[UPDATE] Beta 4 had a few glitches so we have now uploaded beta 5! [UPDATE] Beta 6 has now be posted on installer. Remember anyone that has problems please me or tim know so we can get everything working perfectly! [UPDATE] Beta 9 has been posted on installer! Please provide feedback in the comments!
We have posted the latest update of timschuerewegen's AppSupport Patch for 1.1.2-1.1.4 iPhones.
timschuerewegen's AppSupport Patch fixes Dialer crashing and Caller ID matching for unsupported countries. If you purchased an iPhone and want to use it in an unsupported country you will need to install this patch.
The latest version of the AppSupport Patch is build 13 beta 4. This build features: - Usage of plists to store PhoneNumberTemplates - IDD/NDD information for all countries - It is now also possible to fix invalid phone numbers
If you find your country is not included in the latest version you can contact timschuerewegen to have it added.
To donate towards timschuerewegen's work, or for manual install instructions go here.
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That's what I wanto to know too.
When will we see an update for 2.0.1? Especially Caller ID matching.
Sucks to be back to this old problem...
But I'm not complaining, your tutorial for jailbreaking 2.0 is great! Hahaha...
andy and tobias, please use the link in the article and send tim the number that shows and the number that is saved in your phonebook so we can look into it!
Spanish numbers works just fine in the caller id, but when I get a sms that contains a number starting in 91xx or 6xx it doesn't work, while +346xx and +3491xx numbers are detected just fine. Maybe appsupport doesn't patch how the numbers are detected in the sms app?
Spanish numbers works just fine in the caller id, but when I get a sms that contains a number starting in 91xx or 6xx it doesn't work, while +346xx and +3491xx numbers are detected just fine. Maybe appsupport doesn't patch how the numbers are detected in the sms app?
Hi, I keep getting an "Package error" while trying to download the AppSupport beta9 from iClarified repo. Since my safari and all the others apps are working, its not a problem with my wifi (at last I guess). What can I do to solve this?
the phone number showed up as +56977###### and I have registered that number in my iphone as 77######. the callid only detects it when I change the number in my iphone with a 977######, but that's not the correct number! the correct number is 77###### without a 9.
@Nemesis, Please provide the number that showed up and the number that is saved in your phone book.
@samiriphone, Did the latest update fix ur problem ?