Queste sono le istruzioni su come effettuare il "jailbreak" e sbloccare il tuo iPhone 3G e 3GS utilizzando BlackRa1n e BlackSnOw per Mac.
Queste istruzioni funzioneranno con l'ultimo 3.1.2 firmware, il baseband 05.11.04 e gli iPhone che necessitano di "hacktivation". Se hai già effettuato il jailbreak seguendo queste istruzioni saranno più agevoli.
Per i possessori di un nuovo iPhone 3GS (con Bootrom aggiornata), BlackRa1n supporta solo un tethered jailbreak. Questo significa che una volta effettuato il jailbreak non devi mai lasciare scaricare del tutto la tua batteria. Se ciò dovesse accadere, sarà necessario ricollegare il tuo iPhone al computer e usare BlackRa1n per avviarlo.
Prima di proseguire, accertati di avere il baseband 05.11.07 seguendo questo tutorial. Se così non è, dovrai effettaure l'aggiornamento del tuo firmware alla versione 3.1.2 utilizzando iTunes, prima di poter proseguire.
Puoi trovare la versione Windows di questo tutorial qui. Ok, "si va a incominciare"...
Step UNO Apri il tuo web browser preferito (Firefox, Safari, Chrome...) e carica il seguente indirizzo: Fai click sul logo Apple in fondo alla pagina.
Step DUE Quando richiesto, salva il file sul tuo desktop
Step TRE A questo punto fai doppio click sullo zip blackra1n scaricato per estrarre l'applicazione, poi fai doppio click sull'icona dell'applicazione per eseguire il programma
Step QUATTRO Accertati che il tuo iPhone o iPod sia connesso al computer e poi fai cick sul grande tasto make it ra1n
Step CINQUE Il tuo iPhone a questo punto verrà messo in "recovery mode" (modalità di ripristino).
Vedrai una immagine di GeoHot che sostituisce la schermata standard della modalità di ripristino sul tuo apparecchio.
blackra1n verrà eseguito e l'apparecchio si riavvierà.
Un messaggio popup apparirà informandoti che BlackRa1n è un software gratuito e che se lo hai apprezzato, puoi donare a GeoHot attraverso
Step SEI Una volta che il tuo apparecchio sarà riavviato sarà "jailbroken" e troverai una icona BalckRa1n sulla Springboard. Accertati di avere una connessione internet e fai click sull'icona per lanciare l'applicazione.
Seleziona l'installer dell'applicazione prescelto e premi sn0w se vuoi sbloccare il tuo apparecchio. Premi su botton Install in alto a destra nella schermata per cominciare.
BlackRa1n coomincerà a scaricare e installare tutti i pacchetti (packages) che hai selezionato.
Se scegli di sbloccare l'apparecchio utilizzando blacksn0w ti verrà presentato un Post Install log per snOw. CommCenter verrà riavviato e non sarà necessario riavvio dell'apparecchio. Se il tuo operatore non supporta il 3G, disabilitalo. Premi il tasto Close per continuare.
Step SETTE Una volta eseguito, BlackRa1n farà rinascere il tuo iPhone e troverai il package di installazione che hai scelto sulla Springboard.
Step OTTO Una volta che avrai confermato che il tuo installe funziona correttamente, potrai, ove volessi, utilizzare il tasto Uninstall blackra1n posto all'interno della applicazione BlackRa1n per rimuoverlo dal tuo Springboard.
***RINGRAZIAMENTI: Un grandissimo "Grazie!" a Geohot per avere reso possibile questo "jailbreak" e questo sblocco. Grazie anche a coloro che hanno contribuito a renderlo un successo. Puoi donare a Geohot utilizzando il tasto qui sotto. Per favore nota che queste donazioni vanno a Geohot e non to iClarified.
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Is there any chances that BlackRa1n will totally jailbreak the new iPhone 3GS (updated Bootrom) instead of tethered jailbreak??? Because I've been connecting and jailbreak my new iPhone 3GS (updated Bootrom) to my laptop everytime the battery runs out for a year now.
I couldn't connect to Cydia (kept on getting connection errors) and couldn't download blacksn0w either, but I unlocked my phone 3G, 3.12, 5.11.07 by following Vikram's words found at
1. downloaded PhoneDisk (free until September)
2. downloaded blacksn0w at
3. jailbroke with PwnageTool
4. Extracted .deb and found the necessary files in the /data folder
5. Copied files to the iPhone using PhoneDisk (put files in data/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ and data/usr/lib/blacksn0w.dylib)
6. Restarted the iPhone and my carrier came up.
Now, I'm going to back up and restore my iPhone but without using iTunes. PhoneDisk, iPhone Backup Extractor, and SQLite Database Browser makes it all possible! My last restore from backup took 54 hours; my last backup took 29 hours. I'm not ever going to backup using iTunes. I've compiled a set of instructions from browsing the web and they will help with backup and restore.
F R E E D O M!
I've once used blacksnow to reboot my iphone cuz I forgot to charge the phone and since that time, the iphone is unable to connect to wifi anymore, is there any way to fix this problem?
I use black snow to reboot my 3GS since the battery went out last night, but it has problem in connecting to the internet, it cannot find WIFI conncection, can someone tell me how to fix it?
hi.i jailbreak and unlock mi iphone-3GS-3.1.2. work is good,only one problem,when i tern power off and next mornig tern power on, mi phone go to recoverry mode,and i need using blackSnOw ageIn ??? PLEASE HALP ME.
Yep!, that's very annoying. On the 3GS that's the way it works. With the 3G you don't have that problem. However there is this one iPhone 3GS 14GB I unlocked and works just fine, doesn't matter how many time you turn it off and on you don't have to use the software; don't know why I didn't do anything different. Good Luck!
I bought the new 3gs and followed the tutorial "How to Jailbreak and Unlock Your iPhone 3G, 3GS Using BlackSn0w [Mac]". It goes right. I can used my iphone on other carrier, use wifi, used the GPS, connect youtube thought wifi. But I am not able to activate 3G. I all ready check wth my new carrier. every think is right in his side. Does anyone has an answer to this problem?
Just followed these directions plus did the LEGACY t-mobile download from Cydia to get picture messaging. Works GREAT!! But!!!!!
PLEASE HELP-- Even when I'm on WIFI it says YOUTUBE CANNOT CONNECT. Does anyone know how to fix this? 3G Unlocked iphone on T-mobile
I get a "you do not have internet connection" error.
I am currently in China, and no option to connect to ATT :)
But, I do have wifi connected.
I have a 3GS with 3.1.2
Any suggestions?
-Aaron [for discounts on zagg skins]
I have a jailbroken iPhone 3GS which I have powered off completely and rebooted several times using Blackra1n, today however the same process no longer works!!
When I click 'make it ra1n' the GeoHotz picture comes up as normal, after about 30 seconds or so it restarts again and comes up with the itunes connect screen, it just does this over and over! Anyone else having this problem? can anyone help? it was working fine up to today!
i just got the 3gs and i tried to jailbreak and unlock using blackra1n several times but it didn't work. there is a window showed that the phone is jailbroken but the phone itself never reboot, it always asked for restore...i have waited a long time to see if it will reboot, but didn't happen. plus i checked the version and the firmware is correct. now i have no idea, please help
If u just bought the iPhone frm apple store then restore the phone once, and then use blackra1n to JB it. After receiving the message that ur phone is jailbroken, leave ur phone connected and close the blackra1n. When u see the iTunes logo on ur phone n says that u need to restore ur phone, just reopen the blackra1n again n u should be fine.
I've had the same problem. Downloaded black ra1n, it came up with the message saying it had worked. It never rebooted, came up with the connect to itunes message on screen. Did that, and itunes told me to restore to factory settings as it was in recovery mode. Why it did not reboot I do not know, but now have lost a lot of things that I would rather have not lost!!!!! Won't be trying this again in a hurry.
please please someone help me!!!
I got my iphone 3gs exchanged today from Apple because i was having some problems. i JB and unlocked the new phone, every things seem work great. BUT as soon as it turn off, the phone lock back again. plz help me. what should i do??
I ran the program and followed the instructions and it worked for me. The only issue I have is that when I try to run programs such as DiskAid, or Iphone Browser, it shows my device as Unlocked, when clearly I just used the blackra1n program to jailbreak my phone.
Is there any way to get it so my phone can be seen as jailbroken, so that I'm able to use those programs to change system sounds.
Thank you for any suggestions.
hi for all, please i need your help, i have a friend will come form us, he will bring me iphone 3gs 16gb, i living in malaysia, can i do a jailbreak for it, and what about if i will go to us later on, i can use it there or how.
i am waiting your help, thanks.