Extract the RedSn0w zip file into the same folder.
Step Two Connect your iPad to the computer and launch iTunes.
Select your iPad from the list of devices on the left. Now hold down Shift and click the Restore button. Restore is preferred as it won't create any wasted space on your iPad.
Navigate to the Pwnage folder on your desktop and select the 4.3.3 firmware ipsw. Click the Choose button to continue.
Step Three Once iTunes has finished updating your iPad to the desired firmware open the Pwnage folder on your desktop and launch the redsn0w application from the redsn0w folder we extracted earlier.
**Windows 7 users may need to run RedSn0w in Vista Compatibility mode. You can do this by right clicking the executable and selecting Properties from the contextual menu.
Step Four Once RedSn0w opens click the Browse button
Step Five Select the 4.3.3 firmware ipsw we placed in the Pwnage folder on our desktop then click Open.
Step Six Once the firmware has been verified click the Next button to continue.
Step Seven RedSn0w will now prepare the jailbreak data
Step Eight From this window you can select the jailbreak options you would like. Make sure Cydia is selected and click the Next button to continue.
Step Nine Please plug your iPad into the computer and make sure its OFF then click the Next button
Step Ten RedSn0w will now guide you through the steps to get into DFU mode. You can find more help with DFU mode here
Hold down both the Home button and the Power button for 10 seconds.
Release the Power button and continue holding the Home button until RedSn0w detects the device.
Step Eleven Your iPad will now reboot
Step Twelve RedSn0w will then begin uploading the new RAM Disk and Kernel.
Step Thirteen Once this is complete you will be notified that RedSn0w is done. Click the Finish button. When your iPad finishes rebooting (5 minutes or so) it will be jailbroken with Cydia on the SpringBoard.
*As usual a big thanks to the iPhone Dev-Team and I0n1c for their hard work and contribution to the iPhone community. the iPhone community. **Windows 7 users can try running RedSn0w as an administrator in Windows Vista or XP compatibility mode if you experience any difficulties.
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I have an iPad 1 with iOS 4.2.1 and I'm trying to jailbreak it to the latest 4.3.3 and I keep getting error 3194 at the beginning of the process. The only thing unclear to me so far is if I need to update the software through iTunes alone to 4.3.3 before I follow all the described steps, since it doesn't say anything about that. Also My computer runs W7 64bit, so should I run the compatibility mode on just redsn0w or also for the ispw? I'm sorry the ignorance it's only my first time trying to jailbreak, I will appreciate any tips.
For those unable to download redsn0w, download it from here ('same' place, but newer executable, rc17): https://sites.google.com/a/iphone-dev.com/files/home/redsn0w_win_0.9.6rc17.zip?attredirects=0&d=1
Need help! Got stucked at "Exploiting limera1n"... I already run on admi and tried both Vista and XP SP3 compatibility mode. It kept hanging... Can anyone help me please!!!! Thanks!
i cant download d ipsw file... it goes on to certain extent... lyk 80 mb or somethin... and den it stops automatically./.... i am using google chrome... can i find a torrent or somethin instead... i wanna jailbreak ipad 1... ios 4.3.3. ...
i have everything working and when it gets to waiting for reboot nothing happens have tried ten time and just get to the same point over and over. I am on a xp computer. although the one thing i notice is evertime i get to that step a window pops up and says usb cable malfunctioned suddenly. not sure it that is the problem or not. Any help thanks
"Hold shift to restore as it won't create any wasted space" - will this erase everything on my iPad?? I don't want to go back to factory settings!!!
Run in XP SP3 Compatibility mode and Run As Administrator.
If you don't you'll see that you're stuck at the Dowloading Ramdisk and it will never finish
Thanks! It took me some time, but I finally jailbroke my Ipad. Advice to those attempting to do this....READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY.
Thanks Again for the tutorial; keep it up guys!
Am stuck at the Exploiting limera1n phase... have done everything which is said here.... XP mode, run as administrator..
I even hard rebooted the ipad... the process ran but when the ipad is switched on..... no cydia...
What else can i do?
I am using an ipad1 and even following the tutorials the tool gets stuck at at the exploiting limera1n stage. I am using Windows Vista and am running the tool with WinXP SP2 compatibility mode. Would there be any complications?
Please let me know. Thanks.
Well, I'm having issues. I can't get this firmware or the previous one to update to the iPad (currently at the tethered 4..2.1). No matter what I do, I get an error code of 3194. I even went und modified the 'hosts' file in System32 to have the " gs.apple.com" line in it. No difference. I must doing something silly, but I'm at a loass as to what. Any ideas? I know I was having this issue at work too. both machines are W7 64bit. Is there a problem with the 64bit version perhaps?
Forgive a nubee question.
If I (A) fully "Sync" and "Backup" my iPad 1 (which is at 3.2.2) in iTunes beforehand
and (B) follow the Tutorial and "Restore" my iPad to 4.3.1
and (C) use redsn0w RC12 to Jailbreak it
will I (D) get back all of my programs and their associated data files (30GB of 64GB) (none of which are in iTunes itself- i.e. no music or video) when I "Re-Sync" the iPad 1 with iTunes?
Also, will the above work with 4.3.2 just as well?
Thanks in advance!
did anyone else have problems when they got to the part that says "make sure your ipad is off and connected to the computer, then click next"? I feel like an idiot b/c i'm good at these things but i turn my ipad off and as soon as the screen goes black, the damn thing comes back on by itself (b/c its plugged in..). I thought it was always like this but i don't usually turn it off while connected to the computer so i'm probably wrong. any tips on how to proceed?
just in case anyone else had this problem - i resolved by waiting for the screen to go black, (as in power off) then, before it auto-booted, i pushed/held the two buttons right then and it worked. the apple logo still showed up but after holding the buttons for about 6 seconds, it disappeared and it went into DFU mode. jailbreak is working fine and video mirroring with HDMI is pretty f'in sweet.
theres some error with redsnow.exe... all the way to the step to install cydia click next... when it upload the ramdisk... the redsnow stopped, and i get error
tried 3 times, stuck at upload ramdisk, error redsnow.exe...
any idea? wait for next jb?
i think ive solve this mather, i also tried many times and it didnt work... when i are in step 10 DFU mode, nr 3 when you relase the sleep button but hold the home, its 15sec, but when it reach 12-13sec JB switch to upload disk, so dont release the home button until the last 12 sec, so you have to do an count down 12 to 0 sec before release the home button, then it should work. If fail just press sleep + home at the same time and try again... GL
im new to this. couple of questions i would like to ask. what would happen to all my old app, and games. how do i keep them along with all the saves after upgrade? thanks in advace.