Como fazer Jailbreak em seu iPhone 3G usando RedSn0w (Windows) [4.0]
Posted June 22, 2010 at 1:21am by iClarified
Estas são instruções sobre como fazer jailbreak em seu iPhone 3G para firmware 4.0 usando RedSn0w no Windows e iTunes 9.2. A versão Mac deste tutorial está aqui.
Este tutorial pode ser usado para fazer o jailbreak antes de aplicar o ultrasn0w para desbloquear. Você pode encontrar instruções sobre como solicitar o desbloqueio aqui. Ele também hacktiva seu dispositivo para aqueles que não são oficiais.
Passo 1 Crie uma pasta no seu desktop chamada Pwnage
Download RedSn0w aqui e coloque-o na pasta Pwnage. Da mesma forma, transferir o mais recente firmware o 4.0 e coloque-o na mesma pasta.
Extraia o executável redsn0w a partir do arquivo zip RedSn0w na mesma pasta.
Passo 2 Conecte seu iPhone ao computador e inicie o iTunes.
Selecione seu iPhone a partir da lista de dispositivos no lado esquerdo. Agora segure a tecla Shift e clique no botão Restore. Restaurar é preferível, pois não irá criar qualquer espaço desperdiçado em seu iPhone.
Navegue até a pasta Pwnage em seu desktop e selecione o firmware ipsw. Clique no botão Choose (Escolher) para continuar.
Passo 3 Uma vez que o iTunes tiver terminado de atualizar seu iPhone para o firmware desejado, abra a pasta Pwnage em seu desktop e iniciar a aplicação redsn0w da pasta redsn0w nós extraído anteriormente.
Passo 4 Depois que o RedSn0w abrir clique no botão Browse.
Step Five Selecione o firmware ipsw colocado na pasta Pwnage em nosso desktop, em seguida, clique em Open.
Passo 6 Uma vez que o firmware foi verificada clique no botão Next para continuar.
Passo 7 RedSn0w irá agora preparar o jailbreak data.
SPasso 8 A partir desta janela você pode selecionar as opções de jailbreak da sua preferencia.
verbose boot exibe informações detalhadas sobre a inicialização do dispositivo e geralmente é utilizado apenas por desenvolvedores e usuários avançados.
Cydia deve estar selecionado. Para este tutorial iremos também selecione Custom boot logo e Custom recovery logo.
Quando você clica para selecionar cada opção de logotipo personalizado de uma janela de diálogo aparecerá solicitando que você selecione a imagem. Localize a imagem que deseja usar e pressione o botão Open.
* Lembre-se as regras de logotipos de inicialização são: RGB ou Grayscale formato com canal Alpha e dimensão inferior a 320x480. Se você gostaria de usar os iClarified podem ser encontrados aqui: Boot Logo, Recovery Logo
Observe que RedSn0w já tem selecionados para Enable multitasking, Enable homescreen wallpaper, and Enable battery percentage. Se você não precisa de multitarefa, recomendamos desmarcar-lo, pois ele faz seu iPhone 3G rodar muito lento.
Clique no botão Next para continuar.
Passo 9 Por favor, conecte o iPhone no computador e certificar-se de ter desligado, em seguida, clique no botão Next.
Passo 10 O RedSn0w irá agora guiá-lo através dos passos para entrar no modo DFU. Você pode encontrar mais ajuda com o modo DFU aqui.
Mantenha pressionado o botão Home e o botão Power por 10 segundos.
Solte o botão Power e continue segurando o botão Home até o RedSn0w detecta o dispositivo.
Passo 11 Seu iPhone irá reiniciar agora.
Passo 12 O RedSn0w começará então a fazer o upload do novo disco RAM e Kernel.
Passo 13 Quando completar você será notificado de que RedSn0w terminou. Clique no botão Finish. Quando terminar o seu iPhone irá reiniciar (5 minutos ou mais) será o jailbroken com Cydia no SpringBoard.
Agora você pode desbloquear o dispositivo usando o Ultrasn0w, seguindo estas instruções.
* Como de costume, um grande agradecimento para o iPhone Dev-Team por seu trabalho e contribuição para a comunidade iPhone.
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I am getting the same error too, when trying to restore with iTunes; I tried it 2X, Version: 3.1.2, Modem Firmware: 04.26.08, iTunes 10 tried to see if there is way around this not much luck & I don't know if iTunes 10 is the reason its not working, but I would like to update to 4.0.1
1) you guys need to add a part where you edit c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts to add the line "". This way the check of the firmware goes to a cydia site and thus won't fail.
2) it's possible to downgrade from 4.0.2 to 4.0.1 and jailbrake with Redsn0w and unlock via Ultrasn0w.
Hi Guys.. Can u please help me I am all lost!
I have an iPhone 3G officially purchased in India.. It has the official carrier .. never Unlocked Only Jailbroken .. I am on
Version 3.1.3 (7E18)
Firmware: 05.12.01
What I want to do is update my iPhone to 4.0 plus have it jailbroken.. So Yesterday I attempted to jailbreak my 3G 3.1.3 05.12.01 Using this Tutorial and it didn't work when i tried using the 4.0.1 (3G): iPhone1,2_4.0.1_8A306_Restore.ipsw (after trying to check with Apples server it gave me an error, something that this update cannot be used .. or something)...Then i tried the other 4.0 ispw.. and the whole procedure went thru .. DFU moed and all but when iPhone rebooted it was just the same as it was earlier .. same version etc)
Can u guys plz help me... How do I upgrade to the iOS4 and also have it jailbroken .. Also i would appreciate if u can tell me how can i also Unlock it to use any service provider..
If u can guide me to a tutorial or sumthing that wud be great :)
I have upgraded to the latest iTunes 10
Thanks in advance for any help.
Apple doesn't accept anything less than 4.1 right now... which can only remain your iPhone dumb for some time before the jailbreak comes out. So, what you have to do is to wait and constantly check the iPhone Tutorial on this site. Very soon it will be released. Hope this helps!
Thanks for yr response... OK What I have done is Updated to 4.1 than using the Beta Release of Redsnow for Mac .. I did the jailbreak .. But I dont like how many things crash and also it gone a bit slow... So I want to go back to 3.1.3 or 3.1.2 Basically anything other than 4... Can u guys plz help? Thanks!
Sorry, don't think you can even do that (downgrading) except if you previously saved your SHSH Blobs on saurik server before upgrading to iOS 4.1 which I am pretty sure you DID NOT!
Hi.. Yes I think I have saved them.. Coz I remember.. Once when I opened Cydia it showed a msg saying something like "yes make my life easier.." and I did select it.. So I believe I have done that.. So how do I go about it.. Emmanuel I appreciate u following up on this :-) Thanks!
I don't think there is any other way to figure that out right now since you have already upgraded to 4.1. So, just follow the instructions on the links, maybe Cydia successfully saved them for you. Good luck :-) !
edit c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts to add the line "". This way the check of the firmware goes to a cydia site and thus won't fail.
everything u mentioned is gr8 and very helpful thank u!
but when i want to update the iphone firmware using the shift-restore in itunes, the iphone should be on or off?
and what version of itunes should i use?
pls rply
everything u mentioned is gr8 and very helpful thank u!
but i have 1 quest!
when i want to update the iphone firmware using the shift-restore in itunes, the itunes should be on or off?
pls rply
is anyone else having problems wiith Redsnn0w 0.9.5b5-5 recognizing 4.0.1? the firmware is continually not being recognized and i have tried everything i know (even adding .ipsw to the file) any ideas?
hi, my iphone 3g is on 3.0 with baseband 04.26.08. i have it jailbreaked and unlocked using your old tutorial. suddenly my youtube wont connect. and my cydia crashed too. now my iphone 3g is getting hanged very frequently and hence i decided to upgrade, jailbreak and unlock using this present tutorial "How to Jailbreak Your iPhone 3G Using RedSn0w (Windows) [4.0, 4.0.1]"
My problem is
1) wen start itunes its showing new update to 9.2.1. n this tutorial says this jailbreak works only on itunes 9.2 which i dont have.. were do i download 9.2 version from.. and
2) should i save SHSH blobs? if yes wen? after upgrade, jailbreaking and unlocking?
pls pls pls help.. its frustrating everytime phone gets hanged jus wen there is an urgency..
pls help.. thank u guys... :)
Trying to upgrade from 3.1.2 (jailbreaked with redsnow) on my 3G but when trying to restore I get different kinds of messages that I can´t go further. This is after Itunes say´s its checking with Apple! I have the latest Itunes. I have also tried to upgrade but it still doesn´t work. The reason I want to upgrade is because I hope to get rid of some problems I have!
I'm thinking of going back to 3.1.3. Do I follow the same procedure as above and just use the 3.1.3 firmware? Will there be any problems going back to 1.3.1 from iOS4? Any help will be appreciated.
Since my update to 4.0.1. My battery drains RAPIDLY...It goes to 10% after 1.5 hours of useage. Its very frustrating and im thinking of going back to 3.1. Is anyone else facing similar problems?
The drain happens when you have push turned on for emails and you dont have data plan.
The happened with me earlier this year.
I researched a lot but turning push email resolved my problem.
Looks like it keeps looking for network which drains battery too fast.
let me know if this fixes ur issue.