SuperSync today shipped SuperSync 2.0, personal music library synchronization software. SuperSync lets music fans synchronize their personal music collections between their computers over the Internet.
Now for the first time, music fans can perform up to five simultaneous track uploads and downloads, making SuperSync 2.0 personal music library synchronization significantly faster.
SuperSync 2.0 also introduces a completely redesigned file transfer window for synchronization progress, which displays the list of songs to be copied, and provides the general status for skips, errors, file size, time and number of tracks remaining.
New SuperSync 2.0 support for automatic Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) router setup makes it easier to access SuperSync over a WAN or the Internet. WAN access status can now be easily checked under the Help menu.
SuperSync 2.0 adds support for Unicode and long file names. Now all files can be copied between Mac OS X and Windows machines without concern for file name length or bad character restrictions on the receiving computer.
SuperSync 2.0 now includes improved iTunes integration, ensuring files synchronized using SuperSync are also reflected in iTunes. Song ratings and "played counts" are also now copied between iTunes libraries.
How SuperSync Works SuperSync lets music fans synchronize their music collections between their computers over a home network or the Internet. With SuperSync, music fans can retrieve songs from a laptop, play or download songs from a home computer while at the office, upload new music from the road, or back-up their entire music library to another computer or network drive.
SuperSync 2.0 integrates seamlessly with Apple's iTunes, so that music in one library can be added to another iTunes library. SuperSync lets anyone visually compare their libraries and copy only the songs they want to the other computer.
SuperSync 2.0 makes server set-up easier, requiring only a few clicks and a password. SuperSync supports two-way synchronization, so files can be "downloaded" from a remote library as well as "uploaded" to that remote library.