RAGE WebDesign 2.9.6 Released
Posted December 5, 2007 at 9:06am by iClarified
RAGE WebDesign 2.9.6 has been updated as a universal binary and includes support for OS X Leopard. RAGE WebDesign's focus is on providing the tools you need to design, code, and upload your web site. Its got an entire collection of HTML Tools to help make sure your code is standard based, error free, and online as quickly as possible.
Just Added For RAGE WebDesign 2.9.6
- [NEW] All new text engine provides better support for Unicode and many additional text editing improvements.
- [NEW] Universal binary, now runs natively on Intel and PowerPC Macs.
-[NEW] Support for Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard.
- [NEW] Redesigned user interface.
-[FIX] Can now properly insert styled text and have it automatically translated into HTML.
-[FIX] Lots of small fixes and enhancements.
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Just Added For RAGE WebDesign 2.9.6
- [NEW] All new text engine provides better support for Unicode and many additional text editing improvements.
- [NEW] Universal binary, now runs natively on Intel and PowerPC Macs.
-[NEW] Support for Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard.
- [NEW] Redesigned user interface.
-[FIX] Can now properly insert styled text and have it automatically translated into HTML.
-[FIX] Lots of small fixes and enhancements.
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