Você pode atualizar para o iOS 5.1.1 em segurança se não necessita de unlock.
Posted May 21, 2012 at 1:40pm by iClarified
Pod2g anunciou que aqueles que querem estar prontos para o jailbreak do iOS 5.1.1 podem atualizar o iDevice com segurança, exceto aqueles que necessitam do unlock.
Você pode atualizar seu iDevice com segurança para o 5.1.1 se quiser estar pronto para o novo jailbreak.
Como de costume, fica o alerta para os unlockers que desejarem preservar suas versões de baseband com intenção de manter seu unlock (gevey e ultrasn0w).
Confira as informações sobre o próximo jailbreak aqui.
Você pode assistir ao processo de jailbreak aqui ou seguir iClarified no Twitter, Facebook, ou RSS para ser notificado sobre lançamento do novo jailbreak.
i need an unlock for my iphone4 i bought it from e-bay and came to know that my phone is locked to three UK. so can i get an unlock for it and if so where...?
you can ring the network directly or use a site like this which charges more then double... but thr33 is the most expensive to buy an unlock from.
thanks for the reply... i don't know the guy who sold me but the thing is i think he might have said to the network that the phone was stolen or lost it, so i don't know how to come out of this... and how to know that my phone is in blacklist or something like that. is there any other way to get unlocked completely...
Incorrect. Apple disabled the tool that was in use for about a week, and it was shut down very quickly (not quite sure HOW they did that). Unlocking is NOT possible (at this point) for iOS 5.1.1 (or, since they shut down the previous exploit, for 5.1 either).