Jak wygenerować unikalny certyfikat twojego iPhone 3GS'
Posted June 26, 2009 at 1:52am by iClarified
Instrukcja krok po kroku jak wygenerować unikalny certyfikat twojego iPhone 3GS' iBSS używając Windows PC
Apple dołożył dodatkową warstwę zabezpieczeń wraz z prowadzeniem iPhone 3GS zwaną ECID. Gdy iTunes uruchamia restore/odtwórz proces, w tej samej chwili kontaktuje się z serwerem Apple by wygenerować podpis odpowiadający tylko jednemu (twojemu) urządzeniu. Ważne jest by wyłonić te podpisy zanim wyjdzie poprawione oprogramowanie do twego iPhona 3GS.
Krok pierwszy Wprowadź swgo iPhona w " recovery mode ". Jeżeli nie wiesz jak, skorzystaj z tego opisu this tutorial.
Krok drugi Uruchom aplikację USBView. Jeżeli jeszcze nie masz takiej to możesz ją pobrać z tąd. Jest to mała aplikacja od Microsoft.
Krok trzeci Wybierz Config Discriptors z Options.
Krok czwarty Wybierz Refresh z File.
Krok Piąty Wybierz urządzenie Apple Recovery (iBoot) z drzewa urządzeń USB w lewym panelu nawigacyjnym, następnie zaznacz i skopiuj (zaznacz i wciśnij Control+c) twoje ECID z prawego panelu nawigacyjnego.
Krok szósty Otwórz przeglądarkę internetową i przejdź na stronę purplera1n.com. Wklej (control+v) swoje ECIDw wyznaczone pole i wciśnij Enter.
Krok siódmy Strona wygeneruje plik i poprosi cię o zapisanie lub otwarcie go. Wybierz Save/Zapisz plik i ukryj w bezpieczne miejsce tak aby mógł się przydać w przyszłości.
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I am not sure you even need this step anymore with his new jailbreak. I did purplera1n and never even used those other files. So maybe they arent necessary.
On the site now is the new program does this mean that you can't generate a unique certificate anymore? Or what do i do now if i don't have it yet??
Please reply.
I did exactly as described. purplera1n.com however reloads the page but does not deliver any file. Has any of you guys managed to solve that same issue?
I tried inputting my ECID and I get no response from the website about downloading the file. I have tried pasting it in and manually typing it all in. After I hit return, I get nothing. I am 100% sure it's the correct number, it's 16 digits, it's HEX. WTF am I doing wrong? Anyone else having this problem?
Great! works exactly as it says... however, it didn't mention how to exit from DFU mode - if you are stuck (like me), just hold power & home buttons for about 10secs and the phone should restart itself.
Thanks guys!
when i go to control v and paste into the website all i see it say is device descripto and i click enter and it says ECID must be a hex string.Can someone please help me thanks
Did you copy it directly from the USB view window? DON'T incude anything but the numeric string to the right of EICD. There are several numbers on that line, you only want what is from the space after the colon to the space that goes to the next element on that line.
worked a treat,
if you having difficulty read it again you only need the data that follws ECID:
Scroll to the right in USB View its contained in the long line of data, this is the only line which extends so far right, the ECID data is the hexadecimal immeiately following ECID:
when your in the purple ra1n screen scroll to the bottom and click slighly left of center until the cursor appears in the appropriate field, its hidden black on black so not eassily spotted, paste your ECID data here and hit enter, this will open and file save widow, just save that file where you can find it for a purplera1ny day perhaps :o)
I was able to get into recovery mode and get the ECID.. However, when I put the string into the purplera1n website, it doesn't return anything.. no file, no option to save or view... anyone has this problem?
Ya I did. I just realized this is only for the 3GS... I was doing it for my 3G which is probably the reason why it won't accept the ECID and return a text file. I'll try it again when I get my 3GS which is backordered for now :-(
Got it! Thanks again Geohot! I was in Boston a while back when you had unlocked the Iphone for the first time. You are the Man! I can't wait to jailbreak/unlock my 3GS!
i waste of time Five
Select the Apple Recovery (iBoot) device from the USB Device Tree in the left panel then Copy (highlight and press Control+c) your ECID from the Descriptor fields on the right.
is this every thing in the right pane also when you go to website there is nothing there just a puff holdin g onto a iphone
That "puff" is geohot, and you might want to thank him rather than insult him. Now, to help you out, click around under the pic until you hit the field, you WILL find it, but it is invisible. Paste in your EICD and hit enter, your key WILL be generated.
It6 wasn't blinking for me, I had to click around until I hit it and then it started blinking. Still, not nice to insult those upon whom you depend at this point!