Cuando bajes el firmware, es mejor bajarlo usando Firefox por que Safari lo extrae automaticamente.
Paso Dos Doble click para montar PwnageTool y luego arrastra el icono al folder Pwnage.
Desde el folder Pwnage, doble click al icono PwnageTool para iniciar.
Click "Ok" si aparece una advertencia. "Copyright 2011 iPhone DevTeam Este software no es para uso comercial. Si compraste este software, demanda un reembolso. No esta a la venta. No somos responsables por cualquier daño este software pueda ocacionar a cualquiera de tus equipos. ESTA ADVERTIDO."
Paso Tres Selecciona Expert Mode del menu superior.
Paso Cuatro Selecciona tu dispositivo. Una marca verificara la imagen de tu dispositivo. Click en la flecha azul para continuar.
Paso Cinco Te llevara hacia la pagina de "Browse for IPSW". Selecciona el boton Browse for IPSW...
De la ventana emergente busca el folder Pwnage y selecciona tu "firmware" y dale click al boton Open
Paso Seis Te llevara a un menu multiple. Selecciona General y click en la flecha azul para continuar.
Los ajustes en General te permite ajustar el tamaño de la particion (esto es el espacio para aplicaciones liberadas). Marca Activate the phone si no estas con un operador oficial de telefonia, click en la flecha azul para continuar.
NOTA*: Deselecciona Activate si tienes tu iPhone activado con una telefonia oficial.
Los ajustes en Cydia te permite instalar paquetes personalizados para despues no tengas que instalarlos manualmente.
Selecciona la etiqueta Download packages. Despues click en el boton Refresh para mostrar todos los paquetes disponibles. Con doble click al paquete de tu gusto, lo bajara y lo mostrara disponible en la etiqueta Select Packages.
Marca los que quieres y luego click en la flecha azul.
El menu Custom Packages Settings muestra paquetes ajustables para tu IPSW personalizado. Deja estos como estan. Click en la flecha azul para continuar.
Paso Siete ¡El proceso Pwnage esta listo para que lo inicies! Selecciona el boton Build y luego la flecha Azul para iniciar.
Paso Ocho Te pediran guardar el archivo .ipsw personalizado (custom). Guardalo en el folder Pwnage creado en el escritorio.
Tu IPSW esta siendo creado. Por favor, espere hasta 10 minutos.
Te pediran ingresar tu contraseña de administrador. Ingresala y luego click en el boton OK
Paso Nueve Una vez creado el ipsw, se te pedira conectar tu iPhone a la computadora. Detectado tu dispositivo PwnageTool te guiara en una serie de pasos para poner tu iPhone en modo DFU.
Presiona y manten pulsados los botones "Power" y "Home" por 10 segundos.
Suelta el boton de "Power" y manten el boton "Home" presionado por 10 segundos.
Una vez el iPhone este en modo DFU, PwnageTool te indicara iniciar iTunes.
Paso Diez En iTunes, presiona la tecla Alt/Option y selecciona "Restore" (Restaurar).
Paso Once Busca el folder Pwnage en tu escritorio desde la ventana emergente. Selecciona el IPSW personalizado (custom) que fue creado y click en el boton Choose.
Paso Doce iTunes restaurara el firmware en tu iPhone. Esto tomara hasta 10 minutos. Terminado, se reiniciara ya liberado (jailbroken) en iOS 4.2.1
***GRACIAS: ¡Gracias a Geohot y el equipo Dev-Team por su arduo trabajo haciendo este jailbreak y tutorial posible!
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Please help! I was following this tutorial and got to the last step, as I was restoring it in itunes I kept getting the following message: "The iPhone cannot be restored at this moment because the iPhone software update server could not be contacted or is temporarily unavailable"
Now I'm stuck in DFU mode, what should I do?? :(
Okay, I just rebooted it using blackra1n and it's working again. It's still tethered and running on the old iOS, but at least I got my phone back and didn't lose any of the info. Guess I'll just stick to 3.1.2.
Hi All,
Great work Dev Team. Now my question was, I created a custom restore(using PwnageTool) for my iPhone3G 4.2.1 and managed to jailbreak it. The problem that I now have is, both wi-fi and bluetooth are not functioning. For example, wi-fi has address but doesn't pick up any signals. I have tried to re-jailbreak but still get the same problem.
what solution can you recommend?
So I just went through all the steps and when I went to restore the Custom_Restore, I got a message from iTunes "The iPhone "iPhone could not be restored. This decise isn't eligible for the requested build." What to do?
My iphone is 4.2.1, BB 5.15.04, bought unlocked. My macbook I used is up to date and so is my iTunes... could that be the reason?
To all queries regarding BB 06.15.00 :
worked Wonderfully!!
Successfully "Un-tethered" my previously jailbroken tethered device! NO issues/bugs whatsoever!
iPhone 3G [S] with NEWER bootrom previously jailbroken but TETHERED on iPad baseband 06.15.00 on iOS 4.2.1.
Here's what you do:
1.0 Just follow the above given procedure (Step by Step).
2.0 If error 16xx is encountered in iTunes during restore, don't worry, DO NOT TOUCH the iPhone (leave it on DFU mode plugged in) and RESTART the computer.
3.0 Open iTunes (if not automatically) and repeat the "Option-Restore" process. This should do the trick and voila!!, you just got yourself an UNTETHERED Jailbreak!
the Mac-Restart doesn't solve the problem here. iTunes always gives the message: "The iPhone cannot be restored, because the iPod-Updateserver[!!] isn't available yet." or "Restoring is not possible" (>> both free translated from german.) Restoring from the old (4.1) ipsw is also not possible.
Are there any other ideas out there?
iPhone 3GS, MBP 10.6.6, iTunes 10.2.1
hi im currently using iphone 3gs 4.2.1 jailbroken through redsn0w and then have run ipad baseband to upgrade the baseband and unlocked using ultrasn0w. now my iphone is working but evertime by battery goes off, i have to connect iphone to redsn0w and then boot the phone.
i am confused will the help? will i need to connect to redsn0w everytime when battery goes off?
do you have a windows version? i found sn0wbreeze and says its like Pwnage Tool for windows. is it safe to use it? I only trust tools posted on
Hi I have a 3gs bb 05.12.01
I followed all the steps below but when restoring I get the 1611 error, I allready tried to plug and unplug iphone but in the screen with the apple logo and scroll band it never starts loading... and then gives me the error, any idea why??
Have you tried re-pwnage the firmware.
Best download the firmware restore again and create another custom firmware.
Worked for me.
I was stuck on apple logo and connect to iTunes. Believe it was the same error!
Hey All I'm in Buenos Aires using 'Personal'! So I JB/unlocked the my iPhone 3GS (Version 4.2.1 (8c148a) Modem Firmware:06.15.00) using the redsn0w application, and then within Cydia I used ultrasn0w to unlock the phone. This worked, however i could only tether the jailbreak and therefore was unable to turnoff or reboot, which was fine until I let the battery die. After repeating the steps, I was only able to receive phone calls/ text messages (however i could call to check my phone balance, and when i friend call she told me she received a message for Personal saying I was trying to contact her).
So I found this site, followed the directions (except I downloaded Ultrasn0w through custom packages and now Cydia because it wasn't working). 3rd time it worked! I'm now able to turn my phone on and off without having to re-tether. BUT, I'm still only receiving texts and calls???? Do you'll think it is a phone company issue?
Hey there!, Im now in Buenos Aires, and i had my iphone working perfectly, but i updated de iphone trhough Itunes and now it's block or something. Th screen only shows the connect to itunes image. I follow the steps here but it didn;t work it says error (21). Help please!!
I believe the update might have killed your chances (unless you updated it using the update provided above. If not, keep trying! It took me 4 or 5 times to get it to work! suerte!
I have iPhone 3GS running 4.01 with baseband 5.13.04 and it is not carrier unlock. Can I use PwnageTool to jailbreak and activate the phone and also unlock ?
Somebody please help me
Yes. Use Pwnagetool in expert mode to jailbreak and activate and then once you have jailbroken your phone, run cydia and install ultrasn0w to unlock. Do not select update baseband!!!
Same thing happened to me when I tried using Pwnage. I tried 4 times and rebooting wouldn't do anything for me. I used GreenpoisOn and it worked perfect. I had 3GS on 4.0.1 with baseband 5.13.04 upgraded to 4.2.1 and kept my baseband. Cydia started right away and unlocked.
the tutorial for windows tells that, to make the download of greenpois0n ( however, when i click at the windows link the file is different!
( and it's not working to jailbreak my iphone. does anyone know why??
Guys what about all the people who jailbreaked previously with upgrading baseband to 6.15? Can we use this to get rid of the tethered jailbreak and unlock with Ultrasnow? Please I'm waiting for this desperately, anyone knows?
Dont use itunes to update if you need to unlock. Pwnagetool helps you keep your current baseband if you are using ultrasn0w. If you do not need the unlock, then you can update through itunes and use greenpois0n to jailbreak.
Thanks Tony,
All went well with the jailbreak, but I think I made a mistake by trying to use blackra1n to unlock. Now the phone restarts and cannot get past the apple logo, and gives an error type 21 when I try to restore. I guess I should have used ultrasn0w. Any idea how to reset the iphone so I can start again?
UPDATE: by following the above instructions again (this time to the letter) I was able to reboot the iPhone and from there install ultrasn0w and get everything working again. fan-bloody-tastic! Heartfelt thanks to all the contributors!
I have 3GS with 5.13.04, I followed all the steps exactly as they say. Once I try to restore with custom fw in itunes the phone is stuck with the apple logo and the progress bar almost at the end. I've waited over an hour and nothing.
Would anyone no why?
Thanks for you help!
Same problem here... tried to unplug and choose custom firmware again, still gtting the same answer, error 1611...
The scroll bar below the apple logo never starts loading.
i am using an iphone 4 with 4.2.1 and after i create custom ipsw and restore it in itunes i doesn't complete and gives me an error 21. anyone know why?
After build 3GS 4.2.1 custom ipsw and put iphone to dfu mode, by Pwnage and Opt-Restore in iTunes, I meet error in iPhone: firmware not compatible. What is my problem? help please!!!