February 14, 2025

How to Unlock 1.1.2-1.1.4 iPhones with ZiPhone 2.5 GUI (Windows)

Posted February 29, 2008 at 8:19pm by iClarified
These are step by step instructions how to jailbreak and unlock almost any iPhone instantly! No downgrading then upgrading! You can do the unlock from 1.1.2, 1.1.3, or 1.1.4. It will also jailbreak and activate as well as install Installer.app for you!

ZiPhone performs all these functions:
- Unlock will work on 4.6 BL or 3.9 BL
- Jailbreak will work on any OS version.
- Activation will work on any OS version, except for youtube on 1.0.X.
- iErase BL 3.9 Baseband


Step One
Download ZiPhone from: here

Step Two
Double click ZiPhone.zip on your desktop to extract the folder ZiPhone..
How to Unlock 1.1.2-1.1.4 iPhones with ZiPhone 2.5 GUI (Windows)

Step Three
From the extracted ZiPhone folder double click ziphoneGUI.exe to launch the application.
How to Unlock 1.1.2-1.1.4 iPhones with ZiPhone 2.5 GUI (Windows)

Step Four
Make sure you iPhone is connected to the computer and that iTunes has detected it.

Step Five
You can now activate, jailbreak, and unlock,! Just simply click the Do It All! button.
How to Unlock 1.1.2-1.1.4 iPhones with ZiPhone 2.5 GUI (Windows)

Step Six
The program will now load zibri.dat. Then it will search for the iPhone. Once found it will tell you to wait for approxiametly 4 minutes.
How to Unlock 1.1.2-1.1.4 iPhones with ZiPhone 2.5 GUI (Windows)

Step Eight
After this time your iPhone will reboot and it will be activated, jailbroken, and unlocked!!!!
How to Unlock 1.1.2-1.1.4 iPhones with ZiPhone 2.5 GUI (Windows)

NOTE*: After completion its probably a good idea to install BSD Subsystem first then OpenSSH from Installer.app

NOTE*: If you are in an unsupported country YOU MUST patch AppSupport after unlocking or your dialer will keep crashing as will your SMS:
How to Patch AppSupport for 1.1.4 iPhones Using Installer

THANKS***: Big thanks go to Zibri. Check his blog out for updates: here
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Comments (162)
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flow - September 2, 2008 at 11:47am
I need help! i connect my phone to the computer i press do it all in ziphone and it start but at one point it stops. it finds the phone and at information it says found iphone. rebooting in recovery mode and nothing happens...what do i do?
Panda - June 4, 2008 at 1:36pm
So just to clarify, this will work on a brand new OOTB 16GB iPhone? If I go to my local AT&T store, pick one up, bring it home and run this software I'll be able to put my T-Mobile SIM card in it? How do I avoid having to get a service plan and paying an activation fee? Can I tell them I just want the phone?
tomas - April 12, 2008 at 8:53am
when I try to run the file ZiPhoneGUI, I get an error message that ZiPhoneGUI encountered a problem and need to be closed...? Any thoughts?? Thanks
dion - March 30, 2008 at 7:12am
i have a problem when i download the ziphone as soon as i try to extract the files i am getting an error...what to do?
rpo - March 30, 2008 at 2:02am
used the "do it all" with Ziphone v2.6b and today, all of a sudden see the apple logo on my iphone, NEED help ! Nothing works, rebooted, put in DFU mode, restored with 1.1.4 and redone the steps with ziphone, still the same "apple logo" on my screen....pl help !
mostafa - March 29, 2008 at 11:01pm
i have my OTB 1.1.2 Unlocked with geohotz method and working fine,now i want to update to 1.1.4 ,can i use this method ??
Grimlock - March 27, 2008 at 7:29am
@IC, most likely not as it not a 3G/Smart Phone. Try any ways. If you dont try you dont know.
IC - March 26, 2008 at 11:48pm
@GRIMLOCK. Thanks for that. So they releasing a 3G soon? damn....oh well...as least it works now. But just curious again, cause I can use my 3 simcard (roaming) in my nokia 6200 (which is not a 3G phone, but tri-band I gather).
Grimlock - March 26, 2008 at 11:32pm
@IC. 3 network cards does not work because it uses 3G. Where as all other sim cards are ok. Thats why Apple is developed a 3G version of Iphone to be released. If you bought a new Iphone recently it is most likely to be 4.6 BL. 3.9BL are old Iphones released in the first 6 months. Otherwise all Iphone now are 4.6BL
IC - March 26, 2008 at 10:00pm
Hi Wombat, yes, its me again. Strange, I inserted my local simcard, and now it shows SERVICE! YES! Where as before, I was using my simcard from Australia, wondering how come it didnt work? IE, it roams on my other nokia phone (btw I uses the network "3", could that be the problem?). Just out of curiosity.... thanks! IC
IC - March 26, 2008 at 9:48pm
Hi Wombat, I read all most of the post in this section, and I have some questions. I got a new iphone 8gb a week ago and trying to unlock it to use in China. Now, this is what I have done. 1- restore phone in itunes to 1.1.4 (04.04.05_G) (do I need to install with the 1.1.4 ipw?) Also, how to tell if its 4.9BL or 3.9BL? 2- I selected the DO IT ALL with my alternate simcard in it 3- My email, youtube, safari is working fine etc, but my carrier shows NO SERVICE 4- I have installed BSD Subsystem and OPEN SSH Please advice how to make my iphone work! thanks alot. I tried installing anysim 1.3 to unlock the phone, but says
hanoverian - March 20, 2008 at 5:00pm
Tom - March 20, 2008 at 4:31pm
Actualy, i do have skype. How do i find your email address?
Tom - March 20, 2008 at 4:21pm
I don't have skype but i could make an account quickly. Do you have MSN?
hanoverian - March 20, 2008 at 3:38pm
no nothing but still what is the reason behind this, do you have a skype if so send me your skype name to my email and we can talk to find out the reason if you would like !!!!
Tom - March 20, 2008 at 3:18pm
No, there most definately isnt an EDGE settings menu and im prety sure i did it right, i mean there's not alot to do wrong. I plugged in my iphone, downloaded ZiPhone GUI v2.5 and clicked "Do it all!" Anything done wrong there?
hanoverian - March 20, 2008 at 3:03pm
there is soething wrong did you unlock and activate properly, there must be an edge setting at the end of this menu, i had it then i called my network customer service and they provided my with the settings...may be you did not unlock properly.??? do not know
Tom - March 20, 2008 at 2:57pm
Thanks Hanoverian, but there is no EDGE setting in the General > Network menu. I only have VPN, Wi-Fi and an option to turn Data roaming on/off. Any ideas whats going on??
paulclo - March 20, 2008 at 2:28pm
Hi Guys: After running ZiPhone 2.5, my SMSD is not working. No problem in installing SMSD, but when click that icon, it appears to try loading it,but it won't, and then go back to the springboard (Home). I really like to have this app back as it is much more useful than the stock SMS from iPhone. So, help me out, please.
hanoverian - March 20, 2008 at 2:18pm
hi Tom you should go to setings, then genera, network, then edge at the bottom of the screen and then you have to enter the settings of your network if it is vodafone, or what so ever.....hope this helps you
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