Instructies om je 4.2.1 jailbreak untethered te maken doormiddel van het 'backup plan' van het iPhone Dev Team, op Mac OS X. Momenteel is deze beta alleen geschikt voor de iPhone4, iPad, en iPod touch 4G.
Vereisten: Je moet toegang hebben tot de iOS 4.2b3 IPSW en je iOS 4.2b3 SHSH blobs moeen opgeslagen zijn. Je moet ook al gejailbreaked zijn op iOS 4.2.1 (tethered). ZORG VOOR EEN BACKUP VOORDAT JE BEGINT, DIT IS EEN BETA!
Stap Twee Dubbel-klik het RedSn0w bestand om het uit te pakken. Start nu RedSn0w vanuit de uitgepakte map.
Stap Drie Klik op de Browse knop.
Selecteer de iOS 4.2.1 IPSW die in de Pwnage map op je bureaublad zit en klik op Open.
Klik op de Next knop om verder te gaan.
RedSn0w treft nu voorbereidingen voor de jailbreak.
Je krijgt nu een aantal keuzevakken te zien.
Vink Jailbreak Monte (untether) van het lijstje aan. Je wordt nu gevraagd de iOS 4.2b3 ipsw te openen, die staat in de Pwnage map op je bureaublad, klik op Open. Klik Next om verder te gaan.
Verbind nu je iPhone met je computer en zorg dat hij uit staat.
RedSn0w geeft nu aanwijzingen om je iPhone in DFU mode te krijgen, heb je meer hulp nodig kijk dan hier.
Houd de Power button en de Home button tegelijk 10 seconden ingedrukt.
Na 10 seconden laat je de Power button los maar houd je de Home button ingedrukt totdat Redsn0w je iPhone herkent.
RedSn0w gaat de Jailbreak Monte bestanden voorbereiden, exploit met Limera1n uitvoeren, RAM Disk en Kernel uploaden en verstuurt tot slot nog de Jailbreak Monte bestanden.
RedSn0w zal je laten weten dat het jailbreaken gelukt is
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Can i use this tutorial to untether jailbreak my iphone 4 4.2.1 (already tether jailbroken using redsnow) if my SHSH on cydia only says 4.2.1 above the welcome to cydia screen? help please, thank you
Process is fairly simple if all the steps are followed, my skype still wasn't working it spat me back out to springboard and I had to use skype, there was no way without it. After hanging up a phone call froze badly needed a hard restart, said fcuk it went back to stock 4.2.1 makes me wanna buy apps now, nooooo
I appreciate what they do codeinsring that its free, but I'm fine at 4.1 for now. Why's there always a big rush for the Dev team and Geo hot to jailbreak the next firmware? Unless you just bought a new device and can't unlock its not that big of a deal. I mean Apple makes new enhancements and adds more functionality, but nothing that groundbreaking from one release to the next, at least nothing that makes me so impatient that I blog on the net complaining about not get the latest jailbreak from guys who do this entirely for free, thats just crazy. I am a little impatient for an unlock, but since tmobile changed their unlimited data plan to 200mbs I don't really care any more.
Hi folks,
I have an iphone 4 with the 3.05... baseband, and did all the process above, but i still do not get my countrys network provider, what else should i do??? please need some help, i have the iphone for so long and cant use as a cellphone.
Please help
Im Currently Working On A Tool Called BootUtility, This Tool is very useful for Tethered Jailbroken Devices.
All Information Available At www.BootUtility.Tk!
The Tool Is Only Available for Windows For Now!
The Mac Version Will Be Available A Week After The Windows Version Release!
My iPad gets to the pineapple screen where it says, Installing Bundles, and hangs there. I think its some trouble with usbmuxd because I get this line in the Terminal >
File "/Users/kenny/Desktop/Pwnage/usbmuxd-1.0.6/python-client/", line 111, in getpacket
raise MuxVersionError("Version mismatch: expected %d, got %d"%(self.VERSION,version))
MuxVersionError: Version mismatch: expected 0, got 1
Anybody know what I'm doing wrong? Any help would be appreciated.
Great tutorial. Works great other than the issues mentioned. Waiting for beta2. iClarified; I love you guys but you need an iPhone based website or an app or something!!!!!!!!!!
Second Paragraph in the INSTRUCTIONS, Scooter:
Currently this very first beta1 is limited to iPhone4, iPad, and iPod touch 4G. Bluetooth functionality is disabled for the time being until some issues are resolved.
hey guys i made new untheter jailbreak for ios 4.2.1 by named [gunnerra1n] and it will released on 31/12/2010 better than the bulshits comex,geo,musclenerds,etc
by the way it is same as limera1n.
With bluetooth enabled
Even with all the bundles and the blob that i have because I have the dev stuff, it bricked my iphone 4.
Any useful thoughts on how to unbrick it? thanks
Undefined symbols:
"_CFRunLoopRemoveSource", referenced from:
_darwin_release_interface in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_op_handle_events in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_darwin_close in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"_CFNumberGetValue", referenced from:
_darwin_devices_detached in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"_CFRunLoopGetCurrent", referenced from:
_event_thread_main in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_event_thread_main in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_event_thread_main in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_event_thread_main in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"_IONotificationPortCreate", referenced from:
_event_thread_main in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"_IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty", referenced from:
_darwin_kernel_driver_active in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_darwin_devices_detached in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"_kCFAllocatorSystemDefault", referenced from:
_usb_get_next_device in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"_IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService", referenced from:
_darwin_claim_interface in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_usb_get_next_device in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"_IOIteratorIsValid", referenced from:
_usb_get_next_device in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"_CFUUIDGetConstantUUIDWithBytes", referenced from:
_darwin_claim_interface in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_darwin_claim_interface in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_darwin_claim_interface in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_usb_get_next_device in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_usb_get_next_device in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_usb_get_next_device in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"_CFRelease", referenced from:
_darwin_release_interface in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_op_handle_events in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_darwin_kernel_driver_active in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_darwin_close in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_event_thread_main in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_darwin_devices_detached in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"_CFRunLoopStop", referenced from:
_darwin_exit in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"_IOMasterPort", referenced from:
_darwin_init in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"_IOServiceAddMatchingNotification", referenced from:
_event_thread_main in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"_IODestroyPlugInInterface", referenced from:
_usb_get_next_device in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"_IONotificationPortGetRunLoopSource", referenced from:
_event_thread_main in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"_IOServiceGetMatchingServices", referenced from:
_usb_setup_device_iterator in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"_IONotificationPortDestroy", referenced from:
_event_thread_main in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"_kCFRunLoopCommonModes", referenced from:
_darwin_open in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"_CFRunLoopAddSource", referenced from:
_darwin_claim_interface in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_darwin_open in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_event_thread_main in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"___CFConstantStringClassReference", referenced from:
cfstring=CFBundleIdentifier in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
cfstring=locationID in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"_IOObjectRelease", referenced from:
_darwin_get_interface in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_darwin_kernel_driver_active in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_darwin_claim_interface in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_usb_get_next_device in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_darwin_get_device in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_darwin_get_device_list in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_event_thread_main in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_darwin_devices_detached in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"_IOIteratorNext", referenced from:
_darwin_get_interface in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_usb_get_next_device in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_event_thread_main in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_darwin_devices_detached in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_darwin_devices_detached in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"_CFRunLoopRun", referenced from:
_event_thread_main in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"_CFUUIDGetUUIDBytes", referenced from:
_darwin_claim_interface in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_usb_get_next_device in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"_CFRetain", referenced from:
_darwin_open in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_event_thread_main in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"_CFRunLoopSourceInvalidate", referenced from:
_event_thread_main in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"_kCFRunLoopDefaultMode", referenced from:
_darwin_release_interface in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_op_handle_events in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_darwin_claim_interface in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_darwin_close in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_event_thread_main in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"_IOServiceMatching", referenced from:
_usb_setup_device_iterator in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_event_thread_main in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
"_kCFAllocatorDefault", referenced from:
_darwin_kernel_driver_active in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
_darwin_devices_detached in libusb-1.0.a(libusb_1_0_la-darwin_usb.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [daemon/usbmuxd] Error 1
make[1]: *** [daemon/CMakeFiles/usbmuxd.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2