September 15, 2024
Pod2g diz que o Jailbreak ainda está por vir!

Pod2g diz que o Jailbreak ainda está por vir!

Posted January 4, 2013 at 3:51pm by iClarified
EnglishPortuguese (Brazil)
Pod2g, o hacker responsável pelos últimos Jailbreaks Untethereds , informa que continua trabalhando no Jailbreak IOS 6, mas por enquanto ainda está à caminho. Ele recentemente esteve incentivando os usuários e seguidores do Twitter para que solicitassem à Apple o IOS 6 aberto, alegando que a Equipe Dev-Team havia desistido.

Eu li alguns comentários na Internet hoje dizendo que se fosse dado início ao #nosQueremosUmIOSaberto, significa que nós não podemos fazer o Jailbreak no IOS 6 e a Apple venceu.

Essas informações são falsas. A princípio o Jailbreak tem sido desenvolvido em nossos laboratórios, e apenas não está pronto para ser disponibilizado publicamente.

Outro fato importante é que a pessoa a qual falou em mensagem, não é de fato o desenvolvedor. Como estive alguns meses não envolvido com pesquisas na área de segurança, somente à partir de agora estou trabalhando na minha aplicação e em outros projetos.

Porém se a nossa única saída para o Jailbreak for #nosQueremosUmIOSaberto. Nós o faremos, esse não é o fim.

Sabemos que um Jailbreak (mesmo ainda não pronto a ser disponibilizado) já tem sidomostrado por chpwn. Em adicional, pod2g já havia anunciado que ele não estava trabalhando no jailbreak do iOS 6.

Você pode nos seguir no Twitter, Facebook, ouRSS para que seja informado sobre a chegada do Jailbreak para o IOS 6.
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Pod2g diz que o Jailbreak ainda está por vir!
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Comments (19)
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GhadyK - January 10, 2013 at 9:35am
Hey, could you just tell us when do you expect the release of the jailbreak? Specially for the A5 and A5x devices.. Please because I'm seriously thinking to giveing up and i'll do the downgrade. But its petty how I've been waiting for like 5 months and now he will release soon but i really cant wait anymore so please tell us:( Thank you
Mike - January 7, 2013 at 12:24pm
Android, here I come...
Alex - January 7, 2013 at 12:41pm
Enjoy dumbroid ;)
Jordán - January 6, 2013 at 6:35am
minime - January 5, 2013 at 8:35am
The iPhone is already mini, compared to everything out there. Apple sucks. The iPhone 5 screen size is an insult to Apple fans. If no bigger screen comes out by March/April. I will jump to the Galaxy S IV....and bring my entire company's mobile force (500+ users on Verizon and AT&T) with me.
zetaprime - January 5, 2013 at 1:28am
By the time they have a jailbreak for iOS 6, iOS6.1 will be out. The jailbreaks are taking too long to be worthwhile anymore. I gave up on jailbreaking after iOS5.
iDood - January 5, 2013 at 1:55am
In a way I have given up as well. But I found a way to utilized the iPhone 5 without jailbreak. The stuff I needed was tether capability which took care of it with 29.95 yearly fee. And then I just recently subscribed to Slacker for 9.99 a month to get my music. Yes, they require money and all but I guess that's a breaks of life. If JB ever come out great!
iDood - January 5, 2013 at 12:41am
Looking forward to it.:)
jazzth - January 4, 2013 at 10:43pm
Hopefully by the time I wake up tomorrow afternoon :D
Hard88 - January 4, 2013 at 9:13pm
Im waitin too! If it neva comes time to jump ship! I need function
thevmax - January 4, 2013 at 8:00pm
I have been a huge jailbreak supporter. In addition, I've owned 3GS,4, and the 5. I really miss the custom screens and additional programs that allowed my iphone to be unique and fun to use. To date, after almost 4 years with jailbroken devices, I wait patiently for IOS 6 jailbreak. I believe the problem that many of us have is the fact that after the jailbreak occurs, it will only be until Sept 2013, at most, before IOS 7 comes out. So that leaves us with 9 months to use the jailbreak. Then the choice will be to stay on the old IOS with jailbreak, or jump ship and go to the new IOS!
budsal - January 4, 2013 at 9:03pm
that's how it's been for as long as I can remember. but then again I smoke a lot of weed and I can't remember much for long. I'm patiently waiting for the iBong to be jailbroken.
AppleFan - January 4, 2013 at 5:42pm
I will move to a phone and OS which can be jailbroken
Noman - January 4, 2013 at 4:54pm
Most of the pirates who generated the demand for jailbreak have moved onto Android. Not surprising, as they have never cared about quality, just getting a lower price. Good riddance to them. Unfortunately, along with Apple securing to OS more effectively, it pretty much spells the end of jailbreaking. Alas. It was good while it lasted.
NoGoodNick - January 4, 2013 at 4:21pm
I'm not about to give up on jailbreaking just because it's once again taking longer than a couple of months to get one. I'm perfectly happy sticking with iOS 5.1 until then, as iOS 6 didn't add that great of features anyway. What I AM worried about are that there are so few jailbreakers (basically only 3, with no new faces joining them after all this time). But I agree, Apple would do better if they allowed a 'universal' JB opening. That way those that wanted to could JB, and those that didn't want to could apply a patch that would shut down the JB opening.
iDood - January 5, 2013 at 12:26am
I'm a believer, jailbreak still alive.
Glasmo - January 4, 2013 at 3:56pm
Sorry to say my patience ran out. I gave up on jailbreaking. Most of my JB friends have as well.
swadson - January 4, 2013 at 4:03pm
Waiting for a JB till date.. Now I am curious to know how its done, and if I am of some help expedite the process. Can I be of any help?
nono09 - January 4, 2013 at 4:13pm
Go buy the ios hackers handbook.
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