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Android Artık iPhone 3G'ye Yüklenebiliyor

Android Artık iPhone 3G'ye Yüklenebiliyor

Posted May 21, 2010 at 2:27pm by iClarified
Planetbeing ve ekibinin özverili çalışmaları neticesinde Android artık hem iPhone 2G'ye hem de iPhone 3G'ye yüklenebiliyor.

İlgili programları buradan indirebilirsiniz: iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G

Planetbeing kurulum ile ilgili talimatları burada bildirmiş.

Temel olarak yapılacaklar önceki ile aynı. Farklı olarak firmware'i iPhone OS data partition üzerinde bir dizine koyabilirsiniz. Yani öncekinde olduğu gibi ext2 partition'ı değiştirmek zorunda değilsiniz. Bir başka şey de loadibec ve oibc'i yeniden derlerseniz Linux VM'e ihtiyaç duymadan kurulumu OS X üzerinden de yapabilirsiniz. Yoksa dizinler aynı şekilde.

Bu önemli işte katkısı olan herkese tebrikler.

Daha Fazlası ...

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Comments (9)
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Ko - May 23, 2010 at 3:17am
So does anyone know if iPod touch 3g will get this!?
cesa - May 22, 2010 at 9:21am
i am not really sure why the hell someone wants to replace the almost perfect stable OS of the iphone with Android. I tested all , windows, Android 1.6-2.1 and palm os, nothing comes even near to the apple OS in terms of usability, speed and stability. Feels for me like taking the porsche engine out and replace it with a GM one
hackercoolio - May 22, 2010 at 4:16pm
its still a major breakthrough... by some time it will get better obviously.. and the main reason for this an alternative choice for some one like me to mess around with.. there is no one forcing you to dual boot.. don't like it? keep it your self.
Joe Cole
Joe Cole - May 23, 2010 at 12:01am
If this is some kinda 'mine is bigger than yours and I'm free to do as I please' message to Apple, Jobs & Gang, it's awesome. Bravo. Well done to the whole crew that contributed to this breakthrough & success. Great job. On the other hand, I'll hold-off this experiment until the procedure(s)' a cakewalk.
Fred - May 22, 2010 at 6:33am
I waited for this to be released, but its just not ready for prime time. The install is quite lengthy and requires you to install Linux if your on a Windows machine.. I will wait until power management is working and the battery lasts more than an hour.
aa2007 - May 21, 2010 at 4:57pm
Does the call function work ???
Jay - May 21, 2010 at 4:15pm
Will you guys make a Tutorial for it?
Cody - May 21, 2010 at 3:27pm
i'd be all over this if it didn't seem like such a ridiculously complicated process. i'm going to wait until it works 100% before even putting in the effort.
Chamsi - May 23, 2010 at 3:47am
Yes, we might need to wait till it allows to make a call and receive. Currently as per the video, the receiver cannot hear the caller ...
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