Como jailbreak seu iPhone usando ipsw de restauração custom e o RedSn0w para WIN
Posted November 4, 2010 at 1:57am by iClarified
Estas são instruções de como jailbreak seu Iphone usando uma ipsw de restauração custom e o RedSn0w para Windows.
**No momento você não pode gerar uma ipsw de restauração custom usando o Windoes. Você terá que fazer o download de uma ou conseguir de um amigo que tenha Mac. Você poderá achar mais fácil usar uma das opções comuns de jailbreak como Limera1n or Greenpois0n.
Passo um Crie uma pasta no seu desktop chamada Pwnage
Faça o Download do RedSn0w de here e coloque-o na pasta Pwnage. Da mesma maneira, faça o download da última versão da firmare 4.1 para o seu aparelho here.
Extraia o redsn0w zip que você acabou de baixar, para a mesma pasta.
Passo dois Execute o aplicativo redsn0w da pasta redsn0w que extraímos antes.
Passo três Uma vez aberto o RedSn0w clique no botão Browse
Passo quatro Selecione a firmware ipsw 4.1 que colocamos na pasta Pwnage do desktop e clique em Open.
Passo cinco Assim que o firmare for checada, clique no botão Next para continuar.
Passo seis RedSn0w irá preparar agora os dados do jailbreak
Passo sete Do windows você poderá selecionar as opções de jailbreak que desejar. Escolha pôr seu iPhone em DFU mode.
Passo oito Por favor conecte seu iPhone no computador e certifique-se de que está desligado e depois clique no botão Next
Passo nove RedSn0w irá lhe guiar através dos passos para entrar em DFU mode. Você pode encontrar mais ajuda com o modo DFU aqui
Segure o botão Home e o botão Power por 10 segundos.
Solte o botão Power e continue segurando o botão Home até que o RedSn0w detecte o aparelho.
Passo dez O RedSn0w irá agora explorar seu aparelho com o limera1n.
Passo onze Seu aparelho estará agora no modo pwned DFU.
Passo doze Execute o iTunes e selecione seu aparelho da lista à esquerda. Para forçar o iTunes a fazer o restore com uma ipsw custom, segure Shift e clique o botão Restore. Isso trará uma janela que permite que você selecione a ipsw custom para o restore.
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Thanks iClarified, iPhone Dev team, and everyone else! I just used this article, to upgrade two iPhone 3G (one on 3.1.2 and the other on 4.0.2) to 4.2.1 using a custom firmware created on a MAC and RedSn0w for Windows 0.9.6b6. Both updated successfully while retaining the 05.13.04 baseband and both have also been unlocked successfully. Thanks again!
i got the 3g with 4.0.2 from a friend cause he bought the new one... iphone 4. whats the best way for jailbreaking it? limerain greenpoison or that online jailbreak thing? btw is it possible to carrier unlock it? whats that thing everyone talks about called "activation sim card"? do i need such a thing?
I did the jailbreak with limerain, and I try to unlock it with redsnow , everything works, except it is giving me the waiting for activation thing , and it dont read any chip not even at&t . what can I do ? please help.
Hi, I followed this tutorial, and I keep getting a "iphone could not be restored unkown error 6" everytime and every time i restart the process and after deleting Itunes library and other custom ipsw files from my comp. I'm on a Vista laptop, and right now I'm pretty much out of ideas escept for maybe doing an official Itunes restore...Anybody encounter the same error 6 along the way and if yes, do the experts have any fixes???Thanks
Hello guys, is there a possibility for me to update my 3GS which is on 3.1.3, which i got recently (blackra1ned and relies on unlock), since its not a factory unlocked phone. Since i got it recently there was no ssh saved for anything later than 4.1.
Which is the far more reason i need to be more cautious in doing the upgrade a problem free one.
So will this work for my situation.
Looking forward for an reply and thanks a lot in advance guys....!!!! :-)
Same case too. i haven't save SHSH blops for my 3gs 3.1.3, so i'm affraid to jailbreak and loss everything if i do not succeed. By the way, i would like to thank iClarified for those tutorials, and special thanks to Dev-Team too.
Help pls. I have 3GS new boot room. On 4.0. Firmware.can I use this method to custom 4.1 without updating my basband.when we put original restore file in redsnow, does it not update basband?I appreciate any help thanks.
I buy a iPhone 3GS and it comes with new baseband!!!@#@# If I use this Jailbreak with Custom Restore it will downgrade the baseband? Can I unlock or need to wait?
----- WARNING ------
ALWAYS use a custom firmware IF you want an unlock.
Standard Apple firmwares (ipsw) upgrade the baseband and usually make an unlock impossible. Do not use unless you know what you're doing.
Hi, if after doing the above with the iphone 4 which is currently on the 4.0.1 will i be able to unlock it using ultrasn0w from cydia? simply?
by the way why i'm not seeing any more in cydia: You have SHSHs installed for 3.1.2, 4, 4.0.1?? it used to there in green it disappeared two weeks ago.
I would not do it... you can update to 4.01 or 4.02 but why 4.1 ? you will probably mess it up and update your baseband. I'm not saying you cannot do it but your question shows that you're not totally into the material. So my advice is just update your 3GS so 4.0 and you'll be fine. If you need help write me an e-mail.
i have an iPhone 3G iOS 4.1 jailbroken using Redsnow 0.9.6b1, everything works fine except that my speaker dock no longer working with my iPhone now. i've tried with other, iPhone 4 iOS 4.1 jailbroken using GP RC4 and it works on my speaker dock..... does anyone have the same issue like mine? should i re-jailbreak my device (the 3G) with 0.9.6b2 ? to make it works on my speaker dock ?
kas...just a quick question...i m using an iphone 3G...i m planning to update it to 4.1...i know the baseband will be updated to u reccomend this??is there any unlock???thanks in advance