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iCleaner Pro 7.1 Released, Entirely Redesigned for iOS 7 Devices

iCleaner Pro 7.1 Released, Entirely Redesigned for iOS 7 Devices

Posted January 5, 2014 at 7:24pm by iClarified
iCleaner Pro, developed by Ivano Bilenchi and one of the most popular tools jailbreakers use to remove unnecessary files from their devices, has been updated to match the look and feel of iOS 7. In addition, there are many performance optimizations, improved text search, and more files you can cleanup.

With iCleaner Pro, you can remove tons of unused files and caches that sometimes can take up a few gigabytes! iCleaner Pro does all of the following and more:

● Message attachments (disabled by default): it deletes files sent and received via iMessage or MMS. The "smart" setting only deletes files that do not show up in any message, while "on" deletes all attachments (messages with attachments will show a blank icon).

● Safari: it deletes cookies, browsing history and cache files to free up memory and preserve your privacy.

● Applications: it deletes unnecessary AppStore apps caches, cookies, temporary files and snapshots.

Furthermore, it detects popular applications for a more in-depth cleanup:

Known Apps: Atomic, Badoo, Dolphin, Downloads, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Flipboard, Google, Google+, Google Maps, iCabMobile, iFile, Instagram, Mercury, Skyfire, Snapseed, SoundCloud, Soundhound, Sparrow, Spotify, Tweetbot, Twitter, Wikipedia.

● Cydia: it cleans up Cydia caches and temporary files, unnecessary Cydia applications files, partially downloaded packages and repo files.

● Cydia sources (disabled by default): it deletes Cydia sources files. As a result, Cydia will not list any package and the sources will have to be updated. This is disabled by default since it's only helpful if Cydia sources aren't updating correctly.

● Unused dependencies (disabled by default): issues the "apt-get autoremove" command in order to remove packages installed as dependencies that are not needed anymore.

● Log files: it deletes log files and crash reports from known locations. These files are
generally irrelevant to the user and can be safely deleted.

● Cache files: it scans and deletes system cache files and databases. Some of them are rebuilt upon respring. This helps removing obsolete cache data.

● Temporary files: it deletes temporary files from your device. These files are meant to be removed automatically, but they often happen not to. iCleaner takes care of that.

● Filetype cleanup: iCleaner features a custom cleanup pass based on file extensions. By default, it looks for log and temp files all over the directory tree.

● Custom files and folders cleanup (Pro version only & disabled by default): with this extremely powerful feature, you can add any file or folder to the cleanup process. Tap on "Add item" to add a new item to the cleanup, or an existing item to edit it.

The possibilities are now endless! Please use this function with caution, as accidentally deleting critical files can force you to restore your device.

Note that iCleaner is available free in the BigBoss repo. In order to get the Pro version (also free) you must add the developers Cydia repository: http://exile90software.com/cydia

Added iOS 7 support; entirely redesigned to match the new iOS 7 look and feel; major performance optimizations; improved the text search function to highlight matches; added more files to the cleanup list; bugfixes and improvements.

iCleaner and iCleaner Pro are compatible with all iPhones, iPods and iPads from iOS 4 to iOS 7.

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iCleaner Pro 7.1 Released, Entirely Redesigned for iOS 7 DevicesiCleaner Pro 7.1 Released, Entirely Redesigned for iOS 7 Devices

iCleaner Pro 7.1 Released, Entirely Redesigned for iOS 7 DevicesiCleaner Pro 7.1 Released, Entirely Redesigned for iOS 7 Devices

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Comments (18)
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andy721 - July 26, 2014 at 5:37pm
wow thinking that this looks amazing and fresh looking but the icleaners older version doesn't cause any problems just set it to secure mode and check allow temporary files cleanup and you have a nice clean iphone with more storage and your info is still intact.
andy721 - July 26, 2014 at 5:36pm
wow thinking that this looks amazing and fresh looking but the icleaners older version doesn't cause any problems just set it to secure mode and check allow temporary files cleanup and you have a nice clean iphone with more storage and your info is still intact.
andy721 - July 26, 2014 at 5:35pm
wow thinking that this looks amazing and fresh looking but the icleaners older version doesn't cause any problems just set it to secure mode and check allow temporary files cleanup and you have a nice clean iphone with more storage and your info is still intact.
andy721 - July 26, 2014 at 5:35pm
wow thinking that this looks amazing and fresh looking but the icleaners older version doesn't cause any problems just set it to secure mode and check allow temporary files cleanup and you have a nice clean iphone with more storage and your info is still intact.
kevinmaccloud - July 23, 2014 at 2:33pm
how to restore languages and voice control languages ?
rich - May 1, 2014 at 12:51am
I been using this tweak for a few days and my fitstar app started crashing every time I launched it. I also lost the ability to watch streaming videos online (quicktime videos). Also caused my Tout app to crash endlessly. This is not free of flaws obviously. Sucks I can't watch videos anymore.
rich - April 25, 2014 at 4:01pm
Is there any way to clean the "documents and data" from the Google Play Music app or Fitstar app? These are taking up tons of space.
Jailbreak 4ever
Jailbreak 4ever - February 7, 2014 at 3:49am
This brilliant app cleared 8.53 GB of trash in my iPad 2 running iOS 7.0.4, Jailbroken :)
@t0x1csn0w - January 17, 2014 at 10:44pm
Thanks Kingfish and a huge thanks to Ivan Bilenshi! I gained 1.28GB from message attachments that other programs were supposed to remove!
b - January 9, 2014 at 10:15pm
For messages, the "smart" option is confusing, can you clarify?
Tim - January 7, 2014 at 10:06am
I don't find the iCleaner Pro on my iPhone 5S iOS 7.0.4 Cydia 1.1.9 The only app I can find is iCleaner 7.0.2 version
Tom - March 29, 2014 at 9:10am
Cant wait to use it..
RayBob - January 6, 2014 at 4:22pm
I love this Tweak/App! Thanks Sir Bilenchi!
Bigjiba - January 6, 2014 at 6:44am
Worked for me. Cleared up 1gb of space. 5s ios7 jb
Marco Almeida
Marco Almeida - January 6, 2014 at 1:50am
Here didn't work, the App didn't appear on the screen after installation. I rebooted the iphone 5s but it kept looping in the boot logo and restarting again. Had to restore it.
Arnold - January 5, 2014 at 11:27pm
Is there any similar application on the AppStore ?
sandeeproy - January 6, 2014 at 5:10am
PhoneClean also does a good job- works for both JBroken and stock iOS, but in a limited way.FREE.
paquito gabriel jr
paquito gabriel jr - July 21, 2015 at 11:30pm
good cleaner
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