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Jak odblokować swoje AppleTV używając ATV USB kreatora.

Jak odblokować swoje AppleTV używając ATV USB kreatora.

Posted October 1, 2008 at 11:58pm by iClarified
To jest instrukcja jak strorzyć i zainstalować SSH przy użyciu kreatora ATV USB i odblokować swoje AppleTV.

Przed rozpoczęciem potrzebny będzie USB PenDrive, który zostanie sformatowany do pojedyńczej partycji Mac OS Extended (Journaled) przy użyciu GUID Tablicy Partycji. Możesz znaleść w instrukcji jak to zrobić here.

Krok pierwszy
Pobierz ATV USB Creator z tutaj i zapisz na pulpicie.

Krok drugi
Klikając dwa razy rozpakuj archiwum atvusb-creator-1.0.b10.zip na pulpicie. Następnie uruchomatvusb-creator1.0.b10, gdzie będziesz mógł utworzyć USB AVT Penstick.

NOTE***: Nie jestem pewien co do przestrzeni!
Jak odblokować swoje AppleTV używając ATV USB kreatora.

Krok trzeci
Podłącz USB Stick do komputera.

Krok czwarty
W katalogu atvusb-creator 1.0.b10 , uruchom ikonę atvusb-creator
Jak odblokować swoje AppleTV używając ATV USB kreatora.

Krok piąty
Zostaniesz poinformowany o aplikacji ciągniętej z internetu. Kliknij na przyciskOpen.
Jak odblokować swoje AppleTV używając ATV USB kreatora.

Krok szósty
Z pola Choose an Installation wybierz ATV-Patchstick.
Jak odblokować swoje AppleTV używając ATV USB kreatora.

Jak odblokować swoje AppleTV używając ATV USB kreatora.

Krok siódmy
W opcjach instalacji Installation Options wybierz ssh tools
Jak odblokować swoje AppleTV używając ATV USB kreatora.

Krok ósmy
Zostanie następnie utworzony Patchstick do twojego AppleTV z wybranymi opcjami.

Krok dziewiąty
Kliknij na przycisk Create Using -->.
Jak odblokować swoje AppleTV używając ATV USB kreatora.

Krok dziesiąty
ATV USB Creator zacznie ciągać oprogramowanie AppleTV Update DMG. Jeżeli posiadasz
oprogramowanie Firmware AppleTV możesz wskazać gdzie się znajduje klikając na Choose a DMG.
Jak odblokować swoje AppleTV używając ATV USB kreatora.

Krok jedenasty
Zaczekaj aż program poinformuje Cię, że Patchstick został poprawnie wykonany.
Jak odblokować swoje AppleTV używając ATV USB kreatora.

Krok dwunasty
Program jest w trakcie wykonywanie niezbędnych operacji.
Jak odblokować swoje AppleTV używając ATV USB kreatora.

Krok trzynasty
Wyciągnij PenDrive z komputera i wsuń go do portu USB w Apple TV.

Krok czternasty
Przytrzymaj wcinięte klawisze Menu i - na pilocie Apple TV i poczekaj, aż
Apple TV się zrestartuje.

Krok piętnasty
Patchstick oecnie wykonuje powierzone mu zadania i instaluje SSH do AppleTV.

Krok szesnasty
Kiedy Patchstick zakończy proces, wyciągnij go z portu USB w Apple TV. Następnie wyciągnij
kabel zasilający z AppleTV i po chwili ponownie go włóż w celu uruchomiena urządzenia.
Urządzenie uruchomi się już z dodatkowymi funkcjami.

Krok siedemnasty
Teraz możesz uruchomić klienta SSH i wgrać do niego dodatkowe oprogramowanie. Więcej ciekawych informacji na temat AppleTV znajdziesz here

DZIEKI***: Wielkie dzięki dla sdavilla za stworzenie tej wspaniałej aplikacji!
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Comments (64)
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KKFW - October 8, 2015 at 5:11pm
Found a solution to Error 13 here: https://github.com/davilla/atv-bootloader/issues/41
NickGP - June 20, 2015 at 1:44pm
I have tried this at least 10 times will not work
JRF - February 9, 2015 at 5:26am
Hi...I'm getting the following error: Creating USB Flash Disk... umount_disk settling delay (10 seconds) partition the target disk umount_disk settling delay (10 seconds) install recovery onto target disk Unable to mount recovery: GetMasterBlock: Error 13 opening /dev/rdisk2s2 GetMasterBlock: Error 13 opening /dev/rdisk2s2 mount_hfs: Permission denied install_recovery failed Failed! (0:01:25) And I've tried this on four different sticks...thoughts?
Paulo Matsui
Paulo Matsui - December 17, 2012 at 11:12pm
Great stuff. Thanks. Worked fined as a charm. Such a shame Boxee is not supported anymore. But as a workaround I DL the XeeBo skin for the XBMC and it is as good as the original. Thank you again!
Alexzuno - January 13, 2012 at 6:53pm
It´s frozen on the apple symbol and the led is blinking orange, no error or anything, help!!!!
Gerardo - July 10, 2010 at 9:22pm
Does the Apple TV jailbreak do something to make it work with a standard tv, in colod?
igirl - January 7, 2010 at 12:23pm
ATV USB Creator failed for me on the "Create Using" step - Downloading 2Z694-5573-24.dmg... Download failed: HTTP Error 404: Not Found I have a brand new Apple TV (probably v3.0.1) coming today - I suspect this patchstick may not work with it anyway... :-/
pakinto - May 29, 2013 at 5:24am
Same here, is there an updated link anywhere?
Gody - November 2, 2009 at 4:25am
how to jailbraik FW 3.0 ?
pakinto - May 29, 2013 at 5:24am
Same question here, I have 3.0.2
christian - October 30, 2009 at 8:07pm
Anyone have updated to 3.0 with ATV USB creator?
Wayne - October 31, 2009 at 3:07am
I have just updated to V3.0. ATV USB Creator seems to patch the system fine, but you don't get an XBMC link or anything and none of the software installed during patching seems to either appear in the menus or work when you select it. I would think that Apple have closed off some of the loopholes that allows the software to be patched.
igirl - January 7, 2010 at 5:31pm
how about 3.0.1?????
Ray - October 11, 2009 at 7:14pm
I keep on getting the same error code - and I have tried 4 different USB flashdrives. Anyone know what the problem is? Here is what appears in the ATV USB Creator window: 2Z694-5660-029.dmg selected Creating USB Flash Disk... umount_disk settling delay (10 seconds) partition the target disk umount_disk settling delay (10 seconds) install recovery onto target disk Unable to mount image: hdiutil: attach failed - Resource busy install_recovery failed Failed! (0:00:49)
Nicolas - July 10, 2009 at 2:35pm
Im trying to do it but when I click create using, it give me back this message Downloading 2Z694-5573-24.dmg... Download failed: HTTP Error 404: Not Found You can try again to resume your download Please help me
Thierry - May 9, 2009 at 3:43pm
Hi, I've tried the full process without any success. I have an ATV with version 2.3.1 and using Leopard 10.5.6. My usb disk has been formated (renamed patchstick) and configured usb creator v.10 When I reboot my atv (menu + '-'), i have the screen where I need to choose the language and then screen resolution and finally atv asking for restart. Any idea how i can fix this ??
jeremy - May 4, 2009 at 1:33am
Go to http://code.google.com/p/atvusb-creator/ to get the newest version of atvusb-creator.
Eva - February 15, 2009 at 12:17pm
I finally did it and everything works fine (playback from USB stick, Boxee etc.). The only problem I have now: Video playback in YouTube and Podcasts does not work any more! I only get the sound of the video, but no image ..! What can I do? Is there a problem with the codecs maybe? Thanks for your help!
Mansari - February 12, 2009 at 9:23am
Do the instructions miss Step 17 or i am missing something?
Dale - February 13, 2009 at 6:56pm
I have downloaded the atvusb-creator to my desktop on my ibook, but when I double click on the icon to open the file it just flashes quickly, but does not open. I have downloaded this program several times thinking that it might not have downloaded and unzipped right, but each time it does the same thing...any ideas?
mansari - February 14, 2009 at 2:29am
Try this code. it worked flawlessly for me- http://code.google.com/p/atvusb-creator/
Andy - January 2, 2009 at 11:31pm
Is this compatible with Leopard?
Jim Angus
Jim Angus - November 13, 2008 at 3:46pm
How do you tell if the "jailbreak" was successful? A follow up. If successful, the stream of text will end with a line that indicates success. I was NOT successful until I checked the ATV USB Creator Website and downloaded a newer version. The newer version worked. I can now SSH into my AppleTV. Unfortuantely, I can't use the features installed in FrontRow. Why? I am the victim of Hughesnet broad band service. I live in a rural area where satellite DSL is the only option. Satellites have "latency", the time it takes the signal to go into space and back. That messes up most downloads and touching applications. So the ATV can't download the software that I need. I'll have to do it manually which will be a challenge for an SSH novice...
Jim Angus
Jim Angus - November 12, 2008 at 5:40pm
How do you tell if the "jailbreak" was successful? This would be a nice addition to the tutorial. I followed the steps using 2.1. I rebooted with the patchstick and the appleTV displayed a lot of code, then stalled. After about 10 minutes the screen went black. It has been about an hour... was I successful or did something go wrong? I hate to take out the stick and reboot without knowing whether it just needs more time...
J Teddy
J Teddy - October 28, 2008 at 8:34pm
spincast - Did you try installing boxee first, then everything else you wanted? If not, I would give that a try and let us know your results.
spincast - October 28, 2008 at 4:11pm
At first I had trouble with my 2GB SanDisk Cruzer, then I reformatted in "Mac OS X Extended (journaled)" format and it worked fine. I'm on 10.5.5 with an atv on 2.2. The problem I am now stuck with is this: I started with a factory restore, then I found that the patchstick/Boxee process put me at 2.0.2. Everything worked fine. I installed Couch Surfer 0.4, and it worked fine. I then went to upgrade through the normal aTV process and that brought me to 2.2, but all of the added features (Boxee, sshd, and Couch Surfer) were gone. Back to where I started. Is there a way to have everything? Boxee, sshd, and 2.2?
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