GeoHot geslaagd in het Jailbreaken van iPod Touch 3G
Posted October 7, 2009 at 6:02pm by iClarified
GeoHot is er in geslaagd de derde generatie iPod Touch te Jailbreaken. Hij postte een foto op zijn blog ter bewijs.
Voor degene die niet kunnen wachten om hun iPhone of iPod te jailbreaken, GeoHot is van plan zijn nieuwe jailbreak tool waarschijnlijk morgen uit te brengen.
Deze tool maakt het mogelijk elke iPhone OS te jailbreaken, ook OS 3.1.
10 seconds. and may work for every version of software *ever*, based on the prettiness of the exploit
Geohot, You are the man.
Can anybody tell me the ETA............. cos my iphone 3gs os.3.1 cant use. will this software work for 3gs so.3.1.
Thanks all............
Do I have to back up my iPhone or does this leave My SMS/contacts untouched? If it wipes my phone, how can i back up my SMS etc.? Will the iTunes backup mess things up for me? Thanks!!
Oh, I didn't realized that. Will this work with 3GS as well? My impression this only works with 3G or iPod Touches. I could be wrong again. I'm calm don't worry.
Ya know, after this, I think I'm gona go as far as saying I wouldn't mind having a brain transplant with this kid. Or maybe just exchange a few cells.
Just kidding.
Good job dude, you've done it again. Congrats on being so damn badass!