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四核心 3.0 韌體 的 iPhone ?

四核心 3.0 韌體 的 iPhone ?

Posted January 8, 2009 at 10:02pm by iClarified
EnglishChinese (Simplified)GermanPortuguesePortuguese (Brazil)SpanishSwedish
根據ZDnet 有趣傳聞,擁有四核心的 iphone 會隨著3.0 韌體推出.

跟隨在三潘市舉行的 Macword Expo, 有一個有趣傳聞,就是圍繞著神秘的四核心iPhone手機.雖然目前蘋果iPhone 的處理器能力(大概)同 Sony PSP 一樣.升級後的四核心iPhone差不多超越現有的便攜式遊戲平台市場。 傳聞其餘部份都是四核心是需要 iphone 3.0 韌體 .


四核心 3.0 韌體 的 iPhone ?
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Comments (3)
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Terry - January 11, 2009 at 4:22pm
Is apple pushing the Iphone to become a game system and make bank on selling tons of games that compete with PC, WII and PS3? They better start making controllers and an external TV hookup if they go that route.
formulaben - January 9, 2009 at 12:54pm
...but it can't do MMS, Copy & Paste, or A2DP stereo bluetooth, etc. SAD.
Terry Kraft
Terry Kraft - January 11, 2009 at 4:18pm
Yeah man. They must be doing that on purpose since the GPS functionality they implemented is much more complex. The next generation Iphone most likely will have all these additional functions meaning that they want us to buy a new phone every year. It's all about business.
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