Como Verificar la Version de tu iPhone Bootloader usando BBUpdaterExtreme
Posted April 15, 2009 at 12:45pm by iClarified
Estas son instrucciones para encontrar tu version de iPhone Bootloader usando BBUpdaterExtreme. Podes usar estas instrucciones para determinar si un desbloqueo es posible en un iPhone 3G con un upgrade accidental.
Antes de comenzar por favor asegurate de tener instalados MobileTerminal y OpenSSH desde Cydia. Para instrucciones de como instalar una aplicacion desde Cydia podes usar este tutorial.
Paso Uno Baja BBUpdaterExtreme desde aqui y guardalo en tu escritorio.
Paso Dos Ejecutar la aplicacion Terminal desde Aplicaciones:Utilidades.
Paso Tres Asegurate de tener el iPhone conectado a la misma red inalambrica que tu computadora y determina su Direccion IP usando estas instrucciones.
Paso Cuatro Ingresa el siguiente comando en la ventana de Terminal reemplazando la Direccion IP que figura debajo con la de tu iPhone. scp ~/Desktop/BBUpdaterExtreme root@
Se te pedira una clave. Ingresa alpine como la clave.
Paso Cinco Ingresa el siguiente comando a SSH en tu iPhone. ssh root@
Se te pedira una clave. Ingresa alpine como la clave.
Paso Seis Ingresa los siguientes comandos en la ventana de Terminal cd /bin
Paso Siete Tu iPhone perdera ahora sus conexiones de red. Ejecuta Mobile Terminal desde el SpringBoard de iPhone.
Paso Ocho Ingresa su en la ventana de terminal. Cuando se te pida una clave, ingresa alpine como la clave.
Paso Nueve Ahora ingresa BBUpdaterExtreme queryversion para obtener la version de bootloader de tu iPhone. Va a verse algo como Boot Loader Version: ICE2_BOOT_05.08_G2M3S2
NOTAS: Necesitaras reiniciar tu iPhone para recuperar conectividad de red. Tambien podes ingresar launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ en la ventana de terminal.
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Ignore my last post - I've made progress, gotten past Step 4 and am now on Step 6. However, when I input "cd/bin" after "Iphone:~ root#", I'm getting a response "No such file or directory". Thanks.
Attn: Zero or anyone who can help! I'm having that same problem others have after Step 4 getting the message "File Not Found", yet BBUpdaterExtreme is on my desktop and SSH is active on my iPhone. How can I use Cyberduck to try and make this work? I've never used an FTP or SSH program before. Thanks.
Actually you always have to use the iPhone's ip address.
Stupid question... Is SSH turned on on your iPhone??. You can also try all this by using cyberduck :)
The IP addresses must be different of course but they have to be on the same network range.... For example the iPhone ip on my network is and my Mac is the
As long as the first three octets are the same (192.168.0) you are good to go.
If in any case this doesn't match it meams that you are connected to a different network or you are connected to an access point with a different IP range settings and you have to change that.
Hope it helps :)
Try copying and pasting into the terminal window... if that doesn't happen, use cyberduck to send the file into the specified folder and then set the permissions in the BB app
You could do it using Cyberduck or WinSCP
Te only thing the first steps does are to copy the BBUpdaterExtreme to the bin folder and then give a 755 permissions to the program.
I get as far as the shuting down the services and then this
launchctl: Couldn't stat("/System/Libary/LaunchDaemons/"): No such file or directory
nothing found to unload
iPhone:/bin root#
So still can't check the boot loader version
Any help please
I just had my iphone 3g exchanged at an apple store which was yellowsn0wed but the one that they gave me is with bl 6.02. what does this mean for a potential unlock in future?
I get
scp ~/Desktop/BBUpdaterExtreme root@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 6a:94:1d:ba:eb:2c:d4:1b:8f:f3:43:c6:04:2a:ea:b0.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
Help please
THANKS! BTW do you know how to disable that low battery logo on iPhone? The one that shows the red battery with the lighting bolt point to the outlet. Whenever I get that, I drop signal with T-Mobile.
Not a clue, but i think the iPhone could be on a power saving function (since you are running out of battery) that cause the signal drop. It has some sense to me :)