Geohot voltou com uma nova ferramenta de Jailbreak! [Atualizado 2x]
Posted October 8, 2010 at 8:47pm by iClarified
Geohot apareceu do nada com um novo exploit de bootrom que ele chama de Limera1n.
Geohot postou uma imagem de quatro iGadgets com o simbolo do Limera1n
P0sixninja confirmou há pouco tempo que tudo é real:
sim, as noticias de Geohot com o jailbreak dele são verdadeiras, no dia depois de liberarmos o jailbreak ele irá liberar o dele
e sim, é um jailbreak diferente, com exploit diferente, que ele quer usar no Greenpois0n, mas não teremos como cumprir o prazo se acartarmos
Greenpois0n deve ser liberado em 10 de Outubro as 7:10:10 no horário de Brasília.
StealthBravo também tuitou: a volta de Geohot não é piada. Ele está de volta e irá liberar o limera1n a não ser se alguem convencê-lo a não fazer isso
Atualização: P0sixninja avisou que eles usarão o exploit do GeoHot se puder fazer no prazo pois não vão mudar a data da liberação do Greenpois0n
Nós não iremos mudar a data de liberação. Se pudérmos implementar o exploit de @geohots antes de 10 de outubro, nós faremos, ou usaremos o nosso. #roadblocks
Atualização 2: MuscleNerd: Tão dramático quanto o Jailbreak All-In-One do Geohot é ver dois exploits de bootrom sendo usados de uma vez só.
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Its better for everyone - October 9, 2010 at 1:18pm
Releasing both of these will be better for everyone in the iDevice community- since greenp0ison is only for A4 processor devices, the majority of us aren't losing a thing by releasing both. Congrats and thanks to chronic dev team for their hard work, but seriously GeoHot's release is going to help far more people!
Maybe Dev-Team is also working for Apple, so they keep Jailbreak/Unlock alive time to time, so a lot of people in the world buy iPhones (otherwise they never buy, like myself)
Will Limera1n work on the 3GS since Greenpois0n WILL NOT WORK on any device other than the iPhone 4, IPT4G, iPad and Apple TV 2G? If his exploit works on the older devices too then he's one step beyond Chronic Dev-Team.
well, maybe Geohot already found another hole in the bootrom, who knows, i don't think he JUST found this one, my respect goes to him for being a very smart dude, but he is a drama queen, and loves attention, also i think it's a great idea what someone else said here, if the dev team doesn't want to burn two bootrom holes, just use geohot's and keep shatter(however it's spelled) a secret for later use! MAD props to all the people involved in the jailbreaking scene, thanks a million!!
GO GEOHOT!!! The best at making simple jailbreaks, the only jailbreak that beat his was the 4.0 on idevice jailbreak at haha.... This is great!
i much prefer going on my computer, clicking a button, then going to work rather than having to download my ipsw for the phone, load it into redsn0w, then wait... It's not about difficulty, its about speed :P