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iPhone Tethering Delayed By AT&T Network Issues

iPhone Tethering Delayed By AT&T Network Issues

Posted October 24, 2008 at 3:01pm by iClarified
Issues with AT&T's cellular network, and extreme caution is preventing an official iPhone tethering plan from progressing, according to a MacBlogz report.

According to a colleague of mine who works with AT&T (who has been fairly accurate in the past), Apple and AT&T have been developing an iPhone tethering plan, similar to that allowed for Blackberry users. The reason we haven't heard or seen anything about it, is because AT&T is being extremely paranoid of how the service will run on their network. "Since I've worked here, I've never seen them be so worried about legalities," my colleague explained. Regarding the service being available to Blackberry users, he says that it's a different situation. Blackberry users haven't slammed AT&T's network by the millions in one quarter, in such large rushes. "Regardless of how many billions of dollars AT&T pours into their 3G network, it hasn't been stable enough to handle all you iPhone users," he explained.

MacBlogz has confirmed that Apple and AT&T are indeed working on it but it has been delayed due to lack of confidence in the network, should a large percentage of iPhone users begin using the service.

iPhone Tethering Delayed By AT&T Network Issues
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Avay - October 25, 2008 at 9:08am
@ Victor Yeah they all suck, but it also depends on which network my family and friends have.... most of them have T-Mobile....im not going to switch company's just cuz of an iPhone.... The point is here is to have it open to all carriers....that way the customer has more options....after all we are the ones paying... plus At&T is biggest Rip OFF EVER!!!
Avay - October 25, 2008 at 12:42am
@ Victor they all suck....its just about wat phone we have really...lol
Victor - October 24, 2008 at 10:14pm
And I'm wondering.... what's wrong about AT&T? all other cell phone companies as just as shitty as this one
eradofuzil - October 24, 2008 at 9:01pm
that's what you get when you try to sustain an entire movement upon just one provider. they should forget about the exclusivity given to AT&T and just sell the fraking iphones at the regular price and LET PEOPLE CHOOSE their phone company. it's absurd, as if there were only one phone company.
Victor - October 24, 2008 at 5:23pm
I work for AT&T and I wasn't aware of such tethering plan but who knows, I'm just a customer care rep
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