Wie man sein Iphone 3GS mit PwnageTool jeailbreaked (Mac) [4.3.1]
Posted May 6, 2011 at 3:06pm by iClarified
Das ist eine Anleitung wie ihr euer iPhone 3GS unter FW iOS 4.3.1 mit Hilfe von PwnageTool fürr Mac jailbreaked
Schritt 1 Erstell auf deinem Schreibtisch einen Ordner Namens "Pwnage". Du benötigst einige Inhalte in dem Ordner. PwnageTool 4.3, zu finden hier oder hier.
Es empfiehlt sich die IPSW Datei mit Firefox runterzuladen da Safari die Datei nach dem Download eigenständig entpacken würde was icht gewünscht ist
Schritt 2 Klicke doppelt auf das PwnageTool um es zu mounten, anschließend ziehe das Pwnage Tool Symbol in den Pwnage Ordner auf dem Schreibtisch.
Starte nun die PwnageTool Application die sich in dem Pwnage Ordner befindet.
Bestätigt die Warnung mit OK
Schritt 3 Drücke aufExpert Mode in der Menüleiste um ihn zu aktivieren
Schritt 4 Wähle dein Gerät aus. Ein grüner Haken am Gerät zeigt deine Auswahl an. Drücke auf den blauen Pfeil zum Fortfahren
Schritt 5 Du kommst nun zu der "Browse for IPSW" Seite. Drücke auf Browse for IPSW...
In dem aufspringenden Fenster wählst du nun die IPSW Datei aus dem Pwnage Ordner auf dem Schreibtisch. Klicke nun auf den Open Knopf.
Schritt 6 Nun kommst du zu einem Menü mit verschiedenen Auswahlmöglichkeiten. Drücke und selektiere General, anschließend wieder mit dem blauen Pfeil fortfahren
Die General Optionen erlauben dir die Partitionsgröße zu bestimmen. Aktiviere Activate the phone wenn du keine Original Provider Karte hast um dein Telefon zu aktivieren.
ANMERKUNG*: deaktiviere Activate wenn du die Original Sim-Karte benutzt die du zu dem Telefon bekommen hast oder wenn es ein komplett freies Gerät ist.
Das Cydia Optionmenu erlaubt dir eigene Pakete auszuwählen sodass du sie nicht anschließend noch installieren musst
Drück auf den Download packages Tab um Paket auszuwählen. Drücke dann auf Refresh um die ausgewählten Pakete anzuzeigen. Doppelklick auf ein ausgewähltes Paket läd es herrunter und macht es verfügbar unter dem Select Packages Tab.
Aktiviere die Pakete die du möchtest und klicke auf den blauen Pfeil
Das Custom Packages Settings Menu zeigt dir deine Pakete aufgelistet. Nun verlasset ihr das Menu, clickt dazu auf den blauen Pfeil
Schritt 7 Ihr seid nun bereit um den Pwnage Vorgang zu starten! Drückt den Build Knopf um ihn zu aktivieren, anschließend dann auf den blauen Pfeil um zu beginnen.
Schritt 9 Du wirst nun gefragt wo du deine eigene .ipsw Datei speichern möchtest. Speicher sie in deinem Pwnage Ordner auf dem Schreibtisch
Deine IPSW (Custom Firmware) wird nun erstellt . Es kann bis zu 10 Minuten dauern
Do wirst nach deinem Administratorkennwort gefragt. Gebe es ein und drücke auf den OK Knopf.
Schritt 9 Nach dem die IPSW erstellt wurde wirst du gefragt ob dein iPhone an den Computer angeschlossen ist. Wenn dein Gerät erkannt wurde wird PwnageTool dich durch die Schritte um in denDFU mode zu gelangen begleiten
Drücke und halte den HOME und POWER Knopf für 10 Sekunden
Lasse den Power Knopf los während du den HOME Knopf für weitere 10 Sekunde gedrückt hälst
Wenn dein iPhone erfolgreich im DFU Mode ist wirst du aufgefordert iTunes zu öffnen.
Schritt 10 Im iTunes klicke bei gehaltener Alt/Option Taste auf "Wiederherstellen"
Schritt 11 Navigiere dich in dem sich öffnenden Fenster in deinen Pwnage auf dem Schreibtischt und wähle die Eigene IPSW aus. Drückte anschließend auf den AuswählenKnopf.
Schritt 12 iTunes wird nun die eigene Firmware auf dem iPhone wiederherstellen. Dieser Vorgang wird mindestens 10 Minuten dauern. Anschließend startet dein iPhone mit der gejailbreakten iOS 4.3.1 Version neu!
***DANKSAGUNG: Danke an das iPhone Dev-Team und I0n1c für die harte Arbeit und das Ermöglichen des jailbreak und des Tutorial.
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I have 3 iphones, all 3 are 3gs.
3gs FW 4.0 (NOT 4.0.1) bb 05.13.04 bl 6.4 model MC640
bootrom 359.3.2 (unfortunately)
JB jailbreakme
UL ultrasn0w
3gs FW 4.0.1 bb 05.13.04 bl 6.4 model MC136
bootrom 359.3.2 (unfortunately)
JB jailbreakme
UL ultrasn0w
3gs FW 4.0.1 bb 05.13.04 bl 6.4 model MC133
bootrom 359.3.2 (unfortunately)
JB jailbreakme
UL ultrasn0w
I have tried updating to 4.3.3 doing the following:
pwnage tool to create custom ipsw. Enter DFU, hold option, click restore, select custom ipsw, Extracting, verifying with apple.... then I get this message... "this device isnt eligible for the requested build"
I have tried editing the hosts file, to no avail.
My question is this. I want to upgrade all 3 phones to the most recent FW that is UNTETHERED JB, and must be unlockable as I use T-mobile. What FW do I use, and what steps do I need to take. I have updated, JB, and unlocked phones before, but never had the message stated above.
My eyes are crossed from reading and searching, so I really need some help on this one.
Thank you in advance for you help. It is greatly appreciated.
I use a MAC OS X 10.6.8
iTunes 10.5
ive done this several times (with my iphone 3gs firmware 4.2.1) and each time itunes says firmware not compatible at the end. im so disappointed- ive been trying EVERYTHING... for WEEKS :(
"i really dont wanna let it beat me like that wireless router did" -the office anyone?
Getting the same error:
The iPhone "iPhone" could not be restored because firmware file is not compatible. Tried this with both Activate checked and then not-checked.
My phone wasn't working right, so I restored it to factory settings. Then I went through all these steps, and when I select the custom firmware created by Pwnage tool, iTunes says the firmware file is not compatible? I tried doing it again and unchecking "Activate" but the same thing happens. Help?
When I click on the links to download the PwnageTool_4.3.3, one says page not found, the other one downloaded a .torrent format document, which I couldn't open. I've used PwnageTool before it wasn't like this before. Something amiss with the links? Thanks.
I did all the steps mentioned above , when i went to restore my phone it says that the " iphone cannot be restored as the firmware file is not compatible "
i have already updated to the official 4.3.3 and it is stuck in the activate screen ! kindly help me out on this . i am not able to restore to the custom firmware and jailbreak it . help is much appreciated guys ! ty
Once I get to the "Browse for IPSW" step, early on, and select the restore bundle, I get a "wrong bundle selected" message and can go no further. THanks for your help in advance.
It would be interesting to know if anyone has problem on restoring backup for iPhone 3Gs. I rund Restore after restoring to new iOS and my applications does not get restored from iTunes with all my saved data back to the phone.
I tried 2 times already this and its failing. I hate this updates let me tell you all the I lose some thing when I do this.
Yes, I have an issue. Not yours. Apps are back but datas gone. I think I failed to enter in DFU mode. maybe BaseBand, I can't guess if I have and old bootrom or a new one on my 3GS 4.3.3 never Jailbroken before, please iClarified, add a warning in the Tuto. people wrote another way to enter in DFU mode.
iPhone shut down.
Iphone connected to the Mac
10 s middle button
20 s middle and right button
30 s middle button
But itunes ask for a connection to Apple servers and prompt there are errors.
everything worked out pretty fine while i JB my 3Gs using 4.3.3 on my mac. the only problem was i have no carrier, my modem firmware is 05.16.02. please help!
bb 5.16.xx isn't supported. If you're up to 4.3.3, you're probably going to have to bite the bullet and upgrade your baseband to 06.15.00.
I ran into the same problem, the jailbreak was great, but couldn't get a carrier connection because of the baseband problem. The other thing is that the 06.15.00 is actually an iPad not an iPhone backdoor. Many people have lost their GPS as a result. So don't just dive into it willy nilly.
What you want to do is unlock the carrier base band:
If you want to jailbreak and preserve your original baseband:
(or, you've probably already done it *above*)
I am on 4.2.1 with the 06.15.00 baseband. Actually I do not understand, if I could upgrade to 4.3.3 or 4.3.5 with a custom firmware, keeping my phone netlock free.
Hey. I really need help from experts.
I bought an Iphone 4 which was used on AT&T and now I want to use it with another carrier.
It has 4.1.0 software and 2.10.04 version. The question is:
Is it possible to unlock mi phone jailbreaking it to 4.3.3 using the custom file of this tutorial.
Thank you very much in advance.
I used this method (pwnagetool-I have ultrasn0w and redsn0w is not compatible, or that is what I have heard, and custom IPSW) and it worked great on my 3gs, had 3.1.3, bb 5.12, updated to 4.3.3. I did update everything before I started, tiny umbrella, itunes, and used firefox (I have a mac) to download all files. I thought I had correctly updated my ultrasn0w (you must reboot by sliding switch or it is not updated) before starting but apparently had not so I lost my unlock. When I was all done I had a "no service", "no network" or 1 bar showing and could not connect to anything. I turned on wifi and connected to Cydia, downloaded ultrasn0w and my phone is great (knock on wood)!. During the above process I did get stuck on a couple of things, first when I went to put the phone in DFU mode I did not have it off so my computer opened itunes, I panicked and closed it and had to try the DFU mode again but the tutorial was great and gave me the option. Once I successfully had it in DFU mode (it tells you) I was prompted back to step 5, this is the first time I have tried this so I wasn't sure what to do, felt slightly panicky (I have read horror stories about some peoples experiences) but opened itunes on my own and everything from there out was textbook. I did get concerned when it seemed to me itunes asked twice about restoring , but once done my bb is still 5.12 and I am loving having the apps back that had updated to ios4 and above. Thanks so much to all that work so hard to make this happen! Hope this might help someone else...
Trying to update jailbroken/ unlocked 4.2.1 to 4.3.3 and am getting a "iphone is not eligible for the requested build". Iphone 3gs, bootrom 05:13:04. I've tried 4 times with the same result.
Anyone out there have insight into this?
1. May be you haven't saved the SHSH and not running the Tinyumbrella ?
2. 5.13.04 can not run with 4.3.3 unless its custom firmware.
3. You should create custom firmware with pwnagetool4.3.3
Problem solved. I just redownloaded pwnage tool and 4.3.3 and I am now running 4.3.3 on t-mobile. Either my ios bundle was corrupted or I downloaded the wrong one like an idiot. Either way, hooray for ios 4.3.3!
Now why didn't I think of that before?
I have a 3gs with old bootrom (unlockable baseband 5.13) and tried to update to 4.3.3 custom firmware with Pwnagetool and resore it, but after it completes its getting to recovery mode (connect to itune) but with 4.3.2 custom firmware its working fine, With 4.3.3 its getting nowhere... Help me find if there is any issues with 4.3.3 custom upgrade ..?
I could figure out the problem . So the tinyumbrella needs to be updated to latest version. Even though I had updated the tinyumbrella that did not save the 4.3.3 shsh , so it was not getting restored. Once that saved the 4.3.3 shsh and tried restoring the custom firmware, that worked.
Would be nice if every Jailbreak Tutorial as step 1 would have: "First do a backup in iTunes". I forgot to do just that, so after the (successful) jailbreak was finished - all gone. My bad, of course, but a little reminder wouldn't hurt.
At the very end when I click "restore" there isn't a browsing interface that opens to let me choose my custom ipsw, it just restores to factory defaults. I'm completely sure that I've done everything else correct. Why is this?
First you need to make sure you are in DFU mode and then open itune and there will be a pop up telling you that you are in DFU mode, if you don't have this pop up then you are not in DFU mode. After that if you are using Mac then you need to hold the Option key(for window hold Shift key) and click on restore so in that way you could be able to select you custom ipsw.