The secret key that was posted by Zibri and others has finally been explained by Geohot!
Geohot has revealed on his blog that the key is used to decrypt RAM disks!
Nice job to Zibri, the dev team, and whoever owns Austin Heap for finding this key, I'd love to see the hack used. Sadly this will not help us unlock BL 4.6 phones, or sign our own SDK apps; sign anything for that matter. But hopefully this key is deeply embedded in the iPhone, and decrypting all future ramdisks will be a piece of cake.
thans alots to all those had help so much in getting the iphone working, last night i just got my otb1.1.2 downgrade to 1.1.1 then back to 1.1.2 and using turbo sim and its working fine and then i upgrade to 1.1.3 and its working with the turbo sim that i got. guys remember use the at@t card to upgrade to 1.1.3 and REMEMBER don't use your SIM with turbo sim. i use the ibraker 1.1.3 to do it but its give me a little problems after its done cos' i have to switch off and on for a while to get it open. i have a 1.1.3 jailbroken and and unlock but i am still in the same 1.1.2 bootlooder . everythings work like 1.1.3.....THANKS ALOTS TO ALL THE PPLS WHO GOT ALL THIS WORKING.....:)