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Como llevar a cabo un Jailbreak Untethered de tu iPod Touch 4G (Windows) [5.0.1]

Como llevar a cabo un Jailbreak Untethered de tu iPod Touch 4G (Windows) [5.0.1]

Posted December 27, 2011 at 2:08pm by iClarified
Éstas son las instrucciones de como realizar un jailbreak untethered de tu iPod Touch en iOS 5.0.1 utilizando RedSn0w para Windows. La versión para Mac de este tutorial se encuentra aquí.

Si desea realizar un jaibreak para una versión anterior, puede encontrar el tutorial apropiado aquí.

Paso uno:
Cree una carpeta en su escritorio llamada Pwnage

Descargue la última versión de RedSn0w aquí y colóquela en el folder Pwnage. Así mismo, descargue el firmware 5.0.1 aquí y colóquelo en la carpeta Pwnage. (Nota: No se necesita descargar el firmware 5.0.1 si su dispositivo ya tiene iOS 5.0.1)

Descomprima el archivo zip RedSn0w dando doble click.
Como llevar a cabo un Jailbreak Untethered de tu iPod Touch 4G (Windows) [5.0.1]

Paso 2: (Puede saltar este paso si ya tiene iOS 5.0.1)
Conecte su iPod a la computadora y ejecute iTunes.
Como llevar a cabo un Jailbreak Untethered de tu iPod Touch 4G (Windows) [5.0.1]

Seleccione su iPod de la lista de dispositivos a la izquierda. Ahora mantenga presionada la tecla Shift y de click sobre el botón Restaurar. Restaurar es la opción preferida, ya que no desperdiciará espacio en su iPod.
Como llevar a cabo un Jailbreak Untethered de tu iPod Touch 4G (Windows) [5.0.1]

Navegue a la carpeta Pwnage en su escritorio y seleccione el firmware 5.0.1 psw. De click sobre el botón seleccionar para continuar.
Como llevar a cabo un Jailbreak Untethered de tu iPod Touch 4G (Windows) [5.0.1]

iTunes actualizará ahora su iPod a una nueva versión de firmware.

Paso 3:
Ejecute la aplicación Redsn0w del folder donde se extrajo antes (Pwnage).
Como llevar a cabo un Jailbreak Untethered de tu iPod Touch 4G (Windows) [5.0.1]

**Los usuarios de Windows 7 pueden necesitar ejecutar la aplicación RedSn0w como administrador y compatible con Windows Vista. Se puede hacer esto, dando click derecho sobre el ejecutable y seleccionando propiedades en el menú contextual.

Paso 4:
Una vez que RedSn0w se abra, de click sobre el botón Jailbreak.
Como llevar a cabo un Jailbreak Untethered de tu iPod Touch 4G (Windows) [5.0.1]

Paso 5:
Conecte el ipod en la computadora y asegúrese que esté APAGADO y de click sobre el botón Siguiente.
Como llevar a cabo un Jailbreak Untethered de tu iPod Touch 4G (Windows) [5.0.1]

Paso 6:
RedSn0w le guiará ahora a través de los pasos para entrar en modo DFU. Puede encontrar más información sobre el modo DFU aquí.Como llevar a cabo un Jailbreak Untethered de tu iPod Touch 4G (Windows) [5.0.1]

Mantenga presionado el botón Home y el botón Power por 10 segundos.
Como llevar a cabo un Jailbreak Untethered de tu iPod Touch 4G (Windows) [5.0.1]

Suelte el botón Power y continúe presionando el botón Home hasta que RedSn0w detecte el dispositivo.
Como llevar a cabo un Jailbreak Untethered de tu iPod Touch 4G (Windows) [5.0.1]

Paso 7:
Su iPod se reiniciará ahora.
Como llevar a cabo un Jailbreak Untethered de tu iPod Touch 4G (Windows) [5.0.1]

Paso 8:
RedSn0w preparará los datos del jailbreak.
Como llevar a cabo un Jailbreak Untethered de tu iPod Touch 4G (Windows) [5.0.1]

Paso 9:
Seleccione Cydia de la lista de opciones y dé click en Siguiente.
Como llevar a cabo un Jailbreak Untethered de tu iPod Touch 4G (Windows) [5.0.1]

Paso 10:
Su iPod será reiniciado de nuevo y RedSn0w empezará a cargar el nuevo disco RAM y el Kernel.Como llevar a cabo un Jailbreak Untethered de tu iPod Touch 4G (Windows) [5.0.1]

Paso 11:
Una vez que esto sea completado, verá una notificación que RedSn0w ha terminado. Cuando su iPod termine de reiniciar (aproximadamente 5 minutos), su jailbreak estará completado con Cydia en el SpringBoard.
Como llevar a cabo un Jailbreak Untethered de tu iPod Touch 4G (Windows) [5.0.1]

*Gracias a iPhone Dev-Team, Chronic Dev-Team, pod2g, and Geohot por su esfuerzo y su contribución a la comunidad iOs.
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Comments (19)
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epple - January 23, 2013 at 5:08am
I am currently on 5.0.1 which I jailbroke using this method a year ago. Now I would like to do it again just so I can "Factory Reset" but still keep jailbreak. The only option I found was to restore the phone via itunes and then jailbreak again. The problem with that is...restoring with itunes will give me the latest 6.1 OS which I don't want. Any advice??
???? - September 17, 2012 at 6:26pm
??? ????????=) ??????? ????????=) ios 5.1.1
aaron - January 21, 2012 at 3:36pm
hi i have an ipod 5.0.1 and i can go in DFU mode but Redsn0w wont detect that im in it..can some one please help am i doing something wrong?
RayBob - January 15, 2012 at 11:03am
A million thank yous. Will donate.
Javier - January 15, 2012 at 6:03am
Help, I´ve been trying to run th redsnow and everything goes right until the system tries to reboot the ipod, then windows shows a message saying redsnow stop running and turns it off. I´m running the redsnow as an administrator and with windows vista compatibilty. What may I be doing wrong?
Chester B. Tan
Chester B. Tan - January 7, 2012 at 7:04am
Finally it worked. I had to manually select the IPSW file in the settings. For SHSH error telling you that the IPSW file cannot be downloaded this is the solution
Amir - January 4, 2012 at 11:07pm
i install cydia and when i want add source i got this eror http://up.vatandownload.com/images/jgdiaceqx3h85prbf67m.png
Amir - January 4, 2012 at 11:08pm
i got image from this eror here is the link of image http://up.vatandownload.com/images/jgdiaceqx3h85prbf67m.png
Chester - January 4, 2012 at 7:45am
Mine didn't worked. I have a white iPod Touch 4g 8GB The error said something about SHSH blobs. It occurred while holding the home button after releasing the power button
Chester - January 4, 2012 at 8:44am
Does it need the 4.2.1 ipsw file. I saw a shortcut with the redsnow program that needs the 4.2.1 ipsw file or should the filename be changed?
megan - December 31, 2011 at 2:58pm
Worked fine, thanks so much :)
paigedetoskey - April 6, 2012 at 9:40pm
yeah can you like text me or something lol i need help on this
carl - December 29, 2011 at 9:52pm
This does not work. I have an ipod 4G produced in DEC 2011 and after running Redsn0w and doing the DFU it installs limera1n and stuff then on is just stuck on rebooting. I tried it with 2 different ipod touch 4g both DEC 2011 production and it is in admin and also vista ( with or without) Never works. My phone reboots but redsn0w still says rebooting and stays stuck like that. DOES NOT WORK not on new models I suppose.
Kpoplove - March 4, 2012 at 5:05am
i had the same problem but i figured it out after fiddling without. So instead of just clickin th jailbreak button, click the extras and the select "manaully select ipsw" Make sure you have the ipod 5.0.1 file downloaded and select it. It should then say this file shall now be used for the rest of the jailbreak. Click the back button to go back to the jailbreak button and now click on the jailbreak button, and it should work.
Krufka - March 21, 2012 at 9:05pm
that worked for me! thx!
Pedro - December 29, 2011 at 9:07pm
Redsn0w craash on step where is he patching kernel.. obs:the program is open in administrator mod..
david - December 28, 2011 at 9:28am
I tried jailbreakin the iPod Touch 4g, and redsnow crashed in the middle, requiring me to restore the iPod.
Jay - December 28, 2011 at 3:18am
Im stuck at step seven. It installs stuff then stays stuck on rebooting and mi ipod 4g is on ???
jay - December 28, 2011 at 3:24am
to me precise it has rebooted and my ipod touch 4gis ON. P.S. its on 5.0.1
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