iPhone 4s: Nicht auf iOS 5.0.1 umstellen wenn hack in betracht gezogen wird.
Posted January 18, 2012 at 8:38am by iClarified
Trotz anderslautender Berichte wird es Nutzern des iPhone 4s geraten nicht auf iOS 5.0.1 umstustellen. Ihre Chancen ihr Geraet zu knacken sind hoeher, wenn sie auf iOS 5.0 bleiben.
MuscleNerd hat gegenueber iClarified bestaetigt dass ein untethered Jailbreak fuer das iPhone 4s unter iOS 5.0 zeitgleich mit dem Jailbreak for 4s unter iOS 5.0.1 herauskommen wird. Eventuell wird es eine Verzoegerung von ein bis zwei Tagen geben. Das Standardvorgehen fuer iPhone Nutzer die ein Jailbreak in Betracht ziehen ist, auf dem niedrigsten Broadband zu bleiben.
Es wird in der Tat den 4s Nutzern die schon auf iOS 5.0.1 umgestellt haben geraten, ihre build Nummer zu ueberpruefen und von 9A406 auf 9A405 zurueckzustellen solange Apple noch beide Versionen unterstuetzt. Aufgrund der Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Basebands ist es wahrscheinlicher dass ein Jailbreak fuer die aeltere Version gefunden wird. Die entsprechende Firmware kann hier heruntergeladen werden: here.
Wir koennen nicht garantieren dass das iPhone unter iOS 5.0 geknackt wird, aber MuscleNerd hatte schon im November mitgeteilt, dass er einen vielversprechenden Ansatz hatte. very promising. Er verriet uns, dass er in der Lage war sich des Baseband Bootrom zu entledigen. Es ist dennoch nicht sicher, dass dieser Trick zu einem Unlock fuehrt.
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So I was at baseband 1.0.14 on my 4S 5.0.1. I then used the other firmware, there are 2 firmwares for 5.0.1 on a 4S, to get my baseband down to 1.0.13. How the hell can it work like that? I'm glad it did, but how? I always understood that it is difficult next to impossible to downgrade a baseband - for example anyone stuck on ipad baseband who might want to downgrade back to whatever stock firmware/baseband. No utility required, just a simple restore from itunes with the phone in dfu. If that worked so easily why can't I install an older firmware on my mother's 3GS and thereby downgrade the baseband?
This is great news for a person who do business travel a lot like me especially out of the country. I will definitely save some dollarsl. I hope this one will be a reality in the near future.
To iClarified,I hope you edit the comment that ppl saying their name under different persons name,I read this cmmnt hv'g name:Benedikt/Tim Cook & Our Dev-Team MslNrd...we as the ppl that need guidance getting wrong idea fr this names.so pls update the cmnt if they r true under that name,so we can get right info. Thx much iClarified.
Ha! I knew it I am glad I didn't update my Iphones4s last nite almost did.
I am still on 5.0 ..
5.0.1 still has a battery problem..sisnce I updated my iphone4 for my daughter the battery sucks..I took it to apple they said they knew about the firmware problem they are releasing a new firmware that would solve the problem
Hi MuscleNerd,great to have you weitting cmnt in here. basically I hv my i4S on 5.0 (.9A334),then whn the news showed us to upgrade,I upgraded to 5.0.1 straight fr my device (on update software),its becouse I can't find the iOS thru iClarified at that time. Do it did upgrade to 5.0.1 (9A405) not to (9A406)...,but th BB got upgrade too to 1.0.13... & I got TU saved my Blop. Now if I downgrade to 5.0,would be possible to get Unlock with th 1.0.13 ?...Thanks much.....
Confusing article. Is it really possible to downgrade your baseband?
If it's true that there are different baseband versions between build 9A406 and 9A405, then why downgrade to 9A405 if it will not downgrade your baseband at the same time?
didn't try it out yet but it probably will downgrade the baseband. And that is only possible because apple is still signing both firmware versions and therefore both basebands.
Yes, I understand it is possible to downgrade as long as Apple is still signing both 9A405 and 9A406. My question is: Will this downgrade your baseband as well once you have upgaded to the latest one??
My understanding is that you can never downgrade you baseband the same way you are downgrading the firmware.
What a pile of horse crap! A factory unlocked phone IS worth significantly more. Hacked/software unlocked? Maybe that will get you a couple more dollars, but that's it.
Sorry Phil, you don't know what your talking about. I sold my iPhone 4 for $150 more than my wife's because mine was software unlocked. You just gotta find the right market.
Really Phil? Cause I just did that just over a month ago. You gonna tell me it's changed that dramatically in a month? Just cause you can't do it doesn't mean no one can.
Cant prove me wrong? Run out of ammo? Buh-bye! Don't let the door hit you on the way out. (by the way, Craigslists posts don't identify me... Clueless yet again).