L' Untethered jailbreak bug di I0n1c non è corretto in iOS 4.3.3
Posted May 4, 2011 at 2:26pm by iClarified
L' Untethered jailbreak bug di I0n1c non è stato corretto nell'ultimo firmware iOS 4.3.3 appena rilasciato, secondo comex.
@i0n1c's bug is not patched in 4.3.3. #whatisthisidonteven
Questa è un eccellente notizia per coloro che sono interessati allo sblocco poiché saranno presto in grado di eseguire l'untethered jailbreak di iOS 4.3.3.
Come al solito raccomandiamo di aspettare prima di aggiornare e assicurati di salvare i tuoi SHSH blobs (Windows, Mac).
Vi faremo sapere al più presto quando un jailbreak untethered per iOS 4.3.3 è disponibile.
Hopefully this update/jb fixes the issue w/the app store continuously crashing when you try to DL a new app/other random app crashes. (Unless there's a fix I'm not aware of...)
It's all becoming clear now the dev team sold out to Apple. In agreement to not release an unlock, Apple in return will let the dev team take credit for not sealing up the jailbreak. Sad just sad.
Next week IOS 4.3.4 is going to be out and will include aimara language, then 4.3.5 with a new and nice ringtone, then 4.3.6 with a pretty theme, and so on... I am tired of apple´s upgrades.
Either release something relevant or don't at all. I don't know when it became established that it's okay for a software to be released incomplete just to be patched over and over.
That's great! But for those of us with 01.59.00 baseband we will still have the low signal bar baseband mismatch. Ultrasn0w however breaks MMS and VVM for those of us on AT&T. Does anyone know if it has been updated to fix this problem?