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Simple iPhone App Cracker Released

Simple iPhone App Cracker Released

Posted February 2, 2009 at 11:01pm by iClarified
Crackulous, an application dedicated to cracking iPhone apps has been made available to the public by those at Hackulous.

We at Hackulous have decided to open up the beta version of Crackulous for the entire community. If you haven't already heard about Crackulous, it's an amazing application dedicated to the iPhone community to cracking apps. Crackulous was first started by SaladFork, and now the application is being developed by Angel. We've decided to release Crackulous v.9 as an Open Beta, so anyone can try it out!

* Full GUI version of xCrack! No Complications!
* Crack Applications from the App Store! Share them with the community!
* The ONLY Application of its kind!
* The most POWERFUL and EASIEST to use application!
* Crack multiple apps at one time!
* It's free! Why would we charge?

The application is hosted on the Hackulous Cydia Repo (http://cydia.hackulo.us) for easy installation. Use requires at least one legitimate app from the App Store.

Initial reports believe that this application will cause mayhem for the iPhone developer community. TUAW writes, Although the larger discussion of intellectual property, DRM, peer-to-peer transfers and what constitutes "piracy" is filled with large gray areas, Crackulous strikes me as about as black and white as you can get. Any way you slice it, this is piracy. This isn't about fighting DRM or fighting what some see as a draconian application platform, this is theft.

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Simple iPhone App Cracker Released

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Comments (14)
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muzhik - February 3, 2009 at 10:33am
it's about time... this is released publicly...
Number_41 - February 3, 2009 at 10:24am
Actually I think it's funny that either A) the owner is chargin 10.00 for this app or B) someone is impersonating the owner and chargin 10.00 Go to crackulous.net, or however the app is spelled add the .net and you'll see what I'm talking about. Still trying to confirm if it's the owner or some guy who stole it N41
ernstlustig - February 3, 2009 at 7:58am
You can't sue S&W for making a gun which was used to commit a crime. Personally. I prefer testing a software before buying. This is not possible in AppStore. So here's a good tool which enables testing before buying. This gives me no trouble at all because I pay for the benefit I get out of software. My favorite is donationware. Free for testing - buy if you ike it. Seems to work somehow...
Mario - February 3, 2009 at 5:43am
I hope Crackulous actually bricks your baseband irretrievably
Santana - February 3, 2009 at 8:03am
sorry that people that have the money to buy a program with out know if is good or not don't like this type of stuff but I Love the fact that there is a chance for me to try a app with out the need of buying it before i try it. All of you how think this will mess up your phone sorry but this work like a charm.
Jim - February 3, 2009 at 3:27am
n41 is right. i'll admit i use cracked apps. but lets just imagine there was no way for me to get any. i can honestly say there is no way i would have bought any of the apps i've "stolen". i cannot afford to spend $10 on a cell phone game. they weren't going to get my money anyway. when i saw this app on cydia i thought, "cool". I considered downloading it to crack the one app i actually bought recently (couldn't find it cracked, and convinced myself it was definitely worth .99; no big deal) but i didn't want that on my conscience. so, i guess, crack $10 apps but not .99 ones? the debate goes on.
Mike - February 3, 2009 at 3:06am
@Morgan, [quote][i] It is not like ripping off the big companies. These are the little guys working hard to make the iPhone the best platform out there. Leave it alone. Jailbreaking is great, unlocking is awesome and the phone companies deserve it, but steeling apps from the little guys is pathetic[/i][/quote] No harm, but stealing is stealing, and there is no difference if you take it from a small or big one. You should start thinking before posting. Mike
Morgan Daly
Morgan Daly - February 3, 2009 at 3:50am
You are right and I agree. But take Microsoft for example. The only reason I would ever want to run Windows is to test out the crappy IE6. I don't run windows because I refuse to pay for it, which makes me think I should rip it off because they insist on keeping that scurge of an application alive and wasting everyone's time with it. They are lucky I don't bill them for my time. Point is that I was really only talking about Microsoft when I said ripping off the big guys. I think we should be paying for apps, that is what keeps development alive.
Number_41 - February 3, 2009 at 1:54am
Actually, this is a lot like the music industry. Most people that download the songs wouldnt buy it anyways. Thats why its so hard for RCAA, and music conglomerates have such a hard time proving that they are losing money in real dollar terms. "billions of dollars" is not real dollar terms. Just something to think about thats all. N41
iDood - February 3, 2009 at 1:30am
This is getting out of hand. I know that I am guilty of using cracked Apps myself, but this is ridiculous. I would like to create an app and make money as a side income in the near future and I wouldn't want my app to get easily crack by one of this application. Please do not advertised this iClarified. Don't get me wrong your site had been useful and had been a great source but this app cracker tips is going too far. Let's protect those who are making a living particularly with our economy crisis on the line. Thank you!
odominguez - February 3, 2009 at 12:21am
This is absolutely sad. If these people spent as much time working as they do creating these stupid cracking applications, they might even have the .99 cents that an app costs on the App Store.
macfightclub - February 2, 2009 at 11:56pm
but the iphone software is very cheap
Morgan Daly
Morgan Daly - February 2, 2009 at 11:51pm
I don't think this app should be given air time. I like paying for apps on the app store. And if I want free apps I can use cydia. If I come across people steeling apps I will be letting them know. It is not like ripping off the big companies. These are the little guys working hard to make the iPhone the best platform out there. Leave it alone. Jailbreaking is great, unlocking is awesome and the phone companies deserve it, but steeling apps from the little guys is pathetic. I am even happy that apple is getting their 30%. They have made my computer experience so much better than it would have been had I still been on Windows.
Naz - February 2, 2009 at 11:25pm
This is ridicules. For years we have been hearing the phrase "We only hack software developed by big companies that overcharge for their software" but now it is getting out of control. The App Store is full of software developed by small developers that try to make a living by selling their software for less than a dollar or two. I have seen many excellent softwares destroyed because they were developed by small group that could not make enough money due to their software being cracked. Instead of making a legitimate useful free software those crackers are creating ones that violate other people right to earn money for their effort. This is really annoying and irritating.
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