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"MT Gestures" -Cydia ohjelma mahdollistaa moniajon eleet iPhoneen

"MT Gestures" -Cydia ohjelma mahdollistaa moniajon eleet iPhoneen

Posted April 8, 2011 at 2:37pm by iClarified
MT Gestures on Cydia-ohjelma, kehittänyt cookie181992, joka mahdollistaa moniajon eleet neljännen sukupolven iOS-laitteisiin

Apple lisäsi moniajon eleet ensimmäisessä 4.3 beta-versiossa, mutta kuitenkin poisti ominaisuuden seuraavissa iOS päivityksissä. Tämä Cydia-paketti antaa tämän toiminnon takaisin. Sinun pitää aktivoida tämä ohjelma WinterBoardissa. Tämä toimii iPod Touch 4/iPhone 4:ssa

Moniajon eleet antaa sinun mahdollisuuden nipistämällä neljällä sormella palattaakseen Koti-valikkoon, pyyhkäisemisellä ylöspäin näyttämällä moniajopalkin, ja sivuille pyyhkäisyllä voi vaihdella avoimia ohjelmia

Voit lataa "MT Gestures" ModMyi Cydia-lähteestä.

"MT Gestures" -Cydia ohjelma mahdollistaa moniajon eleet iPhoneen
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Comments (11)
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ilovejailbreak - April 9, 2011 at 1:06pm
install it from this source: iphone.gsm.vn the name of the app is: MT Gestures WB i did it already. it works for iphone4 4.3.1
vlad - April 10, 2011 at 8:31pm
it works fine for me thx man :)
Junaid - April 9, 2011 at 3:23am
I think every website should try before posting, this tweak is a crap, it works with no device....please be serious & responsible before posting.
iPhone.Gsm.vn - April 9, 2011 at 12:41am
Don't work in iPhone 4 / 3GS. Add cydia repo: iPhone.Gsm.vn install MT Gestures for iPhone 4 / 3GS and MT Gestures (winterboard) for iPhone 4 / 3GS and iPad...
James - April 8, 2011 at 7:01pm
There is a way to do it without cydia by replacing a couple files (I think they were from the beta). This isn't an addon from cydia it's inherent IN the apple firmware so the method would just activate it (or put it back in). It's not like alanleimobile thought, NOT a mobilesubstrate plugin and it will not harm your battery. My buddy did it on his iphone 4 with 4.3.1 pretty neat not sure why apple took it out from the beta.
AlanLEIMobile - April 8, 2011 at 3:39pm
This is stupid. It's probably a mobilesubstrate plug-in too. This will kill your battery. here's an easier way (my 3G S is on iOS 4.3.1) add this to your corresponsi springboard.app plists, since ai'm on an iPhone 3G S, I added the changes to the N88AP.plist: multitasking-gestures
AlanLEIMobile - April 8, 2011 at 3:41pm
Wow, my code didn't apppear in my comment. Alright, do this without the spaces: < key>multitasking-gestures< /key > < true/ >
iceblu121 - April 8, 2011 at 3:34pm
It don't work on iPhone 4 4.3.1 all I got enabled Was the rotation lock and mute a stupid useless Tweak wtf
yearoftherat - April 8, 2011 at 9:46pm
Doesn't work on my iP4 either..wtf
xoleras - April 8, 2011 at 3:21pm
it doesnt work on iphone 4 4.3.1
David - April 8, 2011 at 3:20pm
I can't believe this sloppy version of the multitasking gestures hack has been the one that's been circulating and turned into a Cydia tweak. It places the switch at the very top of Settings, where it's way to prominent for a secondary setting, and uses an underscore in the switch name as if it were a filename or code variable. The tweak installed by sn0wbreeze 2.4 and 2.5 looks better integrated, as if it were a native option.
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