la tecla Shift haga click en el boton Restore. "Restore" es preferido pues asi no se creara espacio desperdiciado en un iPhone.
Como Jailbreak su iPhone 4 Usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1]

Navege a su carpeta Pwnage en el escritorio y seleccione el firmware 5.1 ipsw. Haga click en el boton Choose para continuar.
Como Jailbreak su iPhone 4 Usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1]

Ahora iTunes actualizara su iPhone con el nuevo firmware.

Tercer Paso
Iniciar la aplicacion redsn0w desde la carpeta que extrajo anteriorment. Tambien lo puede hacer con click derecho y asegurece de seleccionar Run as Administrator en el menu.
Como Jailbreak su iPhone 4 Usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1]

Como Jailbreak su iPhone 4 Usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1]

Cuarto Paso
Una ves que abra RedSn0w, haga click en el boton Jailbreak Como Jailbreak su iPhone 4 Usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1]

Quinto Paso
Conecte su iPhone a la computadora y asegurese q este apagado, entonces haga click en el boton Next
Como Jailbreak su iPhone 4 Usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1]

Sexto Paso
RedSn0w le guiara en los pasos de como poner su iphone en modo DFU. Tambien AQUI Podra encontrar ayuda e instrucciones de como poner su Iphone en DFU
Como Jailbreak su iPhone 4 Usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1]

Mantenga apretado el boton Home y el boton Power por 10 segundos.
Como Jailbreak su iPhone 4 Usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1]

Suelte el boton Power mientras mantiene apretado el boton Home hasta RedSn0w detecte su iphone.
Como Jailbreak su iPhone 4 Usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1]

Septimo Paso
Ahora su Iphone sera explorado con limera1n y reiniciara
Como Jailbreak su iPhone 4 Usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1] Como Jailbreak su iPhone 4 Usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1]

Ocavo Paso
RedSn0w preparara el paquete de datos para jailbreak.
Como Jailbreak su iPhone 4 Usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1]

Noveno Paso
Seleccione Cydia de la lista de opciones y haga click en Next.
Como Jailbreak su iPhone 4 Usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1]

Decimo Paso
Su iphone reiniciara nuevamente y RedSn0w comezara a cargar el nuevo RAM Disk and Kernel.
Como Jailbreak su iPhone 4 Usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1]

Decimo-Primer Paso
Una vez completado Redsn0w le notificara que ha terminado. Cuando su iPhone termine de reiniciar (Aproximadamente 5 minutos) ya estara "jailbroken" y con Cydia en el SpringBoard.
Como Jailbreak su iPhone 4 Usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1]

Como Jailbreak su iPhone 4 Usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1]

Iniciar "TETHERED"
Abra nuevamente Redsn0w para reiniciar el iphone en "tethered".

Primer paso
En el menu principal de RedSn0w haga click en el boton Extras.
Como Jailbreak su iPhone 4 Usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1]

Segundo paso
Una vez en el menu de "Extras" Just boot.
Como Jailbreak su iPhone 4 Usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1]

*De nuevo le damos las gracias al iPhone Dev-Team and Geohot por su trabajo y contribucion a la comunidad de iPhone.
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Comments (80)
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jaiganesh - October 31, 2013 at 4:10pm
i am using iphone 4 japan which was jailbreak by redshow and i update latest ios 7.0.2 then mobile ask about insert sim card, i do no what to da ,i want to jailbreak new ios or old ios help me
althea - July 8, 2013 at 10:47am
hi my iphone4 locked from japan can i jailbreak it using redsnow? version is 4.2.1 modem firmware is 03.10.01 storage 16 gb. Thank you
althea - July 8, 2013 at 10:43am
hi im from philippines i have my iphone4 4.2.1 locke from japan can i unlocked this version is 4.2.1 modem firmware is 03.10.01 storage 16 gb. thank you
hartred - March 11, 2013 at 1:45pm
i followed all the steps but the cyndia icon is plane white and cant open it what will i do help pls??
Pogz - February 26, 2013 at 2:27am
thanks a lot...
Ali - February 5, 2013 at 1:30pm
is any one simply answer that can i unlock iPhone 4 from japan lock from softbank...! if any one know please help and reply...!
Ashwin - February 5, 2013 at 1:55pm
Yes, u can jailbreak 5.1.1 with this software. To unlock you should have old base band(moderm firmware). That should start from 1.X.
Hsn - February 6, 2013 at 4:14am
I have iphone 4 (4.2.1) on bb: 4.10.01 Can i upgrade it to 5.1 using this method? last time i tried with sn0wbreeze i got error 3194 and all sorts of errors in the itunes. Do i need tiny umbrella or stuff like that in the background or will it work just like that Any help plz?
Sojib - February 6, 2013 at 5:41am
Dear Bro. My iPhone 4 locked by Softbank Japan. Version : 4.3.5 (8L1) Modem Firmware : 04.10.01 Can i factory unlock it? If yes kindly tell me accurate procedure. Thanks.
Ashwin - February 6, 2013 at 11:11am
Ali With out giving proper info about its difficult to reply u.
Sojib - February 7, 2013 at 3:50am
@ Ashwin. Plz give my question answer.
Ali - February 26, 2013 at 9:58am
I have Iphone 4, 5.1 Softbank Japan.. want to unlock and use sim card.. please help
Ali - March 1, 2013 at 11:13am
Hi Ashwin, my iphone is 4.. 5.1, Factory lock from Japan.Please help how to unlock and use sim card in Bangkok or Dubai..!
Ali - March 12, 2013 at 12:49pm
So after that can i use sim card in it?
rohit p
rohit p - March 3, 2014 at 7:49am
Hi Ashwin I want some help from you bro actually i have an iPhone 4 white (32 GB) from Softbank Japan. IOS version 6.0.1, firmware: 04.12.02 and i want to unlock it in India by any method. i already ask by others in market and other sites but they were unable to help. Please let me know how can i unlock it. or it can be unlock or not? really need your help bro. just reply in my mail i would be very thankful to you :)
roshan max
roshan max - June 17, 2015 at 9:54am
dearmare u unlock ur phone,
Sojib - February 5, 2013 at 10:20am
Can i jailbreak my iphone 4 came from japan? Please help me someone.
Joss - February 5, 2013 at 10:26am
Yes you can. Use redsn0w. And if your iPhone is on older BB. You can unlock unlock installing ultrasn0w. Enjoy!!
Sojib - February 5, 2013 at 11:19am
My Phone : Carrier lock by SoftBank JPN. Can i unlock it properly? Please help me in my email address. Thanks
Ashwin - February 7, 2013 at 8:15am
Plz give me the proper information so that i can help u. Modem firmware and OS is what i need to reply if u can unlock. Settings - General - About - Modem Firmware
ashwin - February 7, 2013 at 8:16am
Sojib Plz give me the proper information so that i can help u. Modem firmware and OS is what i need to reply if u can unlock. Settings - General - About - Modem Firmware
Sojib - February 12, 2013 at 3:49am
@ ashwin, MODEL: IPHONE 4 16GB BLACK iOS: 4.3.5 firmware version 04.10.01 If you have any solution let me know plz,
sreenu - August 6, 2013 at 1:55am
hi Aswin, i have Softbank iphone 4 , 32GB.. can you please help me to how can jailbreak my iphone 4.. and provide the price to the process.. thanq
mohsen - January 12, 2013 at 2:17pm
error 3194?????
oliver - January 11, 2013 at 5:12am
i followed everything and worked out great but the cydia icon in my phone is just white and i can't open it.... help please
Jamaruu - December 16, 2012 at 9:11am
Hey, I did the jailbreak but I encounter a small problem. My phone doesn't start untethered, it strats but I can't access cydia or safari... Solutions anyone ? Ios511 iphone4 neverlocked. Bb4.12.2
nauzil - December 30, 2012 at 5:00am
download rocky raccoon ios 5.1.1 from cydia
Santiago - December 10, 2012 at 6:00am
I have an iPhone 4 factory unlocked (can work with any sim card or phone company that I want). I think it originally came with iOS 4.3.3 and I already updated the iOS and jailbreak many times. Nowadays I have it with iOS 5.0.1 already jailbroken.. I'd really like to update to iOS 5.1.1 and jailbreak it. My question: If this iOS update and unthetered jailbreak to 5.1.1 still possible at the moment? or I will end up with a "blocked" iphone, because of the erros in the process, with no other choice that updating to iOS 6.0.1 (current official) with no jailbreak at all. Hope it understands what I'm asking.. Please, someone answer.. Thanks!
ali - December 9, 2012 at 10:49am
i jailbreak my phone but any one tell me how to active my Sim car because my iphone 4 5.1 is factory lock from softbank japan..! please help if any one know..
rihaan - January 9, 2013 at 11:24am
dude juz use redsnow and preapre to jailbreak with ua used ios and juz select deactive ty
Edwin de Vries
Edwin de Vries - November 28, 2012 at 5:07pm
I tryed to jailbreak my iPhone 4 with IOS 6.0.1 with RedSn0w. I follewd the instructions. Everything is going well till the Reboot. When I Reboot the divece ill get de message "missing Keys.plist data for this build". What can I do too solf this? Please help me somone Thanks.
rihaan - January 9, 2013 at 11:18am
dude juz open redsnow and so to select ipsw option den select ios 6.0 verion den go bak to jailbreak ua phone will b jailbreaked buh safri and cydia wont work ty
choco_ju - October 16, 2012 at 7:41am
Now apple close the sign off on 5.1.1 and if I am on JB iOS 4.1, how to upgrade to JB 5.11? new to JB thx alot
jack - December 16, 2012 at 4:35pm
If you saved your blobs or they available just use the jailbreak program to install your IOS and then jailbreak from there. I personally use iFaith and Tinyumbrella to do it, long winded I know but old habits die hard.
tcr - September 22, 2012 at 8:08pm
i just tried today moving from 4.3.3 to 5.1.1 but apparently apple has stopped signing 5.1.1 , i tried everything , with editing hosts file and adding with original 5.1.1 on desctop and laptop both 1600 error , tried with tiny umbrella again 1600 error . Tried cleaning hosts file i get 3194 cos appla stopped signing 5.1.1 . I tried stiching and restoring , everytime i restore i restore in DFU , and i got stuck in a restore loop which was only able to be fixed by using the clean restore from itunes ( clean hosts ) to 6.0 how can i restore to 5.1.1 because i need cydia !
Manuka - September 27, 2012 at 2:25am
I'm getting the same issue as you man. Need to upgrade to 5.1.1 and I keep on getting a 3194 error.
kdv - September 27, 2012 at 6:22am
i got stuck with this error too.. need help sir.. thanks
muerto - September 27, 2012 at 3:22pm
have you been able to find the solution if so please post it as also need to update my phone. cheers
tcr - September 30, 2012 at 9:29am
Found the solution : after u get -1 error from what i described above , and get stuck in restore . What worked for me is redsn0w-> then extras(or more) -> recovery fix . It tells u to turn off ur phone so u can click next for the next steps to enter DFU , but thats impossible , the power button turns off ur phone for 3-4 seconds so what u need to do is just HOLD BOTH POWER AND HOME for about 10 seconds , the screen will go black , then after 10 seconds release the power button .. and couple of seconds later , text , bootloader loading on the iphone appears , then leave ur phone do the rest . THen u can freely jailbreak
kdv - September 30, 2012 at 4:04pm
still doesn't work for me.. error 3194.. btw, im using new BR.. thanks
Ahmed Asem
Ahmed Asem - September 18, 2012 at 6:28pm
tnx dev team
kuro - September 15, 2012 at 2:20pm
AWESOME !!!!!!
Pinero - September 15, 2012 at 8:07am
amber - September 12, 2012 at 8:22pm
It keeps getting hung up on waiting to reboot. I am trying version redsn0w 0,9,13dev3. Any ideas.
Sugan - September 11, 2012 at 6:32am
awesome!! Jailbroken... wow
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