Koingo Software has officially unveiled Mac Pilot 3. This latest incarnation of their tinker tool for Mac OS X sports approximately two hundred new features and enhancements. The total number of features in Mac Pilot now exceeds six-hundred! Completely customize the Dock, Finder, Safari, and numerous other Apple and third party applications with little more than a mouse click.
Mac Pilot has come with a broad range of system tools, and other advanced settings as well. Dig deeply into the configuration of the Mac OS X file server with over fifty customizable options, fine tune the network card for broadband, erase logs and caches, change disk settings, disable Spotlight, schedule power events, view a character map for fonts, and more.
Mac Pilot 3 is fully compatible with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, as well as Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger. All features in the application come with documentation, and a reset function to reverse any unwanted changes which may have been made.