I don't know about you guys but iOS 8.3 for me is better then iOS 8.4, especially the build your own as many as you wish music radio stations that is gone on 8.4 and is free on 8.3, include to that "Unlimited Skips " tweak from Cydia and you got a win win!!! And the best thing about it is that because iOS 8.4 is not bug free and was rushed, Apple have decided to keep the door open, so everybody can go back and try iOS 8.3 add the " iTunes Radio unlimited ", " iTunes Radio unlimited Skips "," ITunes Radio Scrubber " Cydia tweaks and you'll thank me!
Calm down Johnny Cash all you need to do with your awesome Mac is install Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate thru that great application you have right in your utilities menu called boot camp get a clue Bro!!!!!!
You bought it you may as well know how to use it!!!!!!
Can they just add this patch through cydia?
I just jailbroke my iphone loaded all my tweaks which I hate to do,because I had to add every single of them one by one.
Damn another 2hrs of my time
For all you guys that prefer iTunes Radio with the unlimited skips tweak rather then the new Apple music, I just found out that the door for iOS 8.3 is still open. I just tried it and I'm glad to say that my iPhone is clean restored on iOS 8.3 no problem and now it's time to jailbreak, next my iPad before Apple change their minds on keeping the door open.
if it don't show then don't worry about it, one thing for sure, if you do this upgrade many tweaks are not ready for it so it might be better to leave it alone. if you buy your tweaks then you got nothing to worry about ( infect I'm not sure how good it is that Cydia is no longer root and is running mobile. Still have not made up my mind which is better!