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Apple Patent Shows Waze-like Navigation System With Crowd Sourced Traffic and Accident Reports

Apple Patent Shows Waze-like Navigation System With Crowd Sourced Traffic and Accident Reports

Posted July 4, 2013 at 3:45pm by iClarified
According to a new patent published today Apple is looking into integrating real-time, crowd-sourced traffic and accident data through user reporting into their mapping applications.

In some implementations, a user can provide ratings for routes, streets and/or locations. In some implementations, the user can initiate an alert associated with a location. In some implementations, user-specified ratings and alerts can be included in a route determination. In some implementations, route rating and alert information can be transmitted to other users and/or devices.

The concept is strikingly similar to Waze, which was just recently acquired by Google. Users have the ability to report certain incidents such as traffic, accidents, blocked roadways, and more as they are driving. The app will mark their location and push the alert to other drivers nearby.

The patent also shows off the ability for users to create ratings for routes, streets and/or locations for other users. If a certain road often has too many accidents or is poorly constructed, users can note that in the app. Apple could then return the highest rated route to users when they search for a similar route. When a user selects a route, they also have the ability to incorporate their own preferences. For instance, a user can opt to take the most scenic route, or the route with the least traffic. This feature is fairly common in most navigation units today.

It is still unclear if Apple ever plants to implement these features to the current Maps app since many Apple patents go "unused."

Read More via AppleInsider

Apple Patent Shows Waze-like Navigation System With Crowd Sourced Traffic and Accident ReportsApple Patent Shows Waze-like Navigation System With Crowd Sourced Traffic and Accident Reports

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Comments (16)
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Susan Karwedsky
Susan Karwedsky - July 9, 2013 at 4:53pm
I think the idea of having a gps Ap that can show the actuall time and events taking place is absolute genius! If people knew that at anytime another person could see what they are doing Or where they are at,more people would be behave and obey the law.i don't understand why this hasn't Already happened? But hey, better late than never.
Happy2run - July 5, 2013 at 1:10am
Why they don't Schoe informatie the Bottom of the screen like tomtom top placing blocs road virus ahead! That's why you use a nav app to have oversight on upcoming directions! Lame!
RR - July 4, 2013 at 5:56pm
Can I patent user login id & password entering screen?
Mike - July 4, 2013 at 9:29pm
Yes. If you do it differently than what is already known. I should know, I filed a secure method of doing such and it is pending.
Mike - July 4, 2013 at 5:54pm
Before everyone complains that Apple is patenting something that already exits, you have to know how to read a patent. Looking at diagrams and the textual description is not what they are patenting. You need to look at the Claims in which you will see what they are claiming that is actually different than the prior art. If what they are claiming already exists, then the patent examiner should find it. And if he doesn't and Apple enforces it against someone who can show that there is prior invalidating art, then Apple loses. Remember this is not a patent but merely an application for a patent. It is very naive to think that Apple is patenting something that already exists. They have obviously studied what exists and are seeking to obtain a patent on an improvement that they can implement and stop others from doing so. The patent system is not broken for companies that innovate and protect their innovation. What is broken is the trolls that do not innovate and make products who buy patents to shake down other companies.
Anthony - July 4, 2013 at 6:49pm
Bravo! A little education for em'
Mike - July 5, 2013 at 6:17pm
The point is that it is not a good idea to file for patents that they know are invalid. In fact, if that is found out, it is considered inequitable conduct by the USPTO and the patent is immediately invalid besides the bad PR. Many patents are invalidated in a court battle. And besides, most if their patents have not been invalidated, only some claims. And note that the same patents are valid in some countries and not others.
jaysee - July 7, 2013 at 2:03pm
Meh, i love Apple, but that patenting crap is getting old. If you do something good you don't need a patent to defend it and have people using it... If you come up with something great and you are the first one to do so, and you advertise it correctly, you shouldn't care about someone doing the same you did, because they should't become popular enough.
rexology - July 4, 2013 at 5:31pm
I can imagine the percentage of users in accidents vs. use of phone while driving, going up with this kind of implementation. It's harmful enough that people don't know general road safety, let alone them reporting accidents and road block while operating a vehicle. PS - Anthony, you couldn't be more right.
Anthony - July 4, 2013 at 5:44pm
You also, have a great point.. I didnt even think of it that way
Anthony - July 4, 2013 at 4:59pm
Its amazing how much bitching goes on here.... it's like my wife and a bunch of her friends gather around the iclarified message
Anthony - July 4, 2013 at 4:56pm
Hater's gonna Hate... What did Apple offend you guys by requesting a patent? Does this take away from YOUR profit margins? LOL.....
stevles - July 4, 2013 at 4:30pm
This is bullshit. They can't patent something that is already in use by another company. My fathers GPS (TomTom IQ) uses community based reports exactly like this already. If this passes Tom Tom will need to step up.
Tom - July 4, 2013 at 4:13pm
What next they going to patent?
john - July 4, 2013 at 4:25pm
dude apple didn't invent the patent system they're just following the rules the patent system is broke the government is working on it Apple are held to a much higher standard than other companies they've earned that a lot of people are very opinionated and dont have their facts correct
Nuck Chorris
Nuck Chorris - July 4, 2013 at 4:38pm
The problem is they are taking advantage of a flawed system to forward their hypocritical agenda.
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