Como Definir o Tempo Antes que seu iPhone Envie a Ligação para a Caixa Postal
Posted January 25, 2009 at 5:54pm by iClarified
Essas são instruções de como definir o tempo que seu iPhone espera antes de enviar a ligação a caixa postal. Voce pode aumetar ou diminuir o número de toques seguindo os simples passos a seguinr:
1 Entre no aplicativo Phone.
2 Selecione Keypad nas abas no fim da tela. então digite *#61# e pressione Call.
3 Um tela de informação irá aparecer. Anote o número mostrado em: Voice Call Forwarding . ele deve parecer algo como: Voice Call Forwarding When Unanswered Forwards to +16478396148.
Pressione Dismiss para voltar ao teclado.
4 Digite *61*, seguido do numero que voce anotou anteriormente, seguido de *11, e ainda seguido de *s# (Troque o s pelo tempo em segundos que voce quer e o iPhone espere antes de enviar o chamado para a caixa postal)
Exemplo: *61*+16478396148*11*20#
NOTA*: Voce pode digitar o "+" segurando o número 0. O tempo padrão normalmente é 20 segundos.
Pressione Call.
5 Seu iPhone irá informar Setting Activation Succeeded Voice Call Forwarding When Unanswered
Pressione Dismiss para voltar ao teclado. A próxima vez que alguém ligar, o iPhone vai aguardar o tempo especificado antes de enviar a chamada a caixa postal.
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Thank you so much!
It worked!
Loved the extra tip on how to
get the plus(+) sign!!
However can you let everyone know that 30 seconds is the max number of seconds it allows...
Is there a max number of rings allowed?
I am trying to get about 20 rings before VM, however I set it for 240 and its going to VM at 6 rings no matter how far out i go
this does NOT work. just wanted to change the number of rings before going to voicemail. the instructions end up trying to go to call forwarding. and *#61# is Invalid!
lyn bosch
Hi there. Let me encourage you to try it one more time! Perhaps one star or number went in wrong for you! It worked for me and so many others, it seems! I hope you've got it now!
Thank you very much for the detailed directions. I was looking for the "telephone number" to be in its usual format, but then I typed in the number that appeared on my phone's screen, and it worked. Maybe now I can get to my phone before it goes to voicemail.
It worked on my iphone X. Thanks! I have AT& T in Ohio, US. I have always been frustrated that by the time I get to my phone it stops ringing. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!
This worked for me in UK on O2 network - Thanks. The only issue was accessing + symbol. I then read thro' all instructions and followed the directions outlined in later text. I completely disabled my call forwarding by entering 30 which is fine, 'cos it takes a while to locate my phone when I'm busy.
Thanks for useful info, I contacted Virgin costumer support and they weren't able go give me the correct info. I followed the steps and it works just fine. Set it to 30 seconds
hey, OKenji!
1. Mine was going straight to voicemail and THAT was the problem for me! I couldn't find my phone by calling my cell number because it was not ringing for me! (Just in case you hadn't thought of that yet!) If you put 0 for the numb of secs. in, that should work. If not, leave it blank.
I agree with everyone else, why is # of ring tones not a menu item? I guess Apple thinks we are all software developers. I have spent the last hour trying to get this done, thank you for this page, it was clear, concise, and it worked on my 5s.