Apple seeded iPhone Software v2.0 build 5A331 late Monday to a select group of testers, according to an AppeInsider report.
The new 2.0 firmware includes minor changes. Noteably .Mac setup has been re-branded for the upcoming MobileMe service. The build also repairs an issue where an IPSec VPN account with pre-shared key authenication would fail to establish a connection.
Can anyone please check the quality of the keyboard software in 2.0? Up to now there have been some very nasty bugs:
- (usually) does not learn words under 5 characters, never words with two or three characters: German "da" is always changed to "es"
- (usually) does not learn words containing umlauts
- words in database with wrong upper/lowercase setting are not learned (German: "Langsam")
- predicting the next char and augmenting the size of the keys is sometimes overshooting the mark: try to type "guet" (Swiss German for good), it will never let you type the "t", just r or z
Can anyone check whether these problems still persist? Apple PLEASE have a look at this, it is incredibly nasty.