Zibri has posted on his blog about a patch for the 04.03.13_G baseband that he is asking Geohot to add to gunlock.
To geohot: i need your help dude... To make this patch work we gotta downgrade the bootloader or disable integrity checks. Or this patch won't work on BL4.6 :( Come on ! Let's cooperate ! You are cordially invited on #iphone-dev on irc.iphone-elite.org
Surprise surprise, Zibri cant do it by himself. This guy is just a their that likes to threaten hardworking developers by leaking their programs and taking credit for it. Geohot dosent need Zibri for anything. This guy is unstoppable and will find his own exploit and release an unlock whenever he feels like it...
wow.... it figures, probably he knows how to jailbreak the 1.1.3 (he must know since he was on the dev-team, and they did the jailbrake on 1.1.3, but they're not releasing it) and he just needs someone to unlock the modem firmware and then just take credit for unlocking/jailbreaking the 1.1.3...