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iPhone Dev-Tiimi päivittää RedSn0win, lisää animoidut käynnistyskuvakkeet

iPhone Dev-Tiimi päivittää RedSn0win, lisää animoidut käynnistyskuvakkeet

Posted April 7, 2011 at 11:53am by iClarified
iPhone Dev-Tiimi on päivittänyt RedSn0w-jailbreak työkalun uusilla korjauksilla ja kyvyn lisätä käynnistyskuvakkeita

RedSn0win käyttäjät ovat saattaneet huomata ylimääräisiä asetuksien valintoja joissain RedSn0win versioissa (esimerkiksi "Miten haluat sivunapin käyttäytyvän?", vaikka et käyttäisi iPadiä, vaan iPhonea.) RedSn0win päivitys [rc11] korjaa tämän vian. (Voit suorittaa RedSn0win uudelleen, kunhan muistat ottaa ruksi pois kohdalta "Install Cydia", jonka ansiosta RedSn0w ei uudelleen asenna Cydiaa, jotta säästyisit pakettien konflikteilta)

Lisäksi olemme lisänneet kyvyn lisätä käynnistys kuvakkeita... näitä kuvakkeita voi ladata Cydiasta, ja muista ottaa ladatut kuvakkeet käyttöön menemällä Asetukset->Bootlogo settings. (ja tietenkin tämänkin kyvyn voi lisätä helposti vain käyttämällä RedSn0wia uudelleen. Älä taaskaan unohda ruksata "Install Cydia" valintaa pois!

Voit ladata päivitetyt RedSn0wit täältä:
● RedSn0w rc11 (Windows)
● RedSn0w rc11 (Mac)

Voit löytää meidän ohjeet RedSn0win käytöstä täältä:
● iPhone 4 (Windows, Mac)
● iPhone 3GS (Windows, Mac)
● iPod Touch 4G (Windows, Mac)
● iPod Touch 3G (Windows, Mac)
● iPad 1 (Windows, Mac)

Suomenkielinen käännös: iGary

iPhone Dev-Tiimi päivittää RedSn0win, lisää animoidut käynnistyskuvakkeet

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Comments (14)
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Humber - April 11, 2011 at 4:51pm
Hello, Do you know when will a solution for iphone 3 in 4.2.1 Baseband 6.15.00 we are stuck in it without GPS. There are some many upgrades for all the other iphones.
san - April 7, 2011 at 8:53pm
the bootlog does not work on iphone 4.. i have try several times but it simple does not work.
russell - April 7, 2011 at 6:54pm
Hi everyone, I jailbreaked iphone4 with pawnage tool 4.3 and want to have the animated logos so does this mean I have to re jailbreak with redsn0w 0.9.6rc11 now ! if so will this update my baseband ? I'm waiting for ultrasn0w !! I really don't want to do that you see any advice anyone ?
Karsten - April 7, 2011 at 5:02pm
Why do I get a warning from my security system, saying that this site is infected by Exploit Blackhole Exploit Kit (type 1397)? Two files have been infected: "xehax.info/index.php?tp=5d9cd4b581084fe2";"Exploit Blackhole Exploit Kit (type 1397)" "fsdsa.info/index.php?tp=5d9cd4b581084fe2";"Exploit Blackhole Exploit Kit (type 1397)"
Rob - April 7, 2011 at 2:59pm
Does this update fix the signal bars bug when preserving an older baseband on the iPhone 4??
te72s - April 7, 2011 at 2:51pm
The jailbreak/unlock community has lost the battle against apple. Stick a fork in it...
HappyPuppy - April 7, 2011 at 4:29pm
Ungrateful... amazing considering the amount you have given back to the community. Enjoy what the Devs give - they don't have to provide any of us with anything. This just makes them not want to provide.
Ab08 - April 7, 2011 at 4:39pm
I want to use your unlock, as you clearly pay much more attention to what is important than the Dev Team does. Please notify me when you have released it.
Tomster88 - April 7, 2011 at 12:46pm
I ran the new Rc11 update on top of my Jailbreak, but the boot logos still don't work. Any ideas? Still a great job by dev team though!
JA - April 7, 2011 at 12:53pm
do we download the animated boot logo that were created for greenpoison? are they compatible with the redsnow animated boot logo jb? if someone could please chime in, it would great. dont want to download one and mess up my iphone and have to redo all the jailbreak and restore again....
Andrey - April 7, 2011 at 2:03pm
Same for me. Can install logos, can select them, can preview them but no animated bootlogo at startup.
Durty erk
Durty erk - April 7, 2011 at 7:37pm
Install animate from Cydia You should have it now. It's under settings menu and then under boot logos.
tomster - April 7, 2011 at 11:26pm
I installed animate from Cydia. the boot logos don't work. Maybe animate needs to be upgraded to work with 4.3.1?
mohammed.258 - May 8, 2012 at 3:59pm
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