Instruccoes para como fazer o seu iPhone pensar que esta em wifi e assim ligar VOIP sobre a rede 3G e entre outros beneficios.
Na mais recente versao de VoIPover3G por crash-x existe suporte para as aplicacoes Fring, Truphone, App Store, e iTunes Store.
Devera ter o iPhone jailbroken para que este tutorial funcione. Pode encontrar instruccoes para fazer o jailbreak aqui.
Passo Um Pressione na aplicacao Cydia que se encontra no Springboard do seu iPhone.
Passo Dois Pressione em Sections nas tabs situadas no fundo do ecra.
Passo Tres Pressione em System na lista das Sections.
Passo Quatro Pressioneem VoIPover3G na lista das Packages.
Passo Cinco Pressione em Install no topo direito do ecra.
Passo Seis Pressione em Confirm no topo direito do ecra.
Passo Sete Uma vez que a instalacao esteja completa com sucesso pressione o botao Return to Cydia.
Passo Oito Pode usar agora a App Store, Fring, Truphone, e a iTunes Store na rede 3G. O seu telefone vai reagir como se estivesse em rede wifi.
NOTAS: Pode tambem especificar a aplicacao que quer que corra em modo wifi simulado. Para fazer isto tem que SSH o seu iPhone e adicionar o bundle identifier da aplicacao que deseja a /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/VoIPover3G.plist.
Pode encontrar instruccoes para fazer SSh ao seu iPhone aqui.
Precisa localizar a VoIPover3G.plist e transferi-la para o seu computador.
Depois abrir o ficheiro usando um Property List Editor, adicionar o bundle identifier da aplicacao, e transferir o ficheiro VoIPover3G.plist modificado de volta ao seu iPhone.
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Does not work for appstore or youtube anymore as of 2/17/2010. Could only get skype to work. I have my config like this
Filter = {Bundles = ("com.Fringland.Fring", "", "", "", "com.audiofile.Interstate", "");};
Can i just clarify something...if i set this up does this mean that i can essentially get free internet on the listed apps above ie appstore, itunes etc.
I am currently on a plan that charges me 99c a day to use 3g but if i use this above method will this mean that i get away with it for free, as the phone thinks it is on wi fi as opposed to 3g??
IF YOU WANT AN EASIER WAY, GO TO to learn more. It's called Tricker 3G in Cydia. Get it and it'll fix it all.
Have the same not-working over 3G problem as lots of people complainting about here. But work like a charm after install the winterboard. mine is the 3G 2.2 brand new JB & yellowsn0w iphone. like to share with you guys to make full usage of this woderful piece.
also thanks iclarified for the excellent instruction!!
I got itunes to work with "Voipover3g"
edit your VoipOver3g.plist, located in /library/mobilesubstrate/dynamiclibrays/
And copy the format of the "com's"
Add In ""
Works Like a charm, Glad i jailbroke this fine piece of technology
Thanks for your help it was greatly appreciated. I would like to say if you want to add PennyTel to the list just add "com.pennytel.iphoneos.PennyTelMobile" This will allow you to VoIP over 3G works great!....I am running 2.1 firmware on my Iphone and now i can VoIP where ever i want to with kick ass cheap call rates :)
Hi I have pennytel on my iphone 3g and have installed voip3g program but pennytel doesn't work it says you are not connected to wifi. How do I add "com.pennytel.iphoneos.PennyTelMobile"
someone please help.
please explain why I would want to enable VoIP on 3G?
this seems duplicitous... pay for VoIP, then pay to use it on a cell network? Even at simple data plan rates, I don't see the payoff aside from the act of being able to do it.
anyone explain this to me? f
iClarified please remove this tutorial as it is useless because it does NOT work. I appreciate all the time and effort you put in to make these tutorials but the developer of this tweak needs to test this out only thing that I was able to do was to make calls via fring/skype but that's about it. appstore/itunes do NOT work.