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Todavia necesitan respaldar sus iOS 4.1 SHSH Blobs!

Todavia necesitan respaldar sus iOS 4.1 SHSH Blobs!

Posted October 11, 2010 at 12:10pm by iClarified
Aunque Limera1n es un liberador a nivel del rom de arranque ustedes todavía necesitan respaldar sus hashes del iOS 4.1.

Debido a que la parte “desacordonada” de este liberador viene de un hack a nivel de usuario por @comex, ustedes aun necesitan respaldar sus SHSH hashes para 4.1. Hagan esto permitiendo que Cydia las mantenga (“make my life easier”), o usando Tiny Umbrella. De esta forma ustedes pueden siempre volver a un iOS 4.1 liberado, desacordonado en sus equipos después que Apple haya cerrado su ventana para firmar 4.1 (ellos cerraran la ventana para firmar 4.1 una vez que saquen su nueva versión de firmware). Si se olvidan de hacer esto y mas adelante necesitan restaurar 4.1 de nuevo, ustedes podrían liberarlo pero seria LB acordonado (Ustedes necesitarían conectarlo al computador para finalizar el proceso de arranque, en una y cada una de las veces que lo necesiten hacer).

Pueden respaldar sus SHSH blobs de iOS 4.1 sin necesidad de estar en 4.1 o tenerlo liberado, solo sigan los siguientes tutoriales:

Como respaldar sus SHSH Blobs usando Firmware Umbrella (Windows)
Como respaldar sus SHSH Blobs usando Firmware Umbrella (Mac)

Todavia necesitan respaldar sus iOS 4.1 SHSH Blobs!
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Comments (6)
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vanimox - October 11, 2010 at 10:49pm
Its soooo nice to have an iphone 4!!! Besides for yesterday when i used limera1n to jailbreak and did some rebooting to install some stuff via cydia, I can't remember the last time my phone went dead or had to reboot for any reason. Like after school every day i still have like 60% left on my phone. ITS AMAZING! I'll probably back up my blobs anyway tho
steve - October 11, 2010 at 2:31pm
how do i back them up if i just got the iphone 3gs a week ago, that was already running 4.1?
jass - October 11, 2010 at 3:07pm
once u give ur phone in for repair u will never be able to jailbreak it again im talking from experiance
Leonick - October 11, 2010 at 1:12pm
Meh, there are so many jailbreak apps not updated yet, i don't' want to upgrade... and i want greenpoison first too...
vanimox - October 11, 2010 at 10:53pm
Honestly GreenPoison and Limera1n do the EXACT same thing!! Only difference between the 2 is that limera1n works on more devices. But i suppose if you REALLY want to use GreenPoison you can wait until the next iphone comes out. Thats when GP will be released if the exploit has not been patched.
Leonick - October 12, 2010 at 7:43am
Nope, Greenpoison will be released in probably just a few days, sure using the same exploit as limerain but unlike geohot the devteam are way better coders and test their stuff before releasing it... I rather have a nice coded stable program modify my device than a unstable alpha stage software
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