Wuonm has introduced Layers 1.0, their unique screen capturing utility for Mac OS X. Particularly suited for graphic and web designers alike, technical writers and developers, screenshots captured in Layers are Adobe PhotoShop compatible, allowing anyone to save them as fully layered PSD files, composite images or as separate PNG image files. Easily obtain full fledged PSD files with one layer per window, including menu and desktop icons, dock and menubar.
With an easy-to-use Inspector, Layers features several options to further customize screen captures. Users may filter screen elements to show or hide items, such as wallpaper or Finder icons on their Desktop; or select and save specific items. The Inspector allows users to configure advanced options as well, including Framing, Shadow inclusion, Opacity, or layer bounds. Layers can handle several displays too, so users can disable/enable the capture in each display. Layers features default preferences for UI settings, the location where captures are saved, and user-defined Hot Keys.
Layers supports all Mac applications that can read PSD files, including Photoshop (5.0 or later), Pixelmator, MacGimp, Corel Painter Essential, and others. Grouped layers require Photoshop 6.0 or higher, or any application that supports grouped layers.
Feature highlights include: * Fully compliant, native PSD file generation * Convenient Menubar access * Completely Customizable capture using the Inspector * User-Defined Hot Keys * Generated PSD has the screen capture grouped * Handles various Displays * Supports any application that can read PSD files
Pricing and Availability: Layers 1.0 is priced at $19.95 (USD) for a single-user license. A full-featured, demo that generates water-marked images is available. wuonm is offering a launch promotion for $14.95 (USD).