Ako Jailbreaknúť tvoj iPhone pomocou JailbreakME [4.0.0, 4.0.1]
Posted August 1, 2010 at 6:42pm by iClarified
Tu sú intrikcie ako jailbreaknuť akýkoľvek iPhone (vrátane iPhone 4) na iOS4 pomocou JailbreakMe od Comex-u. Pred začiatkom za uisti e tvoje zariadenie je aktivované na iOS 4.0.0 alebo 4.0.1
Krok prvý Zapni Safari z tvojho Springboardu.
Krok druhý Tapni na pole pre zadávanie adresy a zadaj http://jailbreakme.com a tapni na tlačítko Hotovo
Krok tretý Pre začatie jailbreak-u prejdi prstom po Slide to Jailbreak
Krok piaty Teraz uvidí progres stahovania.
Step Five Keď sa stahovanie dokončí, začne sa Jailbreak
Krok iesty Ak ti napíe e proces je dokončený tak tapni na OK
Stlač Home tlačítko a Cydia je na tvojej ploche!
Gratulujem, hotovo! Teraz môe pokračovať v dalích intaláciách UltraSn0w na odomknutie tvojho zariadenia. Uivatelia iPhone 4 si musia počkať na novú verziu Ultrasn0w.
Veľké vdaka pre Comex a iPhone Dev-Team a ich veľké uspechy.
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i downloaded using the jailbreakme.com all ok there but when i went to cydia i get error "unable to load" the certificate for this server is invalid.......help!
Help me pleas!
- iphone 3gs
- IOS 4.0
- new bootrom
- Jailbreaken with ( Jailbreak me )
The Proplem :
The device stoped in ( appele screan )
and I tray to Restore the iphone with itunes to the same 4.0 or up than , it dosent accept that ,,, there is a error massege ( The iphone culd not be restored An Unowon error occurred 3014 )
help me pleas,,,
I think , I lost my 3gs ,,,
Hi, is there anyway to pass the recovery screen to access safari? I have a non activated iphone 3gs, now with 3.0 jailbroken and unlock. But if i upgrade to 4.0.1 i will get stuck in recovery mode?
I just tried to go to the jailbreakme.com page and it looks as if its down my iphone does not show the jailbreakme.com page it says " PlaceHolder Page" "The owner of this website has not put up any web pages yet please come back later" is the server down? when i go to the site on my imac it looks like its working but my iphone wont.
hi, i'm using iphone 3GS firmware 3.1.2, trying to restore to 4.0.1 firmware through iTunes by using Shift-Restore button and select the file (iPhone2,1_4.0.1_8A306_Restore). It prompt me that my iPhone will erase and restore, verified with Apple. So i proceed to restore. When verifying with Apple, it prompt to say that "device are not eligible to this restore". Anyone has any solution to this problem?
So guys, i'm trying to jailbreak my new iphone 4. But when i went to look at the version I had, it was the 4.0.2, how do I change it back to 4.0.1? any help would be appreciated. thanks
You can follow step by step :
1. Click Safarin.
2. From web Safari type GOOGLE.COM .
5. Click JAIBREAKME 2.0