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Come eseguire il Jailbreak Untethered sul tuo iPhone 4 (Windows) [5.0.1]

Come eseguire il Jailbreak Untethered sul tuo iPhone 4 (Windows) [5.0.1]

Posted December 27, 2011 at 11:47am by iClarified
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Questa guida su come eseguire il Jailbreak Untethered sul tuo iPhone 4 con iOS 5.0.1 usando RedSn0w è per Windows. Il tutorial per la versione Mac si torva qui.
Questa procedura vi obbligherà ad aggiornare le baseband con il rischio potenziale di non poter effettuarne lo sblocco. Per favore seguite un tutorial Windows per come agiornare a iOS 5.0.1 usando un custom ipsw se avete bisogno anche dello sblocco.

Se volete eseguire il jailbreak di un firmware precedente potete trovare la guida adatta qui.

Step 1
Create una cartella sul vostro desktop chiamata Pwnage

Scaricate l'ultima versione di RedSn0w da qui e mettetela nella cartella Pwnage. Ugualmente, scaricate il firmware 5.0.1 da qui e inseritelo nella cartella Pwnage (Nota: non dovete riscaricare il firmware se avete già aggiornato a iOS 5.0.1)
Estraete l'archivio zip contenente redsn0w facendovi doppio click sopra.
Come eseguire il Jailbreak Untethered sul tuo iPhone 4 (Windows) [5.0.1]

Step 2: (Potete saltare questo step se iOS5 è già installato sulla vostra periferica)
Connettete l'iPhone al computer e eseguite iTunes.
Come eseguire il Jailbreak Untethered sul tuo iPhone 4 (Windows) [5.0.1]

Selezionate l'iiPhone dalla lista dei dispositivi sulla sinistra. Ora tenendo premuto Shift/Maiusc cliccate il bottone Ripristina. Il ripristino è consigliato poiché elimina tutto lo spazio sprecato.
Come eseguire il Jailbreak Untethered sul tuo iPhone 4 (Windows) [5.0.1]
aprite la cartella Pwnage sul vostro desktop e selezionate l'IPSW del firmware 5.0. Cliccate il bottone Scegli per continuare.
Come eseguire il Jailbreak Untethered sul tuo iPhone 4 (Windows) [5.0.1]

iTunes aggiornerà ora l'iphone con il nuovo firmware.

Step 3
Eseguite redsn0w dalla cartella redsn0wche abbiamo estratto prima
Come eseguire il Jailbreak Untethered sul tuo iPhone 4 (Windows) [5.0.1]

**Si consiglia agli utenti di Windows 7 di eseguire il programma come amministratori e in modalità compatibilità windows XP. Potete farlo cliccando col destro sull'eseguibile e selezionando Propiretà dal menù contestuale

Step 4
una volta che RedSn0w si è aperto fate click sul bottone Jailbreak.
Come eseguire il Jailbreak Untethered sul tuo iPhone 4 (Windows) [5.0.1]

Step 5
Collegate l'iPhone al computer e assicuratevi che sia SPENTO poi cliccate il pulsante Next
Come eseguire il Jailbreak Untethered sul tuo iPhone 4 (Windows) [5.0.1]

Step 6
RedSn0wvi guiderà ora attraverso tre step per entrare in modalità DFU. Potete trovare maggior aiuto riguardo la modalità dfu qui
Come eseguire il Jailbreak Untethered sul tuo iPhone 4 (Windows) [5.0.1]

premeteil tasto Home e il tasto Power per 10 secondi.
Come eseguire il Jailbreak Untethered sul tuo iPhone 4 (Windows) [5.0.1]

Rilasciate il tasto Power e continuate a premere il tasto home Home finche Redsn0w riconosce il dispositivo
Come eseguire il Jailbreak Untethered sul tuo iPhone 4 (Windows) [5.0.1]

Step 7
Il vostro iPhone si riavvierà
Come eseguire il Jailbreak Untethered sul tuo iPhone 4 (Windows) [5.0.1]

RedSn0w preparerà i dati necessari al Jailbreak.
Come eseguire il Jailbreak Untethered sul tuo iPhone 4 (Windows) [5.0.1]

Step 9
Selezionate Cydiadalla lista delle opzioni e poi cliccate Next.
Come eseguire il Jailbreak Untethered sul tuo iPhone 4 (Windows) [5.0.1]

Step 10
il vostro iPhone si riavvierà di nuovo e RedSn0 inizierà l'upload del nuovo RAM Disk e del Kernel.
Come eseguire il Jailbreak Untethered sul tuo iPhone 4 (Windows) [5.0.1]

Step 11
Una volta completato ciò RedSn0wvi avviserà di aver terminato. Quando l'iPhone terminerà il riavvio (5 minuti circa) sarà jailbroken e con Cydia sulla SpringBoard.
Come eseguire il Jailbreak Untethered sul tuo iPhone 4 (Windows) [5.0.1]

*Come al solito un sentito ringraziamento al iPhone Dev-Team, Pod2g, and Geohot per il loro duro lavoro e il contributo apportato all'iPhone community.
** Tradotta in italiano da Giammop93 | Translated in italian by Giammop93
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Comments (166)
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raja.asad - March 30, 2013 at 2:16pm
I have installed tinnyumbrella but an error is displaying "tinyumbrella's TSS server is not running"... pls tel me how to fix it ???
raja.asad - March 30, 2013 at 1:41pm
how can I unlock my iphone 4s as factory unlock???
raja.asad - February 17, 2013 at 2:20pm
I have iphone 4 , t-mobile, how can i unlock ???
orlando torres
orlando torres - April 4, 2012 at 12:50am
ahmed - March 13, 2012 at 7:07pm
plz help me with this i jail-broke my ( iphone 4 - factory unlocked ) successfully some cydia tweaks doesn't working ... that's ok i already knew it before but i realized a drain in my battery life so i tried to get back yo the stock ios 5.0.1 by making a clean restor with iTunes but a had a complete failure with such a stupid errors such as: 3194 ... 21....1601....1603 till now i tried to edit my host file ... tinyumbrella .... iREB.... redsnow........any many suggestions i found it on the internet with no result still stuck on 5.0.1 any ideas !!!!!!!!
Tubagznyven - March 14, 2012 at 9:07am
Just googling man
Ahmed Siam
Ahmed Siam - March 14, 2012 at 11:13am
i did man more than 12 hours without any result yet i even tried this from a different pc has no apple software before
Ahmed Siam
Ahmed Siam - March 19, 2012 at 10:59am
still can't restore back to the stock firmware any idea ????
WALID78 - February 26, 2012 at 8:49am
How to Perform an Untethered Jailbreak of Your iPhone 4 (Windows) [5.0.1]
david - February 19, 2012 at 9:33pm
Hey, Anytime i try to run this is crashes at the end of stage one, I did get it completely done once before so i know it's the right one. But i had to restore and lost the jailbreak,.. But anytime i try it now it crashes at the end of stage one.. then i've to run a back up to get my phone working again as it's a blank screen and will not turn off./ or on.
music3000 - February 14, 2012 at 1:41pm
I am going to upgrade iPhone 4 (GSM) currently running iOS 4.3.3 (jailbroke) with modem firmware 4.10.01. I don't need to unlock. Can I simply Restore in iTunes or do I need to Shift+Restore using the firmware found on this site?
Tubagznyven - March 14, 2012 at 9:06am
Shift restore
yayako - February 1, 2012 at 3:10pm
Hi all, i had an iphone 4 baseband: 2.10.04, Itune v 10.5.2. I'd like to upgrade 5.0.1 and follow this tutorial by; downloaded redsn0w_win_0.9.10b3 and iPhone3_3_5.0.1_9A405_Restore.ipsw. Then i had problem with the first step when i try to "restore iPhone3_3_5.0.1_9A405_Restore.ipsw" with Itune, it's said "this firmware is not compatible". Could anyone help me to solve this out? Appreciate for the next reply.
Amine - February 2, 2012 at 12:16pm
Hi, Check if your i phone is CDMA or GSM. You have to download the correct version of the the fimware according to this.
yayako - February 2, 2012 at 5:09pm
the firmware that i download is for GSM, which is suitable for mind. Please recommend for the right one. I will appreciate for your next reply.
Amine - February 3, 2012 at 7:18pm
Hi, I think that you had download the cdma firmware (according to your first post). You can download the GSM firmware in the link below: http://appldnld.apple.com/iPhone4/041-3309.20111109.64rtg/iPhone3,1_5.0.1_9A405_Restore.ipsw
ahmed - March 13, 2012 at 6:51pm
see on back of your i device model A1332 so that should be a gsm if not it'll be CDMA
Yayako - March 14, 2012 at 5:57am
Thanks for all reply now i had update min successfully.
debbie - November 13, 2012 at 9:47pm
how do you find out it your iphone is cdms or gms ?? help pls think thats why am no getting to jailbreak my fone :( been tryn for days now lol
Amine - January 24, 2012 at 7:11pm
I have I Phone 4 ios 4.3.5 witch I have update to ios 5.0.1. After jail break with redsn0w 0.9.10b4 it can't reboot, I just have the logo blinking. please help (I successfully restore with itune but can't jailbreak)!!!!
racer1698 - January 21, 2012 at 8:16am
after i jb my iphone 4, open cydia and try to search apps, it will get out of cydia and back to the main screen, when i try the " aout " button, it go back to main screeen also. what is the problem. anyone can help? it also happen when i try to add a new source
Bruce - January 20, 2012 at 9:56pm
everytime i download redsnow and try to open it keeps telling me application not found, what am i doing wrong
john - January 11, 2012 at 12:27am
i have an iphone 4 cdma verizon and i upgraded it to the ios 5.0.1 and now im trying to use redsn0w and every time i do it, it gives me a pop-up saying that i have to close redsn0w.exe. also when i try changing the capability but my windows xp doesnt have the option for "service pack 3 or 2" ive ran it as administrator and still when i try to jailbreak it, it doesnt work.
pavan - January 10, 2012 at 6:03pm
jail breaking with 5.0.1 everything gone very smooth, but Bluetooth is not working for me. my iPhone 4 is keep searching for devices all the time. my car is able to identify the phone, but phone is not identifying it
Zeb - February 3, 2012 at 4:51pm
Which Firmware did you use to JB your iPhone 4 5.0.1? Thanks!
pavan - February 3, 2012 at 7:09pm
yes, it is 5.0.1
T4tanvir - January 10, 2012 at 10:18am
Hi guys, how can i enable push notifications? I m on ios 5.0.1 untethered
Abhishek - March 14, 2012 at 10:47am
Hi, Follow these steps as it is... You will enjoy push notifications on your phone. http://www.addictivetips.com/mobile/fix-imessage-facetime-push-notifications-on-hacktivated-iphone-4-3gs/
Zeeshan - January 10, 2012 at 9:13am
I am using currently IOS 4.3.5 tethered on iPhone 4. I want to upgrade with 5.0.1 untethered version. I am following the steps given in this tutorial. When I am trying to restore my iPhone to the ipsw firmware provided here, i received an error 3194. I tried many times but the same error appears. I am using the latest version of iTunes 10.5.2 . Please help me in this issue.
Tubagznyven - January 10, 2012 at 10:08am
Just search on google error 3194 n choose 1st link,i think from that link is clear enough Hope thats help
t4tanvir - January 6, 2012 at 12:24pm
can anyone pls tell me how to make push notifications active on jailbroken ios 5.0.1, it does not work on mine though everything is on
itaco90 - January 5, 2012 at 4:16pm
my computer dosent seemto read when the phone is on dfu mode im sure im doing it right but then nothing happens it tells me to look on google or youtube to find out how to put my phone on dfu mode any suggestions???
tubagznyven - January 10, 2012 at 10:11am
If u think it's right,just try again then maybe your timing for entering dfu mode just incorrect
Coose - January 28, 2012 at 6:02pm
Same for me. It does go to DFU, but the PC needs to re-identify the USB device. wait for windows to finish and then do a back, next. Redsn0w will see the DFU mode and do its thing
Tubagznyven - January 5, 2012 at 7:39am
Of course u can't,coz this jb for iphone 4
lucky005 - January 4, 2012 at 11:23am
I have successfully jailbreaked my iphone 4 with baseband 4.11.08 but when i cut my sim and place it in the phone it shows no service please help me.
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